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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/14 06:57:19
Thank you , I understand 3.0 much better now.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 07:16:44
dextr99 Why not 3999$ , with Huangs greed, by rtx 6xxx there will be 7 PC gamers left in the world.
I they continue with current trend, I don't doubt it at all.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 07:33:49
Sgang Could be so simple to let user reserve their cards with a % of the price.
EVGA won't do that because that would be a contract and not a queue. You want to complain to someone, complain to the one company who controls the actual output of cards from all AIBs.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 08:16:18
Happy Philosophy Friday
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 08:24:17
nomoss Happy Philosophy Friday
Happy Philosophy Friday, to you too. (Lovely work.)
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 08:50:58
nomoss Happy Philosophy Friday

Can we get one involving Harry Potter for next week's Philosophy Friday??
EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Intel i7-9700k Corsair HX1200i Gigabyte Z390m Gaming 32GB 3200MHz DDR4 G. Skill Ripjaws V Series Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL White
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 08:58:14
I'd like to commission a special Enewt about the "Creation of Adam" from the Sistine Chapel is changed such that Adam == Enewt and God == Jacob?
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 09:11:19
amanenti Is the queue for the 3885-KL ... ever going to move? I'm over a year in line now, and I sincerely doubt that I'll ever get a card.
I'm in for the 3885-KL also. It has been about a year and a half. pretty sure that i'll never get it.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 09:26:22
amanenti Is the queue for the 3885-KL ... ever going to move? I'm over a year in line now, and I sincerely doubt that I'll ever get a card.
I'm in for the 3885-KL also. It has been about a year and a half. pretty sure that i'll never get it.
I just got my 3090 XC3 Ultra notify earlier this week after 1.3 years in queue. Soo there is still hope.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 09:41:47
I am going to keep the Queue 3.0 Rules and the new Queue 3.0 Forum Thread links in the intro for a day or three for those that haven't heard the news yet. I have also attempted a rough FAQ to try to head off the inevitable questions that will arise as more casual queue followers learn about the new system going forward (constructive feedback is welcome as I was pulling it together while handling family duties and likely botched it up). As I have watched my beloved PUBG die a slow death (PUBGM, which I have never played, seems as robust as ever) over my 15 plus month s'more diet during the EVGA 30 Series queue watch, I have been searching in earnest for a replacement. And while I really enjoy Tarkov...I don't currently have a rig that allows me to be even at the bottom edge of competitiveness in it. I had occasion to play on my brother's rig about a week ago. I sat down and promptly realized that my FPS skills are dramatically reduced; my WASD fingers have atrophied. (Narrator: not "dramatically"...the amphibian already sucked.) I tried out Super People on my brother's rig, a F2P mash up of PUBG and Fortnite with some Overwatch-style uber power stuff thrown in. I sucked at it. Hard. Anyway, what I realized for the first time during that brief play session is that I may actually prefer watching competent people play my favorite games over flailing (and failing) at it myself. This new, alien feeling runs counter to everything I have learned dating back 40 plus years (key lesson: don't let your brother sit down in front of the family's one pc before you...dominate seat time and you win, regardless of the outcome of any individual round). I am now questioning whether fast twitch skill games are...beyond me. I truly hope not...but only time will tell. I remain as eager as ever for the EVGA queue to fulfill my KPE fantasies. It is Philosophy Phriday (thanks nomoss)...go get your card! Best of luck today! As of 9:40 am PT Phriday, January 14, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents that a queue drop has reportedly occurred since the morning of January 13; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from that SKU's prior report*): Card SKU Most Recent Registration Timestamp to Receive an