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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/06 23:01:06
Tobi-Wan Kenobi
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/07 02:33:42
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Sorry for my bad English, I'm from the planet Tatooine.
Tobi-Wan Kenobi
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/07 02:58:48
It's wonderful when something Works. So my approach: 1. NU Audio Software uninstalled! "Restart PC" 2. Nahimic app 1.6.5 updated in the MS-Store "Restart PC" 3. Performed "sfc /scannow" in the command prompt with admin rights "Restart PC" 4. The two Files x64 and x86 downloaded and installed! The Link: "Restart PC" 5. Visual Studio Community 2019 has to be downloaded from WWW. search...... and download / install the complete C++ environment! "Restart PC" 6. EVGA NU: Reinstalled and it works
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/07 06:11:51
EVGATech_LeeM Hi Everyone, here's the latest driver for the original NU Audio Card. An update to the Nahimic SDK and a fix related to User Accounts, which can cause different sort of software issues. Release Notes (v0.2.1.14):
- Update Nahimic SDK to 1.04.
- Fix issue with User Accounts.
Let us know what you think, or if you run into any issues.
I just bought this card and as I was playing around with the EQ trying to get that perfect blend, I was feeling really disappointed at the $160 I just spent on this thing. I was tempted to just put back my Sound BlasterX G6 back and then I found this thread... Dude! I installed your new driver and I was totally slammed at the performance increase! I mean wow just doesn't describe it! Good job man, good job, and thanks for this premium audio processor!
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/07 10:25:47
I agree, one of best sounding sound cards out there.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/11 00:03:23
[quote = EVGATech_LeeM] Hallo LeeM, nach der Installation k e i n Aufruf des Programmes mehr!Ein Glück, dass ich ein Image von der Hdd hatte und so wieder den alten Zustand habe.Ich bin leider neu hier und habe noch so manchen guten Rat nötig. Dank im voraus.MfG 1willibald1Hallo allerseits, hier ist der neueste Treiber für die Original-NU-Audiokarte. Ein Update des Nahimic SDK und ein Fix für Benutzerkonten, der verschiedene Arten von Softwareproblemen verursachen kann.Versionshinweise (v0.2.1.14):- Aktualisieren Sie das Nahimic SDK auf 1.04.
- Problem mit Benutzerkonten behoben.
Lassen Sie uns wissen, was Sie denken oder ob Sie auf Probleme stoßen. [/Zitat]
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/05/11 02:35:01
Hallo, die Dateien VCRUNTIME140_1.dll und mfc140u.dll wurden bei früheren Installationen berücksichtigt. Es steht nun die Frage im Raum welcher Zusammenhang es sich mit Visual C ++ Redistributable für Visual Studio 2015 ergibt? Auch Visual C ++ 64 Bit wurde gedownloadet allerdings noch nicht installiert! Schau'me mal. MfG 1willibald1
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/06/29 02:54:13
Hello, Since the last major Windows 10 update (21H1 / 19043.1081) EVGA NU Audio control panel stopped working. Please see attached screenshot: - NU Audio control panel behind task manager is just screenshot from EVGA website and not an actual running application on my machine
- NU Audio (NUA.exe) is active in task manager but its icon is missing from system tray so I can't open it
- Audio card is still working fine and I can switch between different outputs (speakers/spdif) using Windows' audio app in system tray
- I've tried to manually close NU Audio (NUA.exe) process in task manager and start it again but its icon never shows up in tray so I can use it with latest Windows update
post edited by szturmowy - 2021/06/29 02:56:24
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/10 15:32:08
Just wanted to say the above problem is the same one I’m having. The Audio works fine but the control panel is gone. I tried a few methods of reinstalling it but without success. This wouldn’t be so much an issue except you can’t change sampling rates, eq and such.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/11 05:08:52
Try using something like geek uninstaller to uninstall the drivers. But to be safe, maybe try run in safe mode when uninstalling the drivers. After that, reboot normally and reinstall drivers. And do not reboot when installer asks to reboot, instead reboot windows yourself. I do this way myself. Hope this might work
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/12 09:03:54
Same issues as the others regarding the control panel. Ever since moving to Windows 11 (I believe I skipped 21H1).
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/12 09:24:11
Thanks for the reports. I'll pass this to our software team to review. Please post your exact Windows Build Versions, though, so our team can use that to reproduce the issues.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/12 09:30:04
Windows 11 Version 21H2 Build 22000.65 but was the same on 22000.51
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/29 09:23:00
Can anyone help me please I am at my wits end. Built a brand new machine with the Nu Audio sound card. I can hear audio perfectly and use the optical out. But for the life of me I can’t get the pc to record any sound. I used to use apowersoft on my old machine with no issues. Now on this brand new machine I get zero audio signal when trying to record any streaming audio.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/29 14:50:26
eVGA nu Audio does not yet have a Stereo Mix that allows you to record what you hear
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/07/29 22:57:25
thank you for this. I feel like finally I can resolve this issue. Is it possible you can share what the settings should be when you wish to record. I have installed vb cable also if that helps? LCaldas eVGA nu Audio does not yet have a Stereo Mix that allows you to record what you hear

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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/08/08 06:49:41
Hello all, I might be wrong, but I can´t find my thread where I warn the community regarding the incorrect statement on NU-Audio frequency response specs, wich are limited to 56kHz by design, so, the 384kHz and 192kHz sampling rates are almost useless for any use of this card. Did EVGA exclude it? I sugested Lee change the specs in the advertisement, showing the real frequency response of the card, months ago, but the error is still there. Regards,
post edited by BLMLN - 2021/08/08 07:13:48
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/08/13 21:09:56
EVGATech_LeeM Thanks for the reports. I'll pass this to our software team to review. Please post your exact Windows Build Versions, though, so our team can use that to reproduce the issues.
