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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 10:18:43
Chris21010 Ya i used regedit but i did not reboot before reinstall. Guess i can try again tonight after work.
Anytime you make a change in the Registry you must restart the computer, no way around this that I know of.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 10:36:24
My Rig2 in signature got hit in the wee hours this morning and it is set Not to update the drivers. That makes MS two for two - pushed lousy Nvidia 373.53 driver on my dedicated folding machines that use Win10 Pro. This "new and improved" 373.53 driver Kills Folding PPD by 66% and does not even try to apply itself as the old one was setup. So it goes and installs the full Nvidia junkware package of Experience, Sound and 3-D that were not previously loaded on the system - Most annoying these PCs were Actively Folding WU, when the driver was pushed on the systems; not like they were idle or asleep As I had just changed this Rig back to 372.90 and it was good yesterday PPD at 1.6+ Million, surprised to find it "infected" this AM with SLI enabled and PPD in the gutter
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 10:38:23
Cool GTXWhen this happened did it dump your WUs? Good thing was they at least did not install GFE. DutchForce was correct about Driver 373.06 being the best ATM.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/09 10:42:06
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:18:34
Tiger770 Just for clarification, are you running Windows 10 Home or Pro? I've seen a lot of runners of Home have this issue, but not many with Pro. Also - I've always used the GeForce Experience to control driver installations and defer updates. So far I've not had any issues *knock on wood.*
I am not spreading or starting a rumor, how would this help our Folding Team. I spent over 3 hours last night fixing all 3 of my Windows 10 Pro x64 The Anniversary Update + 1 Windows Home x64 Anniversary Update. Both, they are the same OS only the Enterprise Version is different when it comes to Windows Update. I Never Use GeForce Experience, Ever. Most Folders know not to use this Tool. Gamers are another story.
Whoa, killer - ease up on the reins. No one accused you of starting a rumor, I was merely asking you for a bit more clarification of the issue. I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering if this was limited to one flavor or another. It's good to know now that you have 3 rigs, and a mix and match of versions. Thank you for the clarification. I'm not sure why you're resistant to the GeForce Experience. Also I'm not sure why most folders know to not use it. A quick google search returned no obvious issues with it and [link=mailto:Folding@home]Folding@home[/link]. Perhaps you can elaborate (or just direct me somewhere) as to why? I only mention it as a way to help you and possibly others in the future from trying to circumvent the OS from patching your drivers. It's definitely worth a look. I've never had my machines running it update without my express say so. Screen grab below.
post edited by Tiger770 - 2017/02/09 13:24:55

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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:24:30
376.53 is the driver version that windows updates to. so unless you were already running that version for some reason you too have been updated.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:24:33
Tiger770 Just for clarification, are you running Windows 10 Home or Pro? I've seen a lot of runners of Home have this issue, but not many with Pro. Also - I've always used the GeForce Experience to control driver installations and defer updates. So far I've not had any issues *knock on wood.*
I am not spreading or starting a rumor, how would this help our Folding Team. I spent over 3 hours last night fixing all 3 of my Windows 10 Pro x64 The Anniversary Update + 1 Windows Home x64 Anniversary Update. Both, they are the same OS only the Enterprise Version is different when it comes to Windows Update. I Never Use GeForce Experience, Ever. Most Folders know not to use this Tool. Gamers are another story.
Whoa, killer - ease up on the reigns. No one accused you of starting a rumor, I was merely asking you for a bit more clarification of the issue. I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering if this was limited to one flavor or another. It's good to know now that you have 3 rigs, and a mix and match of versions. Thank you for the clarification. I'm not sure why you're resistant to the GeForce Experience. Also I'm not sure why most folders know to not use it. A quick google search returned no obvious issues with it and [link=mailto:Folding@home]Folding@home[/link]. I only mention it as a way to help you in the future from trying to circumvent the OS from patching your drivers. It's definitely worth a look. I've never had my machines running it update without my express say so. Screen grab below. Image Removed to save space
You will see this on Windows 7 as well but at lest it is Optional. Priority here is Folding and Crunching so to speak and yes we all stay away from GFE. "Gamers are another story" The first thing you will see on this Forum From a Gamer to a Gamer is to remove it.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/09 13:36:39
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:27:17
Chris21010 376.53 is the driver version that windows updates to. so unless you were already running that version for some reason you too have been updated.
