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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/06 15:13:20
Bakitm Is there a separate queue for EU, NA and oter regions or the queue numbers posted above are global? If there are spearate queue-s can i get some information about the EU queue? Also at the moment i have a 3060 and a 3060ti in the notification system. If i remove one of tham, than i can apply to a 3050 or the queue is currently closed for the 3050?
There are two entirely separate queues, one for NA and one for the EU. There are not any other regional queues. If you are in the EU region do not get into the NA queue as EVGA will not ship from NA to the EU. You must use the EU site and queues https://eu.evga.com/. Your notifies for the 3060 and the the 3060 Ti, are they in the EU queues? If in doubt go to the top of the page of the EU site, go to "My EVGA" and then "My Notifies" to see if they are there. As far as removing your queue positions above, you can. Combined between queue 2.0 and 3.0, you can only have two active notifications so if you remove one that frees up a notification for you to use for a 3050 in queue 3.0.
post edited by Flint 1760 - 2022/02/06 15:31:37
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/06 15:34:12
Thank you for your help! Yes all my notifications are on the EU. Now i removed the 3060 to get into a 3050 but havent got any options to get into a queue on eu site, is it how it should work? There are no options to buy or sign up for queue for any products on EU site. Unlucky :(
Flint 1760
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/06 15:39:57
Bakitm Thank you for your help! Yes all my notifications are on the EU. Now i removed the 3060 to get into a 3050 but havent got any options to get into a queue on eu site, is it how it should work? There are no options to buy or sign up for queue for any products on EU site. Unlucky :(
The queues may be closed on the EU site for the 3050s. Keep checking periodically through out the day.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/06 16:20:19
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/06 18:32:22
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
Its also more Cuda cores then 3080 but yeah big ripoff regardless Forgot to mention it's got same memory subsystem as 3080ti and 3090
post edited by CptT95 - 2022/02/06 18:35:04
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 03:23:36
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
Absolutely a rip off. Hey EVGA, when will you bring these prices down to a realistic level? I can get on a que at Microcenter, but no chance in the world will I pay $1200+tax on a 3080...that's absurd. I get the shortage, but what's the deal on these cards having what...a $500 upcharge?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 06:56:56
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
Absolutely a rip off.
Hey EVGA, when will you bring these prices down to a realistic level?
I can get on a que at Microcenter, but no chance in the world will I pay $1200+tax on a 3080...that's absurd. I get the shortage, but what's the deal on these cards having what...a $500 upcharge?
"Because they can" - people will pay, otherwise they wouldn't charge that price.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 06:59:15
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
Absolutely a rip off.
Hey EVGA, when will you bring these prices down to a realistic level?
I can get on a que at Microcenter, but no chance in the world will I pay $1200+tax on a 3080...that's absurd. I get the shortage, but what's the deal on these cards having what...a $500 upcharge?
It's NVIDIA that sets the MSRP, not EVGA. Nvidia has proven to be greedy, and the 3080 12gb is just the latest example. They have the "Scalpers are making it work, so why can't we?" mentality.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:02:23
We don't know what the manufacturing cost is to EVGA for that card.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:05:37
I'm trying to upgrade my EVGA 1070 FTW and get on the queue. I waited a year thinking this rush would die down but i've been very very wrong. Few weeks ago I saw this message : "Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available." This message appears on any graphics card I want to set a notify on. It says temporary but this doesn't seem temporary. And after reading all the guides and some posts here, I cannot find anything about if, when or how this will be resolved. I had hoped when the scores updated EVGA would enable it for users who have been loyal customers but I guess I was wrong again. Does anyone have any information that might help? I want to stick with EVGA but I don't want to be waiting an outrageous time to upgrade or be stuck sitting here hoping to even get into the queue. Thank you!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:08:41
ThisIsNolt I'm trying to upgrade my EVGA 1070 FTW and get on the queue. I waited a year thinking this rush would die down but i've been very very wrong. Few weeks ago I saw this message : "Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available." This message appears on any graphics card I want to set a notify on. It says temporary but this doesn't seem temporary. And after reading all the guides and some posts here, I cannot find anything about if, when or how this will be resolved. I had hoped when the scores updated EVGA would enable it for users who have been loyal customers but I guess I was wrong again. Does anyone have any information that might help? I want to stick with EVGA but I don't want to be waiting an outrageous time to upgrade or be stuck sitting here hoping to even get into the queue. Thank you!
