Re: GTX 980 TI flickering monitor
2017/01/30 13:52:18
I just dont see how people do triple monitors with only 1 video card.
They must be used to 30 fps or something.
My Titan X with 1 2560x1440 @ 120hz barely runs new games at 50-61 fps.
Sure, older games run at 400+ fps if I let them, but my old old old gaming rig takes care of all those I cant run on new os's anyway.
I7 9700k water cooled-32GB Ram-Zotac 2080 x2 SLI-Asrock Z390 SLI mobo-EVGA 1600W G2 psu-ABS Glass case-2560x1440 144hz IPS monitor-Windows 10 Home