GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/03/09 06:48:06 (permalink)
Not sure how long the warranty is on these..

Contact EVGA.


They will assist you with determining how much warranty is remaining and with the warranty replacement process (if they determine that the warranty is not expired).

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/03/22 13:19:54 (permalink)
Mine just caught fire.... out of warranty. Awesome. 
Good job i was in the room when it happened or god knows what else would of burnt with it.... 
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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 19:20:39 (permalink)
My fiance's 980ti just caught on fire last night.

About 6 months ago my 980ti also caught on fire.

This is sketchy as hell. Of course, mine was 30 days after warranty, and hers is now 6 months. It's absolutely ridiculous that this many of these cards are burning out 6 or so months outside of warranty.

As for the original "If you Google gpu caught fire, you can find many cards from every single manufacturer" from The_Scarlet_One... When I google '980Ti catches on fire' I get almost EXCLUSIVELY Evga: (This includes a incognito search)

post edited by Sajin - 2019/05/22 20:20:05
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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 19:24:07 (permalink)
Welcome to the Forum Milkshakes00
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post edited by bcavnaugh - 2019/05/22 19:26:43

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 19:36:10 (permalink)
Apologies for the profanity. It's rather frustrating.

We have contacted EVGA support and been declined warranty. Upon just simple google searching you can see this is a much more widespread problem than people are pretending it is.
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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 20:30:03 (permalink)
Apologies for the profanity. It's rather frustrating.

We have contacted EVGA support and been declined warranty. Upon just simple google searching you can see this is a much more widespread problem than people are pretending it is.

No Problem,Yes it is frustrating.
But your cards are out of warranty so not much can be done. When in warranty EVGA did replace customers cards.
Looks Close at your Google Search because when this was first brought up it was one card posted on like 30 different websites.
But now is a good time to update your Graphics Cards.

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 20:36:18 (permalink)
Apologies for the profanity. It's rather frustrating.

We have contacted EVGA support and been declined warranty. Upon just simple google searching you can see this is a much more widespread problem than people are pretending it is.

No Problem,Yes it is frustrating.
But your cards are out of warranty so not much can be done. When in warranty EVGA did replace customers cards.
Looks Close at your Google Search because when this was first brought up it was one card posted on like 30 different websites.
But now is a good time to update your Graphics Cards.

Oh, I get that it's out of warranty. What I don't get is how people aren't downright angry that their cards are setting on fire.
Unfortunately, no, they weren't the same card. They're all different threads. Simply searching will let you see that. All different users, different times, days, weeks, months. Even just looking back in this very forum, there's quite a few posts the past few months.
And realistically, no, now is an awful time to update your GPU. The 20xx series is overpriced compared to MSRP of 10xx cards and the performance it brings, and the 10xx cards have skyrocketed in price because of it also.
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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 21:08:44 (permalink)
It happens sometimes, I think it is part of putting your own computer together.
 Like a car at 100,001 miles on your engine and it cracks the block it is on the owner to replace or repair.
Their were a lot of angry people that posted here on the Forum but being a Member to Member Forum is I more informational to other Forum Members.

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/22 21:26:11 (permalink)
 If budget is your first concern Look @ the EVGA 1660 Ti -- it will outperform your old 980Ti at 1080p or 1440 resolution

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/23 07:47:10 (permalink)
its the catch 22. If you purchase an extended warranty you will never use it,if you don't purchase things go up in smoke. I am sorry to hear about your broken gpu's its always sad when one goes down. Awesome to hear it lasted years with no issue. A Lot of my friends and family are usually having them warrantied at least once if not multiple times during the 3 year period.It is the luck of the lottery how long electronics last. 
post edited by tattude69 - 2019/05/23 07:52:13

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/26 09:21:31 (permalink)
Update to my issues: EVGA has come through and given me an RMA for the second card that we had burn out.

Unfortunately just last night the third 980ti I've had also burnt out. This was an RMA card for the first one that burnt out. After being declined the warranty for the RMA card (Why do RMA cards not come with their own warranty...?) I decided to tear it down. The R33 chip(I think) burnt out on this card. Fortunately no fire, but it's scorched enough that you can't even see the labeling.

That makes three 980TIs that have failed on me, all EVGA, in three different rigs, within 6 or so months of the 3 year warranty expiring. These are all from-the-factory clocks ACX 2.0 SC+ cards.

Very upsetting.
post edited by Milkshakes00 - 2019/05/26 09:31:15

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/26 09:31:30 (permalink)
They are a ticking time bomb. There is obviously something very age related causing them to fail. The spike in failures shortly after the warranties expired is hard to ignore. I am not at all surprised that your RMA card also burnt out in a similar manner. It won't be long before none are remaining.

R33 is an inductor. You can easily find someone who will replace it for you. Replacing that inductor is very simple. If it turns out that nothing else failed which caused the inductor to fail -- and only the indcutor failed -- the card could be repaired at very little expense.
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2019/05/26 09:33:49

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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/05/26 10:27:01 (permalink)
They are a ticking time bomb. There is obviously something very age related causing them to fail. The spike in failures shortly after the warranties expired is hard to ignore. I am not at all surprised that your RMA card also burnt out in a similar manner. It won't be long before none are remaining.

R33 is an inductor. You can easily find someone who will replace it for you. Replacing that inductor is very simple. If it turns out that nothing else failed which caused the inductor to fail -- and only the indcutor failed -- the card could be repaired at very little expense.

That's certainly the hope; The mosfets look fine. I'll probably run it to an electronics repair shop that's local to me. I don't have the soldering skills for it, but for a few bucks, it's worth a shot to test.

It looks like a 5mm x 5mm r33, and if digikey is anything to go off of, 5x5mm r33s cannot handle the constant power the 980ti (Especially the SC+s) are probably pulling, leading to premature failure. At this point, anyone with a still-kicking 980ti, I'd recommend if you're already out of your warranty to check out maybe upgrading these inductors. They are not going to last if the recent trend of failures is any inclination. Inductors are usually about $1-2. Don't let your entire card go up in smoke because of a couple bucks.

The etching on the PCB for the position looks like it as specced for a 6x6mm, and EVGA cheaped out or had such a large backstock of 5x5s they just decided it was 'good enough'. (Obviously that last bit is speculation.)
post edited by Milkshakes00 - 2019/05/26 10:30:02
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Re: GTX 980ti Catching FIRE & Sparking 2019/12/14 11:32:30 (permalink)
Mine just failed today, sadly this is my first evga card out of 4 without extended warranty.
Did you have any luck with replacing the inductor?

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