EVGA will open Queue again - once the backlog of orders is filled ... No EVGA does not give any estimates Look at New Product launches ... any New SKU - will have a "open queue" ... join soon as possible another option  EVGA packages ---> DIY Configurator -- the available GPU options changes very often .. keep checking
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:10:01
tizz78 It's NVIDIA that sets the MSRP, not EVGA. Nvidia has proven to be greedy, and the 3080 12gb is just the latest example. They have the "Scalpers are making it work, so why can't we?" mentality.
It is funny, I see people post on forums like Slickdeals with the rationale that scalping doesn't hurt anyone as long as people are willing to pay. Well, when the manufacturer sees people willing to pay $250 more for something like a PS5, Sony knows they underpriced their console. So when Nvidia sees people paying 200% of MSRP for a card they know there's money left on the table - and guess who pays? We all do as MSRP goes up.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:27:17
Cool GTX
ThisIsNolt I'm trying to upgrade my EVGA 1070 FTW and get on the queue. I waited a year thinking this rush would die down but i've been very very wrong. Few weeks ago I saw this message : "Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available." This message appears on any graphics card I want to set a notify on. It says temporary but this doesn't seem temporary. And after reading all the guides and some posts here, I cannot find anything about if, when or how this will be resolved. I had hoped when the scores updated EVGA would enable it for users who have been loyal customers but I guess I was wrong again. Does anyone have any information that might help? I want to stick with EVGA but I don't want to be waiting an outrageous time to upgrade or be stuck sitting here hoping to even get into the queue. Thank you!
EVGA will open Queue again - once the backlog of orders is filled ... No EVGA does not give any estimates Look at New Product launches ... any New SKU - will have a "open queue" ... join soon as possible another option EVGA packages --->
Thank you! this is what I was looking for. I'm guessing with the queue system open to the public in 3.0 that backlog got longgg lol, i've book marked all pages to open them each day and check. Did not know about the DIY configurator so i'll keep checking that too and maybe get lucky. Again thank you for the reply
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 07:44:18
ThisIsNolt Thank you! this is what I was looking for. I'm guessing with the queue system open to the public in 3.0 that backlog got longgg lol, i've book marked all pages to open them each day and check. Did not know about the DIY configurator so i'll keep checking that too and maybe get lucky. Again thank you for the reply
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 08:43:09
What would you project for 3897 based on que date of: 2-10-21 03:15:07?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 08:58:50
Heliocon What would you project for 3897 based on que date of: 2-10-21 03:15:07?
It's hard to tell. November 2020 seemed to fly by it seemed at a 1:1 day to day fulfillment ratio. December 2020 seemed to stall out half way through the month. So far the last reported queue position reported is Dec 18th 2020. Following November's trend and a little of December's, I would think around late March to late April for you. But that's just my unofficial guess. I guessed mine would be pulled around Feb 14th and I don't think it's going to hit then for me either. Good luck
US | 10G-P5-3897-KL | 1/2/2021 8:40:16 AM PT | YES | TRUE
[PC Build | August 2020 - Current] MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Super Ventus XS Overclocked Dual-Fan 6GB GDDR6 | Ryzen 9 3900x | Asus ROG Strix x570-E Gaming | CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB PRO 32GB 3600MHz | Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500 GB NVMe M.2 | Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB M.2 | Samsung 860 EVO SATA 2.5" SSD 1TB | EVGA SuperNOVA 750w G3 80 Plus Gold | NZXT Kraken z73 | Phanteks Eclipse P600s Black [Peripherals] LG 34GP83A - 34" 3440x1440 144Hz IPS ultrawide curved monitor Corsair K70 RGB Mk.2 Keyboard HyperX Cloud 2 Headset Razer Deathadder Elite Mouse TrackIR 5
