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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:10:13
What about groceries and clothes?? Are you eating and wearing computer products? You have to broaden your horizons, sir/ma'am. [/quote
Yeah I eat megabytes cereal and wear gpu underwear. Broaden this!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:10:15
nomoss Ah, Wednesdays - when the salt flows like whine.
yeah, some of us who have waited 9ish months are getting tired of hearing "this week", "soon", "drop" or anything that even closely resembles that stuff. Bottom line EVGA stop opening up queues, or just randomly open up queues for small time periods every now and then, and just concentrate on getting the cards out.
Ah, that's my advantage of living in Europe. Thirty years ago, people still knew the good old communism. There weren't so many bells and whistles, just a card with a fan if it ever worked. And there was exactly one model of this card and it was either sold out or unaffordable. Just like now. But at least nowadays we have the illusion of being able to choose from several great models ... Wait, am I being too sarcastic? Maybe, but I couldn't resist. Sorry ;)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:13:57
nomoss Ah, Wednesdays - when the salt flows like whine.
yeah, some of us who have waited 9ish months are getting tired of hearing "this week", "soon", "drop" or anything that even closely resembles that stuff. Bottom line EVGA stop opening up queues, or just randomly open up queues for small time periods every now and then, and just concentrate on getting the cards out.
They are getting cards out. Since Nvidia released the 3070Ti and 3080Ti, they are able to sell more cards, because they could actually get those to sell. I'm curious what you think they can do to make more PCBs appear, because whatever that magic is, I sure could use it to get more cars on my lot. Every day I hear over and over "Why don't you have more (insert model here)?" and when I explain why nobody has a lot of cars to sell, they then completely ignore the fact that there's a huge shortage and tell me that they don't want to "settle." And that's fine. Don't settle. Just don't yell at the people trying to get the product to sell for not being able to make PCB boards out of thin air.
post edited by nomoss - 2021/06/16 07:16:33
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:16:31
The Elite program is a good idea. The execution was a little poor though. The ability for anyone to get elite simply by posting on the forums or watching Twitch means is not really loyal customers. I have 3 pages of purchase history with them going back to the 6000 GT series days back over 12 years ago. I've been an associate since the program began (code: WQHMAQ73N4S9WS6 Really this is the best code you can use, it's got two Qs in it. Just like the Youtube link to Rick Astley's video. Like that video my code will never let you down!) I digress.... I think they should have been slightly more restrictive on Elite membership but, even so the marketing guys are involved and, like it or not, the general reception from most people no here on the forums is positive. Oh well... Also I wanted to let the resident spreadsheet/Doc god enewt know that I received a queue notification for the 3080 FTW Gaming Friday 11th. 10G-P5-3895-KR 9/21/2020 10:01:09 AM PT Yes
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:18:06
Elite program could be done a little better.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:19:20
nomoss Ah, Wednesdays - when the salt flows like whine.
yeah, some of us who have waited 9ish months are getting tired of hearing "this week", "soon", "drop" or anything that even closely resembles that stuff. Bottom line EVGA stop opening up queues, or just randomly open up queues for small time periods every now and then, and just concentrate on getting the cards out.
They are getting cards out. I'm curious what you think they can do to make more PCBs appear, because whatever that magic is, I sure could use it to get more cars on my lot. Every day I hear over and over "Why don't you have more (insert model here)?" and when I explain why nobody has a lot of cars to sell, they then completely ignore the fact that there's a huge shortage and tell me that they don't want to "settle."
And that's fine. Don't settle. Just don't yell at the people trying to get the product to sell for not being able to make PCB boards out of thin air.
I mean I realize they are getting stuff out as quickly as they can, I just wish they would temper our expectations more than putting a steak on a string, you lunge for it, and it's a chicken nugget. It's just they made so much progress on the 3897 queue just to shut it down, but then you have tons of 3898 hitting the queue. Things just seem like they are drawing out of a hat which chips go to which models right now. The LTT "Verified Gamer" crap is what sent me over I think, I never watch that guys videos anymore. He basically took a scalper like picture and put it all over the place.
10G-P5-3897-KR 9/22/2020 3:19:31 PM PT NO 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:44:13AM PT YES
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:19:51
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:20:04
Hopefully, there's some movement on 08G-P5-3797-KL 3070 TI FTW3 ULTRA, I'm 19 minutes away!
Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: 0B35J62OPLEZ7JQ
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:24:36
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:24:43
Omari41 How long is the queue
Depending on the product and your place in line, YEARS! Or today!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:25:00
caseycalkins Hopefully, there's some movement on 08G-P5-3797-KL 3070 TI FTW3 ULTRA, I'm 19 minutes away!