Invite to Purchase email Ultra3090 FTW3 Ultra 3987 05/12/2021 15:12:56 3090 XC3 Ultra 3975 10/13/2020 14:11:07 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3967 06/05/2021 18:06:19 3080 FTW3 Ultra (12 Gb) 4877 01/11/2022 09:36:19 ( Queue 3.0 Rules) *3080 FTW3 Ultra 3897-KL 12/03/2020 15:36:19 3080 XC3 Ultra (12 Gb) 4865 01/11/2022 00:00:00 (Queue 3.0 Rules)*3080 XC3 Ultra 3885-KL 09/21/2020 15:57:55 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3797 07/29/2021 11:10:45 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra 3785 06/20/2021 11:20:37 3070 FTW3 Ultra 3767-KL 01/18/2021 15:31:30 3070 XC3 Ultra 3755-KL 12/28/2020 14:12:04 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3667-KL 12/08/2020 18:52:00
Gaming3090 FTW3 Gaming 3985 09/24/2020 16:12:06 3090 XC3 Gaming 3973 09/24/2020 00:00:003080 Ti XC3 Gaming 3953 06/30/2021 06:38:20 3080 FTW3 Gaming 3895 09/21/2020 09:57:19 3080 XC3 Gaming 3883 09/16/2020 11:14:32 3070 Ti XC3 Gaming 3783 06/30/2021 06:29:45 3070 XC3 Gaming 3753 10/29/2020 06:37:16 3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming 3665 12/08/2020 18:52:16 3060 Ti XC Gaming 3663-KL 01/30/2021 17:29:18 (114:14:09) 3060 XC Gaming 3657 09/22/2021 19:08:22
Black3090 XC3 Black 3971 09/24/2020 00:00:00 3080 XC3 Black 3881-KL 09/16/2020 16:07:01 3070 XC3 Black 3751 10/29/2020 06:31:11 3060 XC Black 3655 04/26/2021 04:01:06
Hybrid3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3988 02/16/2021 22:33:39 3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3978 01/17/2021 22:10:073080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3968 06/03/2021 08:54:49 3080 Ti XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3958 06/03/2021 14:43:27 3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3898-KL 12/16/ 2020 10:38:19 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3888-KL 12/10/2020 09:21:56 Hydro Copper 3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC 3989 04/15/2021 10:00:313090 XC3 Ultra HC 3979 06/23/2021 06:02:56 (00:00:35) 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra HC 3969 06/04/2021 09:01:10 3080 Ti XC3 Ultra HC 3959 06/16/2021 05:06:113080 FTW3 Ultra HC 3899 06/23/2021 06:00:34 (00:00:05) 3080 XC3 Ultra HC 3889 06/23/2021 06:00:10 K|NGP|N K|NGP|N HC (Queue) 3999 06/15/2021 09:17:29 K|NGP|N Hybrid (Queue) 3998 07/07/2021 07:59:57 * In the absence of information from EVGA about the respective tiers (EVGA score cohorts), the EVGA Queue Summary will report the latest timestamp report received (I'll assume that it comes from a registrant with a superlative EVGA Score (i.e., the highest tier) who has no prior history of buying a 30 series card from the EVGA Queue); Queue 3.0 rows in the summary will not include an "elapsed time" italicized parenthetical. May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve. Best of luck! twene
post edited by enewt - 2022/01/14 09:43:55
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 09:55:33
@enewt - I feel your gaming rehab pains. At the ripe age of 43 myself, I have realized that many FPS games are not really my thing anymore. My kids, little brother, sons-in-law, ect, are all way better (and younger) than myself. About the only thing I ever get from FPS online games is rage... Lots of rage.. and that's not always good for the aging heart lol. I have since been playing around with survival games (Icarus is the latest time soak for me) to give the ticker a break. Maybe I'm just too competitive.....
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 11:32:36
Should we just let go of 3080 10gb notifies since I assume they will not make any more of these chips?
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 11:34:13
aigochamaloh Should we just let go of 3080 10gb notifies since I assume they will not make any more of these chips?
I wouldn't recommend it at this time, but that's just my two cents lol. Edit: The reason I say this is that you cannot re-enter the que for that sku once you remove it. So, until it's officially discontinued, I'd keep it. Maybe not, I seem to be more wrong that right lately so it's ultimately your call... Also something to think about: There would likely be 10gb cards trickling out for a bit, even after discontinued. So, there's still a chance to get a card unless you're dead set on the 12gb model.
post edited by tizz78 - 2022/01/14 11:46:20
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 11:48:44
aigochamaloh Should we just let go of 3080 10gb notifies since I assume they will not make any more of these chips?