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 09:06:17
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 09:35:10
As of 9:05 am PT Monday, February 7, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents that a queue drop has reportedly occurred since the morning of February 4; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from that SKU's prior report*): Card SKU Most Recent Registration to Receive an Invite to Purchase email Ultra
Gaming 3090 FTW3 Gaming 3985 09/24/2020 16:12:06 3090 XC3 Gaming 3973 09/24/2020 08:09:37 (first reported drop to the queues)
Hybrid 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3988 02/28/2021 14:49:06 (76:42:32)
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3978 01/17/2021 22:10:07 my time is 02/01/2021 0:730:00 am 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3888-KL 12/10/2020 09:21:56 (00:05:13)
Hydro Copper ... K|NGP|N ... * In the absence of information from EVGA about the respective tiers (EVGA score cohorts), the EVGA Queue Summary will report the latest timestamp report received (I'll assume that it comes from a registrant with a superlative EVGA Score (i.e., the highest tier) who has no prior history of buying a 30 series card from the EVGA Queue); Queue 3.0 rows in the summary will not include an "elapsed time" italicized parenthetical. May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve. Best of luck! twene
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 09:47:17
That was a bad week, hopefully we see things moving this week.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 09:50:29
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 10:06:07
Hi Newt I checked the list today and noticed the 3553 has moved to 02/01/2022. My notify for the 3553 is for 01/29/2022 (and I didn't get a notification to purchase). I get it is Que 3.0 rules but what happens now? Do I keep waiting? Drop the Que spot and get a new one? I guess I should go read the fine print for Que 3.0 again. On a tangential thought, I'm a little surprised they don't have enough stock of the 3553 given the die size and price point to be able to fill everyone's notify ... Leet-Builder :)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 10:10:36
Leet-Builder Hi Newt I checked the list today and noticed the 3553 has moved to 02/01/2022. My notify for the 3553 is for 01/29/2022 (and I didn't get a notification to purchase). I get it is Que 3.0 rules but what happens now? Do I keep waiting? Drop the Que spot and get a new one? I guess I should go read the fine print for Que 3.0 again. On a tangential thought, I'm a little surprised they don't have enough stock of the 3553 given the die size and price point to be able to fill everyone's notify ... Leet-Builder :)
The 3553 is part of Queue 3.0. For Queue 3.0, the timestamp is the least important factor in determining priority. Please see the link I put in the summary to the Queue 3.0 rules. The timestamp is only used as a tiebreaker after factoring in EVGA Score Tier, the registrant's EVGA Score, and whether the registrant has previously purchased a 30 series gpu from the queues. The 2/1/2022 report likely came from somebody with a very high EVGA Score. Regarding volumes, NVIDIA is spreading the boards around among all of their AIBs...EVGA gets their allocation and then has to distribute it to their retailers and, hopefully, to the queues. It doesn't surprise me that we continue to see supply constraints. Best of luck on your hunt for a gpu!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 10:41:06
Donradeon It is funny, I see people post on forums like Slickdeals with the rationale that scalping doesn't hurt anyone as long as people are willing to pay. Well, when the manufacturer sees people willing to pay $250 more for something like a PS5, Sony knows they underpriced their console. So when Nvidia sees people paying 200% of MSRP for a card they know there's money left on the table - and guess who pays? We all do as MSRP goes up.
