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Hey, just installed my new GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra and noticed some strange behaviour straight away. First of all, the fans are making a loud "clicking" noise every time they start spinning up. This is happening even during idle, as the GPU's base temperature seems to be around 55°C at all times. My old Geforce GTX 970 MSI Gaming has never reached that temperature during idle, far from it actually.  I'm assuming the fans on this particularl card are already damaged due to the loud noise as they start spinning, though that does not explain the high base temperature. I have tried adjusting fan curves and everything, but no luck. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I've already requested a refund with the retailer where I purchased the card by now, though the temperature is really putting me off at the moment...
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 10:52:53
Firstly stock fan curve fans do not spin up until 60c. Try grabbing the newest Precision X1 monitoring software and give it a try or MSI Afterburner newest beta, they both support 20 series. I changed the fan curve right off when I got my 2080 XC Ultra. Then later I went back to turn fans off at lower temps and had the same clicking. I just changed the fan curve and they do not do it any more. I have a 3 year warranty so not to worried. Again, try the newer software and adjust fans again before you return it.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 11:08:44
As I said, the fans were constantly spinning up and then stopping again right away at default settings with high base temperature on an idle PC. Doesn't change the issue with the temperature though, I've been reading those should be at around 35~40°C on idle at most (not particularly for this model, but come on). Maximum temperature also seems to be going above the roughly 75°C on the default FE card.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 11:42:41
Sounds like you may need to check your thermal paste. This might fix the clicking noise. What are your temps under load?
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 12:05:04
Ye gonna definitly take apart that new 1000€ to apply some juicy thermal paste right now. And no, that doesn't sound like it. Anyway, gonna exchange it and see what happens. GPU goes up to ~80°C under load from what I've seen so far, though I haven't had anything running for an extended amount of time so far and not run any benchmarks etc.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 15:40:09
Did you remember to peel the plastic film off the fan? I know people who forget to do that and then the card eats the plastic film and makes noises.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 16:25:31
You really need to use Precision X1. The fans run independently and Precision XOC only shows one fan control slider so you're not getting the correct fan control. The dual fan control on Precision XOC was made to only control certain 10 series cards that have independent fan control. As you can see in the image here, my 10 series cards has two fan sliders as my card was built that way by EVGA. The new independent fan control is made by Nvidia and Precision X1 is made with the Nvidia fan control.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 17:57:18
I am doing that by now yeah, wasn't aware they changed the tool entirely. And yes I did peel off the plastic film off the frame. But yeah, given the fact that it only happens as the fan starts spinning or stops spinning it's probably something mechanical.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/27 18:13:28
I'd give EVGA a call and see what they say. I would do it tomorrow, seems like their people during the evening hours are not as knowledgeable as the people during normal business hours.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/28 08:50:57
I've received a replacement model now and can happily confirm that this card doesn't have the issue with fan sound or the high base temperature. The fan's silent on startup now and the card seems to run about 17°C cooler on idle (from 55 to 37°C, lol).
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/09/28 09:02:58
The fans on my xc ultra also make a "clicking" noise when the fans start to spin, at least my card is very cool
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/03 15:14:43
I just received my Evga RTX 2080 XC ultra and i have issues too. The card seems hot ( 50° minimum on idle ) while on their sample was 38°... Next, when the fans start they make a clicking sound like other people above said. I kept the best for the end, in Shadow of the Tomb Raider when i'm around 70 fps, i've got something that looks like coil whine... The more the fps go up, the more the noise becomes annoying. My first Evga card. Nice, really nice, futhermore for a 1000€ card.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/03 15:34:17
fugusp I just received my Evga RTX 2080 XC ultra and i have issues too. The card seems hot ( 50° minimum on idle ) while on their sample was 38°... Next, when the fans start they make a clicking sound like other people above said. I kept the best for the end, in Shadow of the Tomb Raider when i'm around 70 fps, i've got something that looks like coil whine... The more the fps go up, the more the noise becomes annoying. My first Evga card. Nice, really nice, futhermore for a 1000€ card.
I have not experienced the clicking (at least that I've noticed yet) on my ti xc ultra, but that does seem hot idle compared to what I've seen as well, though I wouldn't pay too much attention to that unless it runs extremely hot when under load. I do have a slight coil whine on mine though, which is making me consider exchanging or returning the specific card.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/03 15:39:08
Same clicking noise for me - it is actually caused when stopped fans start spinning. For whatever reasons though, on idle the card fans constantly switch on/off, causing the clicking sound Idle temp from cold boot - 45 degrees Celcius Seems need to contact support team if they have a remedy for this.