If you have 378.49 installed then I would think that the Windows Update Process would not try to install their version. On my Windows 7 Computer this was the case and the driver no longer shows up under Windows Updates. You cannot download Driver 376.53 and select what you want or do not want. Unless someone has found a place as it is NOT on NVIDIA's website.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/09 13:29:30
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:32:10
Chris21010 376.53 is the driver version that windows updates to. so unless you were already running that version for some reason you too have been updated.
Ah! You're right. I didn't look closely enough. I had manually updated to 376.48 on 12/21/16 when it came out. So Nevermind, scratch that. Windows update did screw with my drivers. What's interesting is that I'm not having any issues with this particular set. Have been running them all month... but then again I'm used an older generation card (970). I'd imagine you two are on the bleeding edge or at least in the 10series, right?
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:32:27
oh, well there ya go. the only way that driver version can be installed is via windows update so you have been updated even with Geforce Experience.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:49:31
bcavnaugh, What GPUs are you running on those 3 systems? It's been pretty quiet over here since that forced update. I apparently have had 1 Bad WU. *********************** Log Started 2017-02-02T23:30:24Z *********************** ******************************* Date: 2017-02-03 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-03 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-03 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-03 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-04 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-04 ******************************* 12:32:57:ERROR:WU00:FS01:Exception: Server did not assign work unit ******************************* Date: 2017-02-04 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-04 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-05 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-05 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-05 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-05 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-06 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-06 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-06 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-06 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-07 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-07 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-07 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-07 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-08 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-08 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-08 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-09 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-09 ******************************* ******************************* Date: 2017-02-09 ******************************* 14:52:16:WARNING:WU00:FS01:FahCore returned: BAD_WORK_UNIT (114 = 0x72) ******************************* Date: 2017-02-09 *******************************

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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 13:51:03
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 18:23:03
I just updated to the latest official Nvidia driver after getting that stupid update. Personally I don't mind gfe. I only object to their ridiculous inclusion of 3d Vision support all the time. I can't imagine there are that many 3d displays out there to justify such nonsense. My Fah install finally got the new core 21 version right before that stupid update caused a black screen with no way out besides a hard reset. The latest driver install did the same thing, so as far as I'm concerned Nvidia QA/QC stinks. Luckily my folding stats still look good. Anybody hitting this debug mode bug? I haven't had a change to check yet.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/09 18:47:00
As of this moment, my system still seems to be running fine on the forced update 376.53 with Win10 Pro and my 970. I hesitate to say that too loud, on account that Murphy may hear me and stop by to enforce his law. I feel though, with only my 1 system to compare against at least 4 on here with issues, that I may be the exception and not the rule in this instance.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 10:27:21
This is an Off Domain Computer Running Windows 10 x64 Pro Current Build. Running Driver 373.06 on the GTX 980 HC Graphics Cards. Seems that setting the Policy may no longer work, ATM.     And Yes a Reboot was done between each of the changes and even ran GPUpdate /Force /Sync between each change. I also use the Metered Ethernet Registry Settings *Hacks Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\DefaultMediaCost] "Ethernet"=dword:00000002
( I am Using AllowCortana registry key set to 0 ) Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search] "AllowCortana"=dword:00000000
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-4003516287-2183146536-844082379-1001\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects\{E83018A1-0452-4C89-B3FB-1CEB8C0F2E2A}Machine\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search] "AllowCortana"=dword:00000000
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/10 17:41:48
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 10:41:02
Tiger770 As of this moment, my system still seems to be running fine on the forced update 376.53 with Win10 Pro and my 970. I hesitate to say that too loud, on account that Murphy may hear me and stop by to enforce his law. I feel though, with only my 1 system to compare against at least 4 on here with issues, that I may be the exception and not the rule in this instance.
ipkha I just updated to the latest official Nvidia driver after getting that stupid update. Personally I don't mind gfe. I only object to their ridiculous inclusion of 3d Vision support all the time. I can't imagine there are that many 3d displays out there to justify such nonsense. My Fah install finally got the new core 21 version right before that stupid update caused a black screen with no way out besides a hard reset. The latest driver install did the same thing, so as far as I'm concerned Nvidia QA/QC stinks. Luckily my folding stats still look good. Anybody hitting this debug mode bug? I haven't had a change to check yet.