System with no nu audio control panel is win 10 home 10.0.19042 build 19042 I have quite a few nu audios…. It only effects this particular system. Mobo FTWK X299, i9 9820x, 64gb ram, 6900xt, NVMe drive in one m.2 slot sata m.2 in another. Unaffected systems are three different threadripper rigs and a b460 with an i3, all of those have nvidia GPUs (not sure if this matters).
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/08/14 04:50:40
BLMLN Hello all, I might be wrong, but I can´t find my thread where I warn the community regarding the incorrect statement on NU-Audio frequency response specs, wich are limited to 56kHz by design, so, the 384kHz and 192kHz sampling rates are almost useless for any use of this card. Did EVGA exclude it? I sugested Lee change the specs in the advertisement, showing the real frequency response of the card, months ago, but the error is still there. Regards,
No, it was not removed. It just disappears off the bottom if there is no thread activity after 30 days. At the bottom, you can change "30 days" to longer, to see older threads. Here it is: https://forums.evga.com/I...response-m3404850.aspxTo be fair, 384 kHz and 192 kHz were always almost useless for audio recordings and audio playback. We are not dogs or bats. Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem.
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2021/08/14 04:55:17
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/08/18 23:45:28
EVGATech_LeeM Thanks for the reports. I'll pass this to our software team to review. Please post your exact Windows Build Versions, though, so our team can use that to reproduce the issues.
Any update on this? I have also been having this issue and I haven't noticed any new information or ETA on a fix. I'm on Windows 10 Version 21H1 Build 19043.1165
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/09/08 08:42:00
I am also using the latest release of Windows 11. After using Qobuz with the ASIO driver for Nu Audio, I deselect ASIO from Qobuz settings. But I no longer have a choice of selecting EVGA Nu Audio for sound output via the lower right Windows 11 control panel on the task bar. Is a fix forthcoming?
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/10/06 03:32:37
Hi New to forum..... Trying to load EVGA NU Software but it tells me every time 'EVGA Nu audio inst error. Please reinstall driver. Error Code {0x0001] Help please.......
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/10/07 01:35:36
Did you read the whole thread? There same issues we have had and some of these messages can help you as well.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/10/07 17:10:14
Anyone figure out no control panel yet? I had issues with another driver so I tried using ddu to uninstall the audio driver and nothing I’ve done has gotten the control panel to install on that one build.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/12/05 03:01:00
man114 Anyone figure out no control panel yet? I had issues with another driver so I tried using ddu to uninstall the audio driver and nothing I’ve done has gotten the control panel to install on that one build.
Try uninstalling the nu audio driver using something like revo uninstaller, or geek unistaller. That way they take out all useless crap. DDU is mainly used for display drivers. Next when you install the Nu audio drivers. DO NOT reboot the computer when the installer asks you do. Instead reboot AFTER insller has done all. The installer still may appear after reboot. Don't worry. Might need anotehr reboot after that. And have you connected the SATA power to the audio card? You might want to disable the onboard audio from BIOS as well. If you haven't done that allready. Might cause issues.
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2021/12/10 20:10:13
EVGATech_LeeM Thanks for the reports. I'll pass this to our software team to review. Please post your exact Windows Build Versions, though, so our team can use that to reproduce the issues.
So this was half a year ago. How's that software team review going?
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2022/05/02 11:46:55
Will the Nu Audio card continue to get support for Windows 11? Looking to pick a card up once they are available again?
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2022/05/06 01:16:45
Haziza Will the Nu Audio card continue to get support for Windows 11? Looking to pick a card up once they are available again?
The pro version is working fine here on Win 11, 22H2, build 22610.1
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2022/05/10 06:29:47
I still really, really like my Nu Audio card. I was hopeful that the software would see regular updates and bug fixes, but we're approaching two years with nothing. Is this product "dead"?
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Re: NU Audio Driver Release v0.2.1.14 (Win10)
2022/05/25 09:44:36
Hi Guys, I've realized yesterday that my NU Audio panel disappeared - I suppose it was some time ago. I've start to recover control panel by different actions. I've installed again drivers with Nu Audio Panel - what i got, was an error od drivers installation 0x0001 and partially working control panel. I've remove drivers, NU software and everything link with EVGA NU Audio from system by using Glary Utilities and also clear manually from RegEdit (searching for: EVGA audio, EVGA). Next i have restart my PC and start installation of new drivers EVGA_NU_Audio_0.2.1.14_WIN10.exe - everything goes smooth with one extra restart. regards
post edited by maxt79 - 2022/05/25 09:57:35