EXACTLY, I am not sure why people don't get this. If McDonalds thought they could charge $15 for a Big Mac and still sell the same number, why wouldn't they do it? If people buy stuff all up at certain price, then, the price should ideally keep going up until they stop selling out. NVIDIA answers to its shareholders, no one else. They miscalculated the initial MRSP of $699 for the 3080 FE and have been scrambling to make up for it since. They see how much they can charge and people are still willing to pay scalpers above and beyond even the new prices. Sony and XBOX were so worried about each others pricing, they both probably left $100 or more on the table per model. I see a million Reddit posts a day asking when prices will go down... The answer is never again, unless cards are collecting dust on the store shelves, and that ain't happening in the near future. It is the consumer's fault though, for not having the control to say no to high retail prices and even higher scalper prices. If we stop buying crap as fast as they can make it... all of this gets better... But we will not, no one wants to be the one left out or to go without, so we pay and they have us where they want us.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 10:54:15
Leet-Builder Hi Newt I checked the list today and noticed the 3553 has moved to 02/01/2022. My notify for the 3553 is for 01/29/2022 (and I didn't get a notification to purchase). I get it is Que 3.0 rules but what happens now? Do I keep waiting? Drop the Que spot and get a new one? I guess I should go read the fine print for Que 3.0 again. On a tangential thought, I'm a little surprised they don't have enough stock of the 3553 given the die size and price point to be able to fill everyone's notify ... Leet-Builder :)
The 3553 is part of Queue 3.0. For Queue 3.0, the timestamp is the least important factor in determining priority. Please see the link I put in the summary to the Queue 3.0 rules. The timestamp is only used as a tiebreaker after factoring in EVGA Score Tier, the registrant's EVGA Score, and whether the registrant has previously purchased a 30 series gpu from the queues. The 2/1/2022 report likely came from somebody with a very high EVGA Score. Regarding volumes, NVIDIA is spreading the boards around among all of their AIBs...EVGA gets their allocation and then has to distribute it to their retailers and, hopefully, to the queues. It doesn't surprise me that we continue to see supply constraints. Best of luck on your hunt for a gpu!
Thanks Newt, I was able to purchased a 3 series card when the 3080ti dropped (thanks to your information here and on the Que summary - used you associate code too!) so that may count against me ... I didn't have all my EVGA stuff registered either so I'm working on that. So I just keep the notify and hope for an email without any real idea of where I am in the que? The 3553 is for an upgrade to a media computer in the media center so it isn't like I am gaming on a GTX 980. I did give up a Que 2 spot for a 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/19/2020 11:38:48 PM PT (My original 3 series que spot) since that sku wasn't really moving and ... well I got the 3080ti (to replace t he 1080 I was on previously- awesome upgrade) and the 3050 seemed like something I could still put to work. (I would have had to ebay the 3080Hybrid) Agreed on the deployment of the 3553. I have seen it on the shuffle and it is listed on BB. EVGA needs to maintain their partnerships, I am still glad they are supporting the gamers and I hope the supply camels all come over the dunes for us soon so we can get rid of the Que and just purchase from the website like we use to be able to ( am I dreaming here? ... positive thoughts) Leet-Builder
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 10:57:46
Leet-Builder Thanks Newt, I was able to purchased a 3 series card when the 3080ti dropped (thanks to your information here and on the Que summary - used you associate code too!) so that may count against me ... I didn't have all my EVGA stuff registered either so I'm working on that. So I just keep the notify and hope for an email without any real idea of where I am in the que? The 3553 is for an upgrade to a media computer in the media center so it isn't like I am gaming on a GTX 980. I did give up a Que 2 spot for a 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/19/2020 11:38:48 PM PT (My original 3 series que spot) since that sku wasn't really moving and ... well I got the 3080ti (to replace t he 1080 I was on previously- awesome upgrade) and the 3050 seemed like something I could still put to work. (I would have had to ebay the 3080Hybrid) Agreed on the deployment of the 3553. I have seen it on the shuffle and it is listed on BB. EVGA needs to maintain their partnerships, I am still glad they are supporting the gamers and I hope the supply camels all come over the dunes for us soon so we can get rid of the Que and just purchase from the website like we use to be able to ( am I dreaming here? ... positive thoughts) Leet-Builder
I hope you are not dreaming re the camels. Unfortunately, for the Queue 3.0 skus, it pretty much is a black box that EVGA has established.... Thanks for the consideration re using the code for your prior purchase.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 11:26:17
RTX 3080 12gb models in the DIY Configurator at time of posting. Don't forget to use an associates code for the discount!
Want to save a few bucks? Use my Associates code!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 11:28:44
Donradeon It is funny, I see people post on forums like Slickdeals with the rationale that scalping doesn't hurt anyone as long as people are willing to pay. Well, when the manufacturer sees people willing to pay $250 more for something like a PS5, Sony knows they underpriced their console. So when Nvidia sees people paying 200% of MSRP for a card they know there's money left on the table - and guess who pays? We all do as MSRP goes up.
