The way to launch programs entirely from Unleash RGB is the somewhat misnamed "Weblink". Select Weblink as the function for the key then put the path to the program in the text bar. Don't use a shortcut unless its 32bit since this program for some unholy reason is 32bit so 64bit shortcuts will get improperly redirected.
You are correct. When you use Weblink you can specify the program that gets run in the text box below.
So if you put a valid path into the weblink box, the key will open your program.
I've used both the Primary and Secondary options using the same weblink (eg: c:\windows\notepad.exe) and lo and behold it works both by clicking E1 and FN+E1.
I specifically purchased this keyboard for four specific features:
- Per key lighting
- Media keys
- Rolling Volume control
- Extended Macro keys
The only problems I've run into so far is the TOF is sometimes flakey and I've had trouble assigned Macro keys.
I've investigated the macros today and found some root items:
- The weblink data settings are found in json format in %AppData%\Roaming\EVGA\Unleash RGB\WebLinkDataSetting
- You can set the UrlAddress in this file to point to your script/program/link.
- If you want to to pass arguments you will need to create a shortcut (.lnk)
- These macros are per profile!
So in my case, I'm using these keys to send a command to my monitor to switch from HDMI 1 -> HDMI 2.
(There's a cool little utility by Nirsoft called controlmymonitor)
So to begin, I created a shortcut named 'Monitor1HDMI1.lnk' with this as the target:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c echo Monitor 1 - Switching to HDMI1 & timeout 3 & C:\Monitor\ControlMyMonitor.exe /SetValue "\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0" 60 17
(obviously, this is just an example and won't work elsewhere).
Then I opened up the EVGA tool and created a Weblink to the E1 key using my shortcut.
This created a json entry in the WebLinkDataSetting file:
{ "8235":{"ProfileIndex":2,"PrimarySecondary":0,"KeyPosition":43,"UrlAddress":"C:\\Links\\Monitor1HDMI1.lnk"}}

, now when I click the E1 key, it switches my monitor to HDMI 1.
I've also set the alternate function to switch to HDMI2 - so now I can switch between the two using this key.
Anyways, I hope this will help others or if there's an easier way please let me know.