Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 6:50 PM (permalink)
Damn, I recently purchased the RTX 2080. ASsuming I would only have to pay $100 more for the 2080 super, would it be worth it?

See what comes up under the Step-Up Program for your Current Graphics Card.

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 7:23 PM (permalink)
Reddit is going bonkers about this.  Cracks me up.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 10:28 PM (permalink)
Seems like all the rumors were pretty spot on from what I'm seeing so far. 2080 Super looks like a pretty decent deal, kinda like a little baby 2080 Ti. Just glad to see they aren't giving the Ti the super treatment as well. xx80 Ti cards were always top of the stack barring Titan and IMO should stay that way.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 10:39 PM (permalink)
WACK!  my step-up just ran out a few days ago for the 2070 XC Ultra...I would've loved to upgrade to a 2080 Super :p 
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:19 PM (permalink)
oh well now my 2070 is a 2060 lol , gonna sell this one later and get the super variant

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:19 PM (permalink)
So the 280TI isnt getting Supered? I thought they were doing that end of july also?
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:23 PM (permalink)
So the 280TI isnt getting Supered? I thought they were doing that end of july also?

Welcome to the Forum
I betting on a new Super Duper Card to replace the Ti model by year's end.

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:23 PM (permalink)
I got a 2060 XC Ultra in mid April.  It has the stop/start fan click issue which for me defeats the entire point of having bought *that (more expensive) model of GPU (i.e. quieter card with idle fan).  I've been holding out on RMAing to see if I can just step up instead.
The new 2060 Super looks great with the extra horsepower, VRAM, bandwidth, and all EVGA models being twin fan.
Is there any chance the Super lineup won't be a step up option?  And when will step up start, 9th July?
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:24 PM (permalink)
I got a 2060 XC Ultra in mid April.  It has the stop/start fan click issue which for me defeats the entire point of having bought the GPU (i.e. quieter card with idle fan).  I've been holding out on RMAing to see if I can just step up instead.
The new 2060 Super looks great with the extra horsepower, VRAM, bandwidth, and all EVGA models being twin fan.
Is there any chance the Super lineup won't be a step up option?  And when will step up start, 9th July?

Welcome to the Forum
See https://forums.evga.com/Step-Up-Program-for-Super-Cards-m2969860.aspx#2969860
Your card must be working to start a Step-Up and you are close to the 90 Days.
post edited by bcavnaugh - Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:48 PM

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:31 PM (permalink)
Sorry, I thought I had replied, but my post vanished.  Thanks for the welcome and reply.  I don't see an answer to either of my questions in that topic, apologies if I missed something?
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:43 PM (permalink)
Sorry, I thought I had replied, but my post vanished.  Thanks for the welcome and reply.  I don't see an answer to either of my questions in that topic, apologies if I missed something?

It is really to early to have an answer to your question.
https://www.evga.com/support/stepup/ There are no Super Cards Listed.
I would recheck on or after the 9th.
post edited by bcavnaugh - Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:51 PM

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 0:12 PM (permalink)
So the 2080TI isnt getting Supered? I thought they were doing that end of july also?

Just rumors and speculation at this point.  There is some wiggle room between the 2080 Ti and Titan RTX / Quadros on the TU102 specs for them to release a "super" card with a full spec TU102, while using 11 or 12GB of memory. 
Given that they were willing and able to release the 2080 Super with a full spec TU104, it seems possible, if they were able to get the chip yields needed.  I'd expect a msrp $1500+ and only a marginal performance increase though.  Any lower pricing would represent a severe erosion of the nosebleed pricing of all the current TU102 cards.
post edited by kevinc313 - Wednesday, July 03, 2019 0:20 PM
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 0:55 PM (permalink)
I'm a perfectly happy owner of an EVGA GTX 1080 (playing at 1080p@120/144).  I think I picked up the GPU for about $549 USD around the time the crypto mining bust started the market glut, I regret not holding out for the 1080Ti when they were selling around $650.  Anyway, these premium RTX prices and meager performance uplifts (including this ill conceived SUPER program) are not tempting me to upgrade.  I honestly don't know that ray tracing adds any value right now, with such few titles supporting it and even then only arguable image quality improvements (differences?) compared with traditional rasterization based lighting.  I'll be holding out until 1440p@120/144 performance (and I'm fine with no AA, medium-to-high settings, despite the Ray Tracing hype) hits my budget range around $550.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 1:32 AM (permalink)
Damn, I recently purchased the RTX 2080. ASsuming I would only have to pay $100 more for the 2080 super, would it be worth it?

I have 80 days left for the step-up, I bought a GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB FTW3 ULTRA HYBRID, would it worth to do the upgrade?
PS: I guess that 80 days is enough to get the super available as an upgrade option ...
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 1:50 AM (permalink)
I have 80 days left for the step-up, I bought a GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB FTW3 ULTRA HYBRID, would it worth to do the upgrade?
PS: I guess that 80 days is enough to get the super available as an upgrade option ...