EXACTLY, I am not sure why people don't get this. If McDonalds thought they could charge $15 for a Big Mac and still sell the same number, why wouldn't they do it? If people buy stuff all up at certain price, then, the price should ideally keep going up until they stop selling out. NVIDIA answers to its shareholders, no one else. They miscalculated the initial MRSP of $699 for the 3080 FE and have been scrambling to make up for it since. They see how much they can charge and people are still willing to pay scalpers above and beyond even the new prices. Sony and XBOX were so worried about each others pricing, they both probably left $100 or more on the table per model. I see a million Reddit posts a day asking when prices will go down... The answer is never again, unless cards are collecting dust on the store shelves, and that ain't happening in the near future. It is the consumer's fault though, for not having the control to say no to high retail prices and even higher scalper prices. If we stop buying crap as fast as they can make it... all of this gets better... But we will not, no one wants to be the one left out or to go without, so we pay and they have us where they want us.
yeah cards are big $$ and will stay this way all of 2022
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 11:29:25
tizz78 RTX 3080 12gb models in the DIY Configurator at time of posting. Don't forget to use an associates code for the discount!
i compared the 3080 12gb to the 3080 ti, and i dont see any difference, am i wrong or is the difference very subtle. i compared the xc ultra hybrid models of each
post edited by lciarlo - 2022/02/07 11:32:17
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 11:32:36
Donradeon It is funny, I see people post on forums like Slickdeals with the rationale that scalping doesn't hurt anyone as long as people are willing to pay. Well, when the manufacturer sees people willing to pay $250 more for something like a PS5, Sony knows they underpriced their console. So when Nvidia sees people paying 200% of MSRP for a card they know there's money left on the table - and guess who pays? We all do as MSRP goes up.
EXACTLY, I am not sure why people don't get this. If McDonalds thought they could charge $15 for a Big Mac and still sell the same number, why wouldn't they do it? If people buy stuff all up at certain price, then, the price should ideally keep going up until they stop selling out. NVIDIA answers to its shareholders, no one else. They miscalculated the initial MRSP of $699 for the 3080 FE and have been scrambling to make up for it since. They see how much they can charge and people are still willing to pay scalpers above and beyond even the new prices. Sony and XBOX were so worried about each others pricing, they both probably left $100 or more on the table per model. I see a million Reddit posts a day asking when prices will go down... The answer is never again, unless cards are collecting dust on the store shelves, and that ain't happening in the near future. It is the consumer's fault though, for not having the control to say no to high retail prices and even higher scalper prices. If we stop buying crap as fast as they can make it... all of this gets better... But we will not, no one wants to be the one left out or to go without, so we pay and they have us where they want us.
nobody miscalculated anything. Nvidia is a multi billion dollar company with a marketing and sales department likely larger than EVGA in its entirety. Companies adapt to market trends and there are 1M+ reasons why pricing would change with demand, inventory, competition, pandemic, regulations, etc being some of them. Also not the mention they forecast market trends for the next 5+ years. This is not like 2 guys decided the 3080 would be $700 and oops i guess they were wrong. The market will recover, there is no doubt about that, but it takes time and pricing will go down . its not a matter of if but when. Nvidia is not the only company going through supply constraints i mean take a look across all industries.
post edited by Hxx - 2022/02/07 11:37:00
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
2022/02/07 11:36:36
kraade If you should happen to score a 3080 12gb at "msrp", you have been scalped by the factory. its double the price to 2 more GB of vram. j.s.
Agreed, the 3080 12GB MSRP is a rip off.
Absolutely a rip off.
Hey EVGA, when will you bring these prices down to a realistic level?
I can get on a que at Microcenter, but no chance in the world will I pay $1200+tax on a 3080...that's absurd. I get the shortage, but what's the deal on these cards having what...a $500 upcharge?
It's NVIDIA that sets the MSRP, not EVGA. Nvidia has proven to be greedy, and the 3080 12gb is just the latest example. They have the "Scalpers are making it work, so why can't we?" mentality.
Yes, you are correct and I should have said "Hey EVGA, when will these prices be brought down to a realistic level" and not "when will """you""" in hopes there was some inside info.
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