post edited by ComboSlicer - 2018/10/03 16:11:39
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/05 20:00:53
I installed the XC Ultra TI today and my idle was at 54c, had a slight clicking from the fans. Oh no, after reading the posts here I was worried. Ran Timespy Extreme and the score was not very impressive. Opened the Precision X1 software and arrowed over to fan control, checked the curves and selected the box for auto. Temps immediately dropped to 38c and no fan clicks. Then arrowed over again and ran the Scan feature, clocked up to 2050 mhz with temps under 60c. Ran Timespy Extreme and got a pretty decent score and the temps remained pretty stable. The score beat my 2 1080 FE in SLI by a 100 points.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/06 20:32:21
Installed a 2080 tonight... ditto on the "clicking" or grinding noise when the fans kick in after being idle. This is definitely a problem. Good news however is that once running these are the quietest fans EVGA has ever used. Props for that! I can take 1-2 seconds of annoyance over the louder fan pitch past cards had any day.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/07 03:46:16
I have a 2080 founders edition that has a constant fan clicking noise on the second fan (the one near power connectors). Furthermore i have discovered that the founders editon uses a custom ribbon cable to power rgb and fans so you cannot use it to power custom heatsink fans. Nvidia support keeps asking to try different PSU and cables thinking that i'm talking about coil whine (that among others things i have) but that's not the issue, even if i push the fan by hand i can hear the clicking noise compared to the other fan which is dead silent. I have bought it because didn't resist the wait for the EVGA Ultra to be available again but now i'm really regretting it. I'm thinking to just refund the card without wasting other time with the support and just wait for the evga to be available (i'm in europe). Anyone knows if all EVGA models uses "standard" fan connectors?
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/07 04:40:56
Same here 2080 Ti, this is very annoying and unacceptable for a 1400€ card !
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/07 21:26:00
I am having the exact same issue and the clicking sound is driving me crazy. Is this expected or a defect?
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/07 23:01:29
nairbo I am having the exact same issue and the clicking sound is driving me crazy. Is this expected or a defect?
Seems like a number of people have been running into the clicking but some are saying the software and setting the fan curve has helped. What temps are you getting? While a lot of people are saying they are having the clicking fewer are reporting high temps.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/08 16:06:57
IMHO the clicking is semi-normal, my 980ti did it when I first got it (never noticed it after the first month or so), and my 2080 is so far. It's the fans bouncing off 0 RPM when the GPU is right at the temp they would start. I suspect the sound lessens as the fan bearings get more worn in, but the real fix is to get better airflow so your idle temps aren't that high, and make sure your drivers are downclocking the card all the way at idle. I only notice the click rarely as my idle temp is well below 55 C, so it only clicks for a moment on the way down in temp.
post edited by somethingc00l - 2018/10/08 16:09:53
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/08 16:10:56
nairbo I am having the exact same issue and the clicking sound is driving me crazy. Is this expected or a defect?
Seems like a number of people have been running into the clicking but some are saying the software and setting the fan curve has helped. What temps are you getting? While a lot of people are saying they are having the clicking fewer are reporting high temps.
It seems that the clicking occurs when the fan start spinning from a stop. It may be "normal" given the design and construction of the fans. I know my deltas make a healthy ratchety sound when they start from a stop thanks to their strong magnets. I mean, it is essentially a stepper motor, after all. It seems that people have used fan curves to "help" the issue by simply making the fan never fully stop. If the fan never fully stops, it will never have the opportunity to make the startup noise.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/09 09:19:35
Well Belydrith said that his replacement card didn't have the click noise issue. So for me it's a defect on some cards. I can't imagine that it was made to be like that. On my evga rtx 2080 watching videos on the desktop makes the card go higher than 55°, then the fans start and make noise. Then the gpu go down in temperature due to the airflow. Afterwards the fans stop then the gpu go up in temperature and so on… click click! Sometimes the fans even had really strange behaviors when they tried to stop...
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/10 13:39:06
Anyone else experiencing this "click". Im about to pull the trigger on the XC/XC Ultra but became hesitant upon reading these defects - if they are in fact defects. Any happy users of the XC / Ultra who can share their experiences with their cards so far? Thanks!
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/11 16:20:55
fugusp On my evga rtx 2080 watching videos on the desktop makes the card go higher than 55°, then the fans start and make noise.
You need better airflow.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/12 03:00:09
I need a better airflow to watch videos on youtube ? Seriously ? I have 2 Noctua in front and a bequiet in "extraction". Do you think it's bad ? Anyway did you read what OP wrote ? He had similar issues with his card. After receiving a new card the temperature went from 55° to 37° on idle... So i don't think i need better airflow, i mostly need a non defective card. Besides, i sent back my card to my retailer...
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/12 06:09:30
If you guys want to stop the 'clicking' start noise of the fans, just create your own fan curve and have the fan run constantly but at a low speed and audible to your liking and have it set to ramp up for the higher temps.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/12 20:03:25
I have the same clicking. Except the only time it happens repeatedly is idling (not playing a game) in SteamVR. Normally games heat it up into the low 60's where it stays. My idle temps are around 36C on my 2080XC Ultra. Haven't messed with the fan curve. But yeah the fans definitely click when they turn off & on.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/13 01:31:38
Same on my FTW3. But I'm using a manuel fan curve that let the fans run at lowest setting 20%. So no big deal for me.
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Re: GeForce RTX 2080 XC Ultra, fan issues and base temperature
2018/10/26 09:35:49
Did any of you guys check if the fans were hitting a cable of any sort? My RTX 2080 Ti XC has this issue when the fans initiate from zero there is a distinct clicking noise. I called CS today and they said check for any cables under the fans. I guess I'll try that today. From the responses on here it seems like some feel this is just how the fans are while another person who did a RMA got a card without these issues.