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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 15:24:50
Where there is smoke there is fire. For the 3070 ti 16gb we will find out in a few days they say about 12/17 announcement.
post edited by LLLEFTERIS - 2021/12/08 15:25:57
There is no reason to buy something from EVGA again. Greek souvlaki I do not know English I translate with Google .... Sorry.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 15:48:48
I know some english. I put EVGA's site in Google translate but it does not translate, access is not allowed, he says.
There is no reason to buy something from EVGA again. Greek souvlaki I do not know English I translate with Google .... Sorry.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 16:25:14
I think its safe to say we are officially in another lull, if this is caused buy diverting resources to another SKU , I am afraid Nvidia just does not get it, Has there ever been another card with more variations? If a 3080 Super comes out in Q1 that would be like a huge FU to all the customers out there.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 16:41:53
well I won the Newegg shuffle today and got a Gigabyte RTX 3060 12GB, so at least i can upgrade from the 1070. I'm still holding out that hopefully one day ill own my EVGA 3080 Hybrid.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 16:45:32
Connormc11 well I won the Newegg shuffle today and got a Gigabyte RTX 3060 12GB, so at least i can upgrade from the 1070. I'm still holding out that hopefully one day ill own my EVGA 3080 Hybrid.
Congratulations on the shuffle win. I hope the 3060 treats you well.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 16:59:53
What gap does a 3070ti with 16gb of ram even fill?
Help me, help you! Use my associate code at checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: I6AM2ZPP7846RU5
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 17:07:50
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 18:36:40
enewt Quite a disappointing Camel Day. We may have to revisit our naming convention...moose also have humps (apparently due to their large shoulder muscles). Maybe a year of honoring the dromedary and bactrian have gone to their heads...something to think about. In any case, Thor's Day hits tomorrow...let's hope it is a doozy. Have a good night! As of 5:05 pm PT Wednesday, December 8, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents queue movement from the morning of December 8; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from that SKU's prior report): Card SKU Most Recent Registration Timestamp to Receive an Invite to Purchase email …
Hybrid … 3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3978 01/17/2021 22:10:07 me = 2/1/2021 07:30 am … May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve. Best of luck! twene
Thors day is cool 😎 My great uncle was name Thorlief which is a Norwegian take on Thor so maybe I move two big weeks on Thors day.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 18:39:52
That 3080 Hybrid movement is huge! I wouldn't mind it doing that a few more times
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 19:42:38
enewt Quite a disappointing Camel Day. We may have to revisit our naming convention...moose also have humps (apparently due to their large shoulder muscles). Maybe a year of honoring the dromedary and bactrian have gone to their heads...something to think about. Or maybe the camels got caught up in a performance enhancing drugs scandal... Botox cheating gets camels barred from Saudi beauty contestOver 40 camels have been disqualified from the annual pageanthttps://www.ocregister.com/2021/12/08/dozens-of-camels-barred-from-saudi-beauty-contest-over-botox/
Doesn't have a point of viewKnows not where he's going toIsn't he a bit like...the EVGA queue?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/08 19:49:39
enewt Quite a disappointing Camel Day. We may have to revisit our naming convention...moose also have humps (apparently due to their large shoulder muscles). Maybe a year of honoring the dromedary and bactrian have gone to their heads...something to think about. Or maybe the camels got caught up in a performance enhancing drugs scandal... Botox cheating gets camels barred from Saudi beauty contest Over 40 camels have been disqualified from the annual pageant https://www.ocregister.com/2021/12/08/dozens-of-camels-barred-from-saudi-beauty-contest-over-botox/
A much more likely scenario.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 00:14:02
Im in queue position 8 for 08G-P5-3785-KL 3070ti xc3 ultra from eu store. It says estimate 2 days for notification. Last drop in eu was at 10/05/2021. Realisticaly how many days/weeks should i expect an email?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 03:25:39
Hi, How do you see estimate days for EU ????
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 03:50:42
profy Hi, How do you see estimate days for EU ????
Probably looking at element35's site but it's more an estimated guess based on ppl signing up on their site and how much time passed between a drop and another.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 04:29:28
I don't know what to say... on element35's site are two lines for 08G-P5-3755-KL, one ULTRA and the other one ULTRA LHR... if what is on element35 on the site is true, it means that my queue for 08G-P5-3755-KL is gone... how come I did not receive notification from EVGA with the link to buy ... considering that I am waiting from December 2020
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 05:27:15
This is a stupid question, but what is "Superclocked Member" ?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 05:49:51
darky404 I don't know what to say... on element35's site are two lines for 08G-P5-3755-KL, one ULTRA and the other one ULTRA LHR... if what is on element35 on the site is true, it means that my queue for 08G-P5-3755-KL is gone... how come I did not receive notification from EVGA with the link to buy ... considering that I am waiting from December 2020
You will have to log in to your EVGA account to see exactly for which card you have entered the queue. My EVGA My Notifies If you are NA then you will enter evga.com if you are EU then you will enter eu.evga.com Element35gaming has two separate lists for America and Europe.