If you guys can would you please post your PPD over the next day or two while on Driver 376.53?
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 13:50:04
bcavnaugh If you guys can would you please post your PPD over the next day or two while on Driver 376.53?
Sure thing. The numbers from Thursday and Friday won't be accurate, as it sees light use while I'm working from home. Headed out of town this weekend though, so I'll leave it on to get some good numbers.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 16:46:45
bcavnaugh This is an Off Domain Computer Running Windows 10 x64 Pro Current Build. Running Driver 373.06 on the GTX 980 HC Graphics Cards. Seems that setting the Policy may no longer work, ATM.
Is that with the AllowCortana registry key set to 0 or a different registry key??? Noticed in your code, you also added the AllowCortana key under "hkey_users", AFAIK this one should not be there.
post edited by SM-71 - 2017/02/10 16:54:20
Rebuild 2.0 Specs: Phantek's Enthoo Pro Full Tower case * Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X DDR4 motherboard * Intel i9-13900KS CPU with Kraken X63 AIO * WIN 11 PRO 64bit * MSI 4070 Ti Gaming X Trio GPU * Corsair Vengeance 64GB(4x16GB) RAM * Solidigm P44 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD (Win11 Pro) + Intel 665p 1TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 990 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 980 1TB M.2 NVMe (Ubuntu) * Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 1200W ATX 3.0 PSU * Samsung 50 inch QN90A 4K TV/monitor * FANS: Bitfenix Spectre Pro 200mm front intake + 2x Noctua NF-A14 Industrial PPC 140mm exhaust on Kraken X63 radiator + 1 Noctua NF-A12 120mm rear intake
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 16:53:56
bcavnaugh This is an Off Domain Computer Running Windows 10 x64 Pro Current Build. Running Driver 373.06 on the GTX 980 HC Graphics Cards. Seems that setting the Policy may no longer work, ATM.
Is that with the AllowCortana registry key set to 0 or a different registry key???
As Posted Above in Post #44Also using the Cortana Reg Hacks. This Means YES.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/10 17:35:10
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 17:12:30
bcavnaugh This is an Off Domain Computer Running Windows 10 x64 Pro Current Build. Running Driver 373.06 on the GTX 980 HC Graphics Cards. Seems that setting the Policy may no longer work, ATM.
Is that with the AllowCortana registry key set to 0 or a different registry key???
As Posted Above. Also using the Cortana Reg Hacks.
was a simple question... "As posted above" ?????????????? The only key's identified are "AllowCortana" & "Ethernet" " Also using the Cortana Reg Hacks" seems to indicate that it's a different registry key ?????? A simple yes or no would have been more helpful....... IF it's a group policy key, then that key value (0=disable) would override your setting added through gpedit.msc
Rebuild 2.0 Specs: Phantek's Enthoo Pro Full Tower case * Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X DDR4 motherboard * Intel i9-13900KS CPU with Kraken X63 AIO * WIN 11 PRO 64bit * MSI 4070 Ti Gaming X Trio GPU * Corsair Vengeance 64GB(4x16GB) RAM * Solidigm P44 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD (Win11 Pro) + Intel 665p 1TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 990 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 980 1TB M.2 NVMe (Ubuntu) * Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 1200W ATX 3.0 PSU * Samsung 50 inch QN90A 4K TV/monitor * FANS: Bitfenix Spectre Pro 200mm front intake + 2x Noctua NF-A14 Industrial PPC 140mm exhaust on Kraken X63 radiator + 1 Noctua NF-A12 120mm rear intake
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 17:28:43
SM-71 Is that with the AllowCortana registry key set to 0 or a different registry key???
YES Their is most likely more than one way to stop Windows Update from Installing Device Drivers. Sorry SM-71 I am having such a hard time with you, not sure where this is going anymore. I am trying very hard to work with, I am not sure why what I am doing is wrong for other to do as well. What does Cortana even have to do with this Thread?