As long as it is 90 Days or Less when you sign up for a Step-Up. (Sign Up you can cancel at a later date if you change your mind)
91 Days Is to late. But also going from an FTW3 ULTRA HYBRID to an XC and No Hybrid Models as of yet.
And to note that Hybrid cards are not part of the Step-Up Program same as FTW3 Cards are not part of the Step-Up Program.
The Top Graphics Card Now on the list is the >EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 XC2 GAMING, 08G-P4-2185-KR, 8GB GDDR6, iCX2 Technology
post edited by bcavnaugh - Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:00 AM

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 8:58 AM (permalink)
Those of us who were duped on the original cards should be given the games that come with super cards.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 9:53 AM (permalink)
If the founders edition is due to be released on the 23rd July will the EVGA Variants also be released on the 23rd? Or will they have to develop their own variations first?
My situation is i bought an rtx 2080 FTW3 Ultra from amazon last week and i could wait till the 23rd July and then return my 2080 for a refund from amazon. Then hopefully by then the EVGA Super cards will be on amazon so i could purchase one of those instead?
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 10:34 AM (permalink)
What is with rumors for RTX2080Ti Super. Someone say new chip exist, 300W TDP completely unlocked.
I say NVIDIA launch them. That will be beast. 
But I can't wait to see who will first build platform on EVGA SR-3 Dark.
For now best EVGA motherboard, if they decide to finish her.
She is absolutely beautiful, and I hate skinny ATX motherboards, E-ATX and wider rule.

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 12:27 AM (permalink)
What is with rumors for RTX2080Ti Super. Someone say new chip exist, 300W TDP completely unlocked.
I say NVIDIA launch them. That will be beast. 

There won't be a "new" chip until the next generation comes out.  IF a 2080 TI Supa happens, it will use a TU102 spec'd better than the one used in the 2080 Ti and equal to or less than the full chip in the Titan RTX.  The Titan RTX is only an incremental improvement, so don't expect any miracles.

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 12:57 AM (permalink)
There's not going to be a 2080 Ti Super.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 1:08 PM (permalink)
Some article before 2 week wrote something about RTX2080Ti 
Turns out, there is an RTX 2080 Ti SUPER variant and its a brand new chip. It’s not an old part and it’s not a repurposed Quadro part (trust me, I asked). Oh, and its completely unlocked, meaning the AIBs can have 300 watts TDP on this thing if they wanted to – and knowing the insane custom designs that come out of AIBs, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this. I don’t have the exact specifications of the chip or the exact pricing yet but I am fairly confident this will have a higher core count as well as faster GDDR6 memory.
This is not the PN-A for OC version chip or the non-OC chip, its a completely new chip as I mentioned earlier and will have a new PN. Since it’s unlocked and will have higher TDP as well as higher core count we expect this to be much faster than the existing RTX 2080 Ti card. Everything we know so far points to this slotting in at roughly the same price point as the existing RTX 2080 Ti or slightly above. In other words, you are going to get a card that is much more powerful but for roughly the same price or slightly more. Unfortunately, however, you are going to have to wait a bit for this card as per my info, it will have a delayed launch.
Only NVIDIA know what will happen. 
Usually they not miss any chance to pull money from pockets of people who can afford expensive graphic cards.
NVIDIA like to do such things instead immediately to launch complete unlocked processor because profit more.
And I would not surprise if new 1300-1500$ worth GPU show up when RTX2080Ti drop on 999$, not TITAN because only NVIDIA sell them. 
300W TDP could be and 5000 CUDA Cores, if RTX TITAN is 250W...
Other article before 6 days post these prices...
  • GeForce RTX 2060 - ~$299
  • GeForce RTX 2070 - $400-449
  • GeForce RTX 2060 Super -$449
  • GeForce RTX 2080 - $500-549
  • GeForce RTX 2070 Super - $499
  • GeForce RTX 2070 Ti Super - $599
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - $799-$999
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Super - $799
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Super - $1199
And again EVGA customers will pay price difference and upgrade from RTX2080Ti to RTX2080Ti Super, EVGA will use their old RTX2080Ti to prepare for RMA if some GPU died, and that's it.
Everyone happy, only not customers of other brands who need to go on marketplace to drop price to add much more money, etc...
post edited by Vlada011 - Wednesday, July 03, 2019 1:15 PM