There is no reason to buy something from EVGA again. Greek souvlaki I do not know English I translate with Google .... Sorry.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:08:14
darky404 This is a stupid question, but what is "Superclocked Member" ?
It's a forum member with over 100 posts. Or were you asking about the Rule 34 version?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:11:35
I got a 3665-kr and a 3667-kr since january 10 on my list will i get my notification since they are KR models? and the 3667-kr isn't on the website anymore did i wait for nothing?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:24:55
Tehholyone I got a 3665-kr and a 3667-kr since january 10 on my list will i get my notification since they are KR models? and the 3667-kr isn't on the website anymore did i wait for nothing?
nVidia isn't sending non-LHR chipsets out to AIBs anymore (except the 3090). Did you opt out of the KL change?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:30:27
Tehholyone I got a 3665-kr and a 3667-kr since january 10 on my list will i get my notification since they are KR models? and the 3667-kr isn't on the website anymore did i wait for nothing?
nVidia isn't sending non-LHR chipsets out to AIBs anymore (except the 3090). Did you opt out of the KL change?
Only thing i got by email was the one saying to keep the FTW and the XC3 models in october.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:38:37
Tehholyone I got a 3665-kr and a 3667-kr since january 10 on my list will i get my notification since they are KR models? and the 3667-kr isn't on the website anymore did i wait for nothing?
nVidia isn't sending non-LHR chipsets out to AIBs anymore (except the 3090). Did you opt out of the KL change?
Only thing i got by email was the one saying to keep the FTW and the XC3 models in october.
If you didn't opt out of the KL change, it might have been a website error. You can email webmaster@evga.com and explain the situation. They should be able to fix it for you!
EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Intel i7-9700k Corsair HX1200i Gigabyte Z390m Gaming 32GB 3200MHz DDR4 G. Skill Ripjaws V Series Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL White
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:43:01
darky404 This is a stupid question, but what is "Superclocked Member" ?
It's a forum member with over 100 posts. Or were you asking about the Rule 34 version?
<frantically erases browser history>
Doesn't have a point of viewKnows not where he's going toIsn't he a bit like...the EVGA queue?
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 06:45:00
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 07:07:49
Eventually we will all get our cards. Just not sure when eventually will happen.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 07:13:29
In case anyone wants to know - Just received my notification for a 12G-P5-3968-KR Hybrid. Here is my notification data; 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 8:31:32 AM PTYes True
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 07:16:55
honus03 Eventually we will all get our cards. Just not sure when eventually will happen.
No he says it clearly here. Special EVGA 30 Series Notify System (10/4/2021) Notice: Update 10/4/2021: In an effort to expedite those in queue who are still waiting for a EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series Card, and to be fair to all EVGA customers, we are making a running change: 1. Accounts that have NOT purchased an EVGA 30 series card yet as part of the queue will be prioritized. 2. Accounts that have already purchased an EVGA 30 series card in the queue system, will be behind those who have not. Notes: B-Stock (RX) or Step-Up 30 Series products will not affect queue positions. We hope that this update will allow more gamers to get their hands on an EVGA GeForce RTX 30 series card. If there are any questions please contact our support at Sales@evga.com. Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available. Notifications will be sent on a first come, first served basis. The EVGA 30 Series Notify System does not guarantee that your notify order will be fulfilled. While supplies last.Please note that you have 20 hours to place your order, otherwise the product will be released back into queue system. EVGA ELITE Members have 24hr early access to join the queue on all newly launched hardware. Join ELITE Member Program here. NOTE: Email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase. To view the notifies you have selected and if an email has sent, please visit the My Notifies page here.
post edited by LLLEFTERIS - 2021/12/09 07:22:25
There is no reason to buy something from EVGA again. Greek souvlaki I do not know English I translate with Google .... Sorry.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 07:22:49
honus03 Eventually we will all get our cards. Just not sure when eventually will happen.
No he says it clearly here.
Special EVGA 30 Series Notify System (10/4/2021) Notice: Update 10/4/2021: In an effort to expedite those in queue who are still waiting for a EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series Card, and to be fair to all EVGA customers, we are making a running change: 1. Accounts that have NOT purchased an EVGA 30 series card yet as part of the queue will be prioritized. 2. Accounts that have already purchased an EVGA 30 series card in the queue system, will be behind those who have not. Notes: B-Stock (RX) or Step-Up 30 Series products will not affect queue positions. We hope that this update will allow more gamers to get their hands on an EVGA GeForce RTX 30 series card. If there are any questions please contact our support at Sales@evga.com. Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available. Notifications will be sent on a first come, first served basis. The EVGA 30 Series Notify System does not guarantee that your notify order will be fulfilled. While supplies last. Please note that you have 20 hours to place your order, otherwise the product will be released back into queue system. EVGA ELITE Members have 24hr early access to join the queue on all newly launched hardware. Join ELITE Member Program here. NOTE: Email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase. To view the notifies you have selected and if an email has sent, please visit the My Notifies page here.
