Bkatt Killmur I have a problem. I hate to admit this but well here goes. I put the first season of this show in my Netflix Insta-Q. So...yea. I guess I will have to set aside my Frasier-athon on Netflix so I can see what the hype is all about with My Little Pony. The conversion has already began.
Killmur I have a problem. I hate to admit this but well here goes. I put the first season of this show in my Netflix Insta-Q. So...yea. I guess I will have to set aside my Frasier-athon on Netflix so I can see what the hype is all about with My Little Pony.
rjohnson11 It took me a long time to clean up this thread from off topic posts and TOS violations. If there is another violation this thread will be locked.
1ceTr0n Err... its bronies lol
Porpoise Hork I was hoping beyond hope that the whole pony, Bronies thing would not ooze itself onto the EVGA forums... the entire thing is the stupidest thing I have ever had the displeasure to witness.
Killmur So after dealing with nasty net issues last night I managed to watch the 2-part series premiere. I think...uh...well...help? I think I may be slowly assimilated into the herd!
lastsamurairick So the Show is based on Some Politics.bah
boomerman18 I would totally blast those ponys with my famas and steal all their pies!!!
willem445 boomerman18 I would totally blast those ponys with my famas and steal all their pies!!! Rainbow Dash would destroy you..lol
1ceTr0n Time to bring out the big guns!
voodoo do-er rjohnson11 It took me a long time to clean up this thread from off topic posts and TOS violations. If there is another violation this thread will be locked.
Louiiis Question is: Can the napkin make this thread disappear?