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:03 PM (permalink)
Some article before 2 week wrote something about RTX2080Ti 
Turns out, there is an RTX 2080 Ti SUPER variant and its a brand new chip. It’s not an old part and it’s not a repurposed Quadro part (trust me, I asked). Oh, and its completely unlocked, meaning the AIBs can have 300 watts TDP on this thing if they wanted to – and knowing the insane custom designs that come out of AIBs, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this. I don’t have the exact specifications of the chip or the exact pricing yet but I am fairly confident this will have a higher core count as well as faster GDDR6 memory.
This is not the PN-A for OC version chip or the non-OC chip, its a completely new chip as I mentioned earlier and will have a new PN. Since it’s unlocked and will have higher TDP as well as higher core count we expect this to be much faster than the existing RTX 2080 Ti card. Everything we know so far points to this slotting in at roughly the same price point as the existing RTX 2080 Ti or slightly above. In other words, you are going to get a card that is much more powerful but for roughly the same price or slightly more. Unfortunately, however, you are going to have to wait a bit for this card as per my info, it will have a delayed launch.
Only NVIDIA know what will happen. 
Usually they not miss any chance to pull money from pockets of people who can afford expensive graphic cards.
NVIDIA like to do such things instead immediately to launch complete unlocked processor because profit more.
And I would not surprise if new 1300-1500$ worth GPU show up when RTX2080Ti drop on 999$, not TITAN because only NVIDIA sell them. 
300W TDP could be and 5000 CUDA Cores, if RTX TITAN is 250W...
Other article before 6 days post these prices...
  • GeForce RTX 2060 - ~$299
  • GeForce RTX 2070 - $400-449
  • GeForce RTX 2060 Super -$449
  • GeForce RTX 2080 - $500-549
  • GeForce RTX 2070 Super - $499
  • GeForce RTX 2070 Ti Super - $599
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - $799-$999
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Super - $799
  • GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Super - $1199
And again EVGA customers will pay price difference and upgrade from RTX2080Ti to RTX2080Ti Super, EVGA will use their old RTX2080Ti to prepare for RMA if some GPU died, and that's it.
Everyone happy, only not customers of other brands who need to go on marketplace to drop price to add much more money, etc...

That's WCCF and nobody believes their clickbate.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:07 PM (permalink)
Not to mention nvidia would never release a card with no power limit for Turing...
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:21 PM (permalink)
Truly sorry for those of you that bought recent RTX cards. This is a good time to upgrade to the 2080 Super for me. I still have not fully taxed my GTX 1070 FTW on anything yet either. Has been an amazing card.

Corsair Graphite 760T with 7 x140MM Fans, 2 x120MM fans/ Asus TUF Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2/USB 3.1 LGA 1150/ I7-4790K: Socket Type FCLGA1150/ Noctua NH-D15 6 Heatpipe with Dual NF-A15 140mm Fans/ EVGA Supernova 850 G2 / EVGA RTX 2070 Super XC Ultra/Crucial Ballistix Sport 32GB/Samsung 850 EVO 500GB/ WD 1TB,/ Glyph Black Box Pro 8 TB/ Samsung SH-224FB Multi/  Asus ASUS ROG PG279Q 27/ Windows 10/x64/ JBL Pro monitors/ Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 audio interface

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:28 PM (permalink)
Yes RTX2080 Super will be one interesting NVIDIA GPU for normal price after longer period. Few years we wait some discounts, etc...
From Pascal price is abnormal.
I don't think only on low and mid segment interesting. I mean for hard core gaming GPU for some normal price.
RTX2080 Super is affordable to me. Problem is because I upgraded because I was shocked with prices and mine performance are little below RTX2080 Super probably but video memory is some kind of compensation.
RTX2080 Super + waterblock is great. I would not complain on performance. It's not Ti.
But I would be ready to decrease my demands, only not to RTX2060 and RTX2070 as some people done after Turing show up.
I only afraid of trick.
What if some attractive model jump on same or even higher level then RTX2080 at the moment.
800-850 example... that's completely different then.
post edited by Vlada011 - Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:31 PM

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 2:39 PM (permalink)
Nice looks like NVLink was added to the 2070-series cards.

That's because it's based on the TU104 rather than the original TU106 chip.  The TU104 (RTX 2080) is NVLink compatible unlike the TU106.

Just watched the Gamers Nexus teardown video, it's looking like the 2070 Super is the real MVP of this series.  It will take 2080 coolers or waterblocks and as you said supports SLI/NVlink because it's a cut down 2080 with faster ram.  If you had games or applications with strong SLI support a pair of them for $1000 would beat a 2080Ti or even a Titan RTX.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 3:29 PM (permalink)
Truly sorry for those of you that bought recent RTX cards. This is a good time to upgrade to the 2080 Super for me. I still have not fully taxed my GTX 1070 FTW on anything yet either. Has been an amazing card.

If by recent you mean within the last 90 days or 2-3 months?  They could step up if they purchased from EVGA and still get the SUPER.

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 3:40 PM (permalink)
I wouldn’t be surprised if RTX 2080 Super is within 5% of the 2080 Ti Vanilla, at minimum frame rates anyway.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 4:32 PM (permalink)
AMD Ryzen 3000 series up to the 3900X is releasing this Sunday July 7, 2019. Nvidia GeForce Super graphics cards are releasing Tuesday July 9, 2019 up to the 2070 Super. The combination should be perfect together. I will be definitely building an AMD Ryzen 3000 series with Nvidia Super 20 series. However, it is disappointing that it is not Peripheral Component Interconnect 4.0 (PCIe) like the AMD VIII graphics cards. I also want to see more EVGA GeForce blower cards available please.

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX SUPER Series Wednesday, July 03, 2019 5:00 PM (permalink)
I wouldn’t be surprised if RTX 2080 Super is within 5% of the 2080 Ti Vanilla, at minimum frame rates anyway.

Pure fantasy.
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