That post is outdated. They changed it back on 10/5. https://forums.evga.com/B...t-a-Card-m3477976.aspxEveryone, As we continue to monitor the queue to get cards to gamers sooner, we appreciate all the feedback to help us to improve the queue system. Due to the overwhelming demand for the 30 Series Products, our first step was to close the notify queue until we can fulfill them. Management team then took an extra step to prioritize those that have not received a card versus others who have been able to get multiple GPU’s. After reading the feedback, there were legitimate concerns about retroactively changing the queue function. We are sorry for any frustration this caused, this was not the company’s intention. Today we are going to make the following updates: 1. The queue system will be rolled back to the previous rule. - Anyone who missed a card from Monday, October 4th, will be notified on the next release.
- EVGA will continue to send notifies through October 8th.
2. In order to get cards to gamers sooner, please go to the notify page at https://www.evga.com/community/myNotifies.asp and keep only the top two cards selected that you would like to purchase, and remove the others. - On October 11th, 2021, the system will only lookup and send notifies based on your two oldest entries.
- Going forward, the queue system will only allow for two 30 Series notifies on the current lineup.
- EVGA strongly suggests to keep the FTW3 ULTRA or XC3 ULTRA models due to consistent supply compared to limited supply on K|NGP|N, HYDRO COPPER and HYBRID due to supply constraints.
- EVGA is also going to be adding SMS verification to the checkout process for all notifications to catch bot orders.
3. The queue system will not be turned back on until the current queues are fulfilled. 4. The checkout window is 20 hours from the time of notification released. EVGA appreciates your feedback to continue improving the queue system to deliver 30 Series cards into as many gamers hands as possible. Thanks EVGA
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 07:29:28
honus03 Eventually we will all get our cards. Just not sure when eventually will happen.
No he says it clearly here.
Special EVGA 30 Series Notify System (10/4/2021) Notice: Update 10/4/2021: In an effort to expedite those in queue who are still waiting for a EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series Card, and to be fair to all EVGA customers, we are making a running change: 1. Accounts that have NOT purchased an EVGA 30 series card yet as part of the queue will be prioritized. 2. Accounts that have already purchased an EVGA 30 series card in the queue system, will be behind those who have not. Notes: B-Stock (RX) or Step-Up 30 Series products will not affect queue positions. We hope that this update will allow more gamers to get their hands on an EVGA GeForce RTX 30 series card. If there are any questions please contact our support at Sales@evga.com. Due to high demand, the notify queue sign-up is temporarily disabled. If you have a current queue position, EVGA will continue to process as stock is available. Notifications will be sent on a first come, first served basis. The EVGA 30 Series Notify System does not guarantee that your notify order will be fulfilled. While supplies last. Please note that you have 20 hours to place your order, otherwise the product will be released back into queue system. EVGA ELITE Members have 24hr early access to join the queue on all newly launched hardware. Join ELITE Member Program here. NOTE: Email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase. To view the notifies you have selected and if an email has sent, please visit the My Notifies page here.
That post is outdated. They changed it back on 10/5. https://forums.evga.com/B...t-a-Card-m3477976.aspx
As we continue to monitor the queue to get cards to gamers sooner, we appreciate all the feedback to help us to improve the queue system.
Due to the overwhelming demand for the 30 Series Products, our first step was to close the notify queue until we can fulfill them. Management team then took an extra step to prioritize those that have not received a card versus others who have been able to get multiple GPU’s.
After reading the feedback, there were legitimate concerns about retroactively changing the queue function. We are sorry for any frustration this caused, this was not the company’s intention. Today we are going to make the following updates:
1. The queue system will be rolled back to the previous rule.
- Anyone who missed a card from Monday, October 4th, will be notified on the next release.
- EVGA will continue to send notifies through October 8th.
2. In order to get cards to gamers sooner, please go to the notify page at https://www.evga.com/community/myNotifies.asp and keep only the top two cards selected that you would like to purchase, and remove the others.
- On October 11th, 2021, the system will only lookup and send notifies based on your two oldest entries.
- Going forward, the queue system will only allow for two 30 Series notifies on the current lineup.
- EVGA strongly suggests to keep the FTW3 ULTRA or XC3 ULTRA models due to consistent supply compared to limited supply on K|NGP|N, HYDRO COPPER and HYBRID due to supply constraints.
- EVGA is also going to be adding SMS verification to the checkout process for all notifications to catch bot orders.
3. The queue system will not be turned back on until the current queues are fulfilled. 4. The checkout window is 20 hours from the time of notification released.
EVGA appreciates your feedback to continue improving the queue system to deliver 30 Series cards into as many gamers hands as possible.
Thanks EVGA
The post I put is from the EU site and it still exists. Now I do not know if what i write in bold is only for Europe. I had read what you said about the XC3 ULTRA and I was disappointed because the 3663 I am waiting for is a pure XC (3 means 3 fans) To my great surprise the 3663 is one of the graphics cards with the best movement in the queue.
post edited by LLLEFTERIS - 2021/12/09 07:54:16
There is no reason to buy something from EVGA again. Greek souvlaki I do not know English I translate with Google .... Sorry.
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Re: EVGA.com 30 Series Queue System
2021/12/09 08:09:25