Helpful ReplyHot!Need help with Evga X299 DARK

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2023/01/29 05:31:25 (permalink)
So I am looking to repair my broken motherboard. I am at the finish but got I seriously problem with nominal of one resistor or both (yellow arrow) that forms addres for I2Cbus for broken IC. Also I need the correct name of this IC (blu arrow). 

About broken IC I think this maybe up2626 or F72262A. But I can order only up2626 or F72263A after some study of datasheets it looks like same for me.
Maybe someone have that motherboard and they can make a measurement of denomination of resistor (yellow arrow).
post edited by cobovo - 2023/01/29 05:40:05
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Re: Need help with Evga X299 DARK 2023/01/29 14:03:09 (permalink)
Maybe this information can help to locate on pcb the broken parts. Place on photo was on backside of motherboard nearby one of holes of heat sink of HUB X299.
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Re: Need help with Evga X299 DARK 2023/02/07 20:39:04 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Cool GTX 2023/02/08 08:35:30
My testing shows that resistor to measure the same as the one beside it at 0.2ohm.
The IC that goes there has the number on top as 
The spot that circuit is is labeled on my board as "U103"
post edited by Sultan.of.swing - 2023/02/07 20:43:03
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Re: Need help with Evga X299 DARK 2024/06/12 13:07:28 (permalink)
Thank you! Your information is a huge investment in my investigation of broken parts. As I know 262AB is Fintech F72262A but the datasheet on this IC is not free. I found IC with same characteristics UP6262 from uPI Semiconductor. https://datasheetspdf.com/datasheet/UP6262.html . IC makes additional power for one of the HUB power rails but the resistor that is broken makes an address for SMBus. SMBus is needed to communicate with other peripherals and master IC that provide information for additional power. The only one big problem is this no matches with your measure in the datasheet that I provided above. I can't find the same value of the address's resistor pair.

In any way my huge respect for you!
post edited by cobovo - 2024/06/12 17:40:19
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