I wouldn't recommend it at this time, but that's just my two cents lol. Edit: The reason I say this is that you cannot re-enter the que for that sku once you remove it. So, until it's officially discontinued, I'd keep it. Maybe not, I seem to be more wrong that right lately so it's ultimately your call...
They could move us to 3080 12gb, i mean it would be fair. The problem is, the price for 12gb is so inflated it's almost in the rx 6900xt range and not really a good buy.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 11:54:07
aigochamaloh Should we just let go of 3080 10gb notifies since I assume they will not make any more of these chips?
I wouldn't recommend it at this time, but that's just my two cents lol. Edit: The reason I say this is that you cannot re-enter the que for that sku once you remove it. So, until it's officially discontinued, I'd keep it. Maybe not, I seem to be more wrong that right lately so it's ultimately your call...
They could move us to 3080 12gb, i mean it would be fair. The problem is, the price for 12gb is so inflated it's almost in the rx 6900xt range and not really a good buy.
Another good point, could do it like they did with the LHR model change. Give you the option to stay in the remaining que or transfer. But, other than winning a newegg shuffle there aren't many other options for purchasing a new card (that I know of), so food for thought!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:01:40
Holy waterlogged Friday batman! 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 12:39:55 PM PT Yes True
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:06:52
DrLuigiPhd Holy waterlogged Friday batman! 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 12:39:55 PM PT Yes True
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new waterlogged gaming goodness!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:16:45
aigochamaloh Should we just let go of 3080 10gb notifies since I assume they will not make any more of these chips?
I wouldn't recommend it at this time, but that's just my two cents lol. Edit: The reason I say this is that you cannot re-enter the que for that sku once you remove it. So, until it's officially discontinued, I'd keep it. Maybe not, I seem to be more wrong that right lately so it's ultimately your call...
They could move us to 3080 12gb, i mean it would be fair. The problem is, the price for 12gb is so inflated it's almost in the rx 6900xt range and not really a good buy.
Another good point, could do it like they did with the LHR model change. Give you the option to stay in the remaining que or transfer. But, other than winning a newegg shuffle there aren't many other options for purchasing a new card (that I know of), so food for thought!
the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:21:33
lciarlo the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
Depends on which two you have, your times, and what you really want. There are some queues that will not budge and others that still have a chance. EVGA has posted that the 3080-10 will live on for the foreseeable future... that isn't to say, forever. Suggest to anyone that you should post up what you have and get some community feedback.
Interested in a discount on EVGA products? Click here for details and enter this Associates code at checkout >> 2ILPLQQ8IWY8DPN 2021 Build: Gigabyte Z590 Ultra | Core i7-10700K | be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 | 32GB G.Skill Trident Z DDR4-3200 EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra | Samsung 970 EVO 500GB | Seasonic Focus GX-850 | Fractal Design Meshify C | Asus TUF VG27AQL1A
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:25:41
lciarlo the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
Depends on which two you have, your times, and what you really want. There are some queues that will not budge and others that still have a chance. EVGA has posted that the 3080-10 will live on for the foreseeable future... that isn't to say, forever. Suggest to anyone that you should post up what you have and get some community feedback.
obviously I have the 3885 3080 10gb and i got in on the 3080 12gb. If i want a chance for the 3050, one of these have to go. and from what i understand the times dont really mean alot in queue 3.0
post edited by lciarlo - 2022/01/14 12:27:04
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:29:33
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:37:54
lciarlo the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
Depends on which two you have, your times, and what you really want. There are some queues that will not budge and others that still have a chance. EVGA has posted that the 3080-10 will live on for the foreseeable future... that isn't to say, forever. Suggest to anyone that you should post up what you have and get some community feedback.
obviously I have the 3885 3080 10gb and i got in on the 3080 12gb. If i want a chance for the 3050, one of these have to go. and from what i understand the times dont really mean alot in queue 3.0
In that case, keep the 12GB for sure, except the decision will cost you quite a bit more money than the 10GB... as you know. Time only matters if there is a tie. Have you purchased from the evga queue yet? If no, then you will get pushed forward and have a decent chance. enewt Ugh.