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/10 18:58:31
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 19:20:37
SM-71 Is that with the AllowCortana registry key set to 0 or a different registry key???
YES Their is most likely more than one way to stop Windows Update from Installing Device Drivers. Sorry SM-71 I am having such a hard time with you, not sure where this is going anymore. I am trying very hard to work with, I am not sure why what I am doing is wrong for other to do as well.
Just trying to get a clear understanding of what's happening on your end, so hopefully I could figure out why this works for me but not you. There are so many possibilities when registry editing is involved. bcavnaughWhat does Cortana even have to do with this Thread? Simply disabling Cortana was enough to keep my machine from having these drivers automatically installed. As I mentioned previously (on page 1), Cortana in the Anniversary Update "seems" to have been given more direct control over automatic Windows Updates. Enabling the "Do not include Drivers" policy has been enough to keep my machine from having them installed during a manual run of Windows Update, even with the Cortana key value set at zero. EDIT: If you had been referring to these Key's from page 1 (which I missed earlier) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate"=dword:00000001[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate"=dword:00000001 In those four "update status" images in your post further up http://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2614527 And these key values were set to Zero, they would override the group policy setting, as the registry trumps all others.
post edited by SM-71 - 2017/02/10 19:36:52
Rebuild 2.0 Specs: Phantek's Enthoo Pro Full Tower case * Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X DDR4 motherboard * Intel i9-13900KS CPU with Kraken X63 AIO * WIN 11 PRO 64bit * MSI 4070 Ti Gaming X Trio GPU * Corsair Vengeance 64GB(4x16GB) RAM * Solidigm P44 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD (Win11 Pro) + Intel 665p 1TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 990 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 980 1TB M.2 NVMe (Ubuntu) * Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 1200W ATX 3.0 PSU * Samsung 50 inch QN90A 4K TV/monitor * FANS: Bitfenix Spectre Pro 200mm front intake + 2x Noctua NF-A14 Industrial PPC 140mm exhaust on Kraken X63 radiator + 1 Noctua NF-A12 120mm rear intake
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 20:11:17
I will remove all of my settings and only use "AllowCortana registry key set to 0" and report back. I Deleted this Key "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" Do you want me to Delete this "Enabling the "Do not include Drivers" policy" and retest? (Same as Above) Not setting it back to Enabled Adding this back but set to 0 ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate and retesting now. (Same as Above) Setting it back 1 Set to 1 Now and did have an update to do. 
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/10 20:50:23
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 20:52:55
Windows 10 home will eventually always force updates. With the new roll up patch process, even metered connections won't save you. The total Security focus needed won't allow them to avoid it much longer. Even Professional version will eventually force updates like Anniversary and the like. Only an actual Enterprise version will allow full control and even then the expectation is to use Windows Server to push updates to the clients with SUS or its current equivalent. I'd say we still have a year or so before this happens. Unfortunately, drivers can still be insecure either by API on the Windows side or on the Driver side and need to be updated for security purposes as well. If bet we lose more control over updates with the "Creators Update" which is coming in March.
Which driver should we be on given the forced update? I'm seeing that the newest version folds just fine. I'm just glad the folding issues are finally fixed. I've finally got version .18 of core 21.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 20:57:38
@ ipkha when and if this happens I will move back to Windows 7 solely to Fold and Crunch that is.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 21:15:06
What I did today on Rig2I also set the internet to "Metered" to stop auto downloading How to temporarily prevent a driver update from reinstalling in Windows 10 -- Microsoft instructions3183922 How to temporarily prevent a Windows Update from reinstalling in Windows 10 In Windows 10, your device is always kept up-to-date to have the latest features and fixes. Drivers are installed automatically so that you don't have to select which updates are needed. In rare cases, a specific driver might temporarily cause issues that affect your device. In this situation, you can prevent the problematic driver from reinstalling automatically the next time Windows Updates are installed. If a driver that you are offered is causing system crashes or instability, and if Windows was operating correctly before that change, you can use this method to prevent the unwanted driver from being installed. The appropriate steps to roll back a driver installation depends on the version of Windows 10 that you have installed. We recommend that you update to the latest version of Windows 10 before you try to uninstall any drivers because this may resolve the issue. If you aren’t sure which version of Windows 10 you have, select the Start button, select Settings > System > About, and then follow these guidelines: My short directionsFIRST - Go to Device Manager - select the GPU - Roll back the driver - with the updated - pushed Nvidia driver installed Second - run the Microsoft tool in link above or Download link below Third - DDU and install your desired Nvidia driver Download link below for Microsoft tool Download the "Show or hide updates" troubleshooter package now. Other references Also this How-To Geek - How to Uninstall and Block Updates and Drivers on Windows 10 How-To Geek - How to Prevent Windows 10 From Automatically Downloading Updates Cnet - Meter your Ethernet connection in Windows 10 Also found this interesting - How-To: Stop Windows 10 (1607) from installing unwanted appsexcerpt: "With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Microsoft added a new feature to the Content Delivery Manager, a component of the OS which is also used for Windows Spotlight and app suggestions. It now appears to silently install new apps for you without asking for any kind of confirmation." MORE -- Microsoft -- Nice surprises  thought it was my PC, since I bought the parts and pay the electric and network costs
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 21:17:42
I hear you on that one. I'd prefer to keep the driver updates out of the core WU system, buts that a list cause since they added them. I think even Windows 7 will show them. But in the end, I see the writing on the wall. They don't even note non Security updates anymore, an even more egregious move in my mind. They just combined them into 1 massive update going forward. Honestly, anyone who still cares should drop back to Windows 7 or even move to Linux. At least Linux can update now without rebooting these days.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/10 21:24:38
Cool GTX,
Sadly, that info is out of date. Build 1607 eliminates some of those workarounds. Now they bundle all the monthly updates together. I imagine only the driver is actually a seperate update now. The Microsoft article also implies that the driver rollback is only temporary.
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/11 05:59:40
bcavnaugh I will remove all of my settings and only use "AllowCortana registry key set to 0" and report back. The AllowCortana key will not stop manual updates but it has prevented me from getting ANY automatic updates so far. I only disabled it because I don't like Cortana's new intrusiveness, the automatic update prevention was just a bonus side effect. It can be removed if you only wish to prevent driver updates. bcavnaugh Do you want me to Delete this "Enabling the "Do not include Drivers" policy" and retest? (Same as Above) Not setting it back to Enabled The "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate" registry key, and the "Do Not Include Drivers" group policy both perform the same task. The one you change last (key or policy) will be the one that is in effect.
post edited by SM-71 - 2017/02/11 06:28:03
Rebuild 2.0 Specs: Phantek's Enthoo Pro Full Tower case * Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X DDR4 motherboard * Intel i9-13900KS CPU with Kraken X63 AIO * WIN 11 PRO 64bit * MSI 4070 Ti Gaming X Trio GPU * Corsair Vengeance 64GB(4x16GB) RAM * Solidigm P44 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD (Win11 Pro) + Intel 665p 1TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 990 Pro 2TB M.2 NVMe (storage) + Samsung 980 1TB M.2 NVMe (Ubuntu) * Seasonic Vertex GX-1200 1200W ATX 3.0 PSU * Samsung 50 inch QN90A 4K TV/monitor * FANS: Bitfenix Spectre Pro 200mm front intake + 2x Noctua NF-A14 Industrial PPC 140mm exhaust on Kraken X63 radiator + 1 Noctua NF-A12 120mm rear intake
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/11 07:22:04
ipkha Cool GTX,
Sadly, that info is out of date. Build 1607 eliminates some of those workarounds. Now they bundle all the monthly updates together. I imagine only the driver is actually a seperate update now. The Microsoft article also implies that the driver rollback is only temporary.
I tried them all before I stated to use the ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate Reg Key. I am using as my Default on all my computers; AllowCortana = 0 | Metered | Added New This Week ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate = 1 FYI, AllowCortana location changed, I just enter it all of the locations now, as the next update I bet it changes once more. Old Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search New Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search & also HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/02/11 10:15:10
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Re: Look out Windows 10 Just Forced a 376.53 Driver Update
2017/02/11 08:13:41
In group policy, you can both stop driver updates and with two other options block auto restarts. Configure Automatic Updates can revert to download and prompt or just notify. No auto-restart with logged on users should fix the restarts.