Interested in a discount on EVGA products? Click here for details and enter this Associates code at checkout >> 2ILPLQQ8IWY8DPN 2021 Build: Gigabyte Z590 Ultra | Core i7-10700K | be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 | 32GB G.Skill Trident Z DDR4-3200 EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra | Samsung 970 EVO 500GB | Seasonic Focus GX-850 | Fractal Design Meshify C | Asus TUF VG27AQL1A
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:42:46
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:43:30
lciarlo the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
Depends on which two you have, your times, and what you really want. There are some queues that will not budge and others that still have a chance. EVGA has posted that the 3080-10 will live on for the foreseeable future... that isn't to say, forever. Suggest to anyone that you should post up what you have and get some community feedback.
obviously I have the 3885 3080 10gb and i got in on the 3080 12gb. If i want a chance for the 3050, one of these have to go. and from what i understand the times dont really mean alot in queue 3.0
In that case, keep the 12GB for sure, except the decision will cost you quite a bit more money than the 10GB... as you know. Time only matters if there is a tie. Have you purchased from the evga queue yet? If no, then you will get pushed forward and have a decent chance.
enewt Ugh.
I've purchased numerous cards from evga over the last few years, and power supplies and CLC's. So, i dont think i'll get pushed ahead at all.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:46:55
enewt Ugh.
Just.... why?
Maybe a card that gets persnickity at 500W doesn't need to be pushed to 1000.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:47:15
lciarlo the thing is if you have 2 cards in ur queue(s) and one of them is the 3885 (3080 10gb), which is not moving at all after almost a year and a half. If you plan on trying for the 3050 later this month, your gonna have to get rid of one of the two cards you have in your queue. seems like the 3080 10 gb is the one to drop, what do u think?
Depends on which two you have, your times, and what you really want. There are some queues that will not budge and others that still have a chance. EVGA has posted that the 3080-10 will live on for the foreseeable future... that isn't to say, forever. Suggest to anyone that you should post up what you have and get some community feedback.
obviously I have the 3885 3080 10gb and i got in on the 3080 12gb. If i want a chance for the 3050, one of these have to go. and from what i understand the times dont really mean alot in queue 3.0
In that case, keep the 12GB for sure, except the decision will cost you quite a bit more money than the 10GB... as you know. Time only matters if there is a tie. Have you purchased from the evga queue yet? If no, then you will get pushed forward and have a decent chance.
enewt Ugh.
I've purchased numerous cards from evga over the last few years, and power supplies and CLC's. So, i dont think i'll get pushed ahead at all.
Considering the niche that is KP I believe I will have a solid chance even with previous 30 series purchase from OG Queue 🤔
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 12:49:18
enewt Ugh.
Just.... why?
Maybe a card that gets persnickity at 500W doesn't need to be pushed to 1000.
I mean I could push my 3090 with 1k bios but depends on game, btw anyone with a kingpin run Furmark on 1k bios with power limit set to something like 70 or 80% ?
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 13:00:55
enewt Ugh.
do u have an idea of how many people have reported back that they got the notify for the 3080 12gb
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 13:05:49
enewt Ugh.
Just.... why?
Maybe a card that gets persnickity at 500W doesn't need to be pushed to 1000.
that's exactly what I was thinking. They are trying to squeeze 10% more performance out of a card with 2% more 3090s already run really question people will have problems with overheating...wouldn't even consider the 3090ti without water block or hybrid setup at minimum. Longevity will be short
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/14 13:29:40
DrLuigiPhd Holy waterlogged Friday batman! 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 12:39:55 PM PT Yes True
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new waterlogged gaming goodness!
I have to say I'm impressed with EVGA. I have now received a notification for every card I queued for and this 4hr jump on the hybrid card on it's launch day really surprised me. Either everyone removed them from their 2 or they had a massive drop today. Either way I think I'm going to pass on it as I'm set with the card I've got and maybe pick up a hybrid kit when I move to a new case that can fit 2 AIOs. I would like to stuff all my components into a O11 air mini, but currently they won't all fit.