I'm 3 minutes from 3967 and I have no faith I'll get the card June or July lol
10G-P5-3897-KR 9/22/2020 3:19:31 PM PT NO 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:44:13AM PT YES
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:25:14
matmark i will reach 100 forum post just writing how EVGA is unfair with EU people compared to NA, so i can subscribe to elite member and get nothing because im from EU 6/11/2021 6:00:28 AM PT No 2/25/2021 9:01:10 AM PT No 12/8/2020 2:37:02 AM PT No
So EU queues are not moving at all?
Afaik, it is not moving at all for the 3070 Ti versions indeed
EU notifs : 08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 9:00:19 AM PT No 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:06:27 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3657-KR 2/25/2021 9:38:12 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:27:27
drewski989 Good morning y'all, welp, morbid curiosity had me attempting to login yesterday at 11:30AM EST... And the site was already pooping the bed. I didnt even try again, I moved on to bigger fish.
I truly think EVGA has made it worse than ever with this "Elite" (not typing that word without quotes until policy changes) early access. They basically put out "come-lately" bait, good for business and brand promotion though, as long as you care more for new business than your loyal customers.
Extreme frustration is setting in... And I have my card for 7+ months now, but I see people here that have been around for the whole ride, and they have more of a fight than ever. Just a bummer.
Aaah, the withdrawal got to you again. :).
Yeah the “Elite” decision from eVGA was a serious miscalculation* on their part.
* That’s the “nicest” thing I can say about that.
Marketing made their metrics and will get bonuses, that was what all the "elite" stuff was about. Nothing more.
Perhaps management bonuses depend on site traffic... If so, some peeps are going to be rolling in it. And the withdrawals, oh the withdrawals... I feel like a caveman with no wooly mammoths left to hunt and a hut full of food, the odd combination of satisfied yet unsatisfied.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:28:03
If you don't get in the queue the first hour you have no chance.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:29:43
Omari41 How long is the queue
Take every strand of DNA on Earth, stretch it out and you might get a third of the queue length. Kidding of course, but it's long.
Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: 0B35J62OPLEZ7JQ
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:29:51
Omari41 How long is the queue
It's about as long as turd that comes out of someone's locked up bowels, who sold his a** to the devil.
~ May you always wear soft silks. ~
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:33:32
Omari41 How long is the queue
It's about as long as turd that comes out of someone's locked up bowels, who sold his a** to the devil.
What he said
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:35:54
drewski989 And the withdrawals, oh the withdrawals... I feel like a caveman with no wooly mammoths left to hunt and a hut full of food, the odd combination of satisfied yet unsatisfied.
🤣. My life’s ambition now is to get an “Order confirmed” list on the auction site with a ridiculously high starting price and then taking it down after taking some screenshots. I will cherish and put those screenshots in my “Great GPU rollout of 20-21-22”* scrapbook. * Credit to our resident amphibian for the term.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:48:37
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:49:31
Carfanatic I didn't see really any forum posts about this I was wondering if anyone had experience with the EVGA HYBRID Kit for EVGA GeForce RTX 3090/3080 Ti/3080 XC3? If I happen to get a chance to buy 12G-P5-3959-KR the 3080 Ti XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER GAMING could I remove the preinstalled water block and instead use that hybrid kit? It says if I am understanding it right it should fit any XC3 based card/board is the XC3 Ultra different than a regular XC3? Just trying to find the cheapest way to get the card up and running and seen that kit but didn't know for sure if it would work...
u can get a radiator, pump, tube, and fittings fairly cheap if you look on ebay or aliexpress or amazon. you dont need the best stuff. but easy to custom water cool for cheap. ive put together loops for less than 150 bucks and they are fine. a lot better than the aio hybrid solution since you already have a block on the card. a shame to waste it. Not to mention you will get much better performance from the full cover water block. I am more than happy to help you select components on a budget to put this together.
post edited by rahimdamji29 - 2021/06/16 07:51:13
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:51:46
Psn04072729 If you don't get in the queue the first hour you have no chance.
I would even argue that you only have a chance at all if you get on the list within the first 10-15 minutes. After 2-3 deliveries, most queues die down and move by a few seconds at most every week, at least that's my impression. And after that they just open a new one.... I know, I should stick to my own rule as much as possible...
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 07:52:02
Lets go 3968.....give me 40 seconds today
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:02:37
Carfanatic I didn't see really any forum posts about this I was wondering if anyone had experience with the EVGA HYBRID Kit for EVGA GeForce RTX 3090/3080 Ti/3080 XC3? If I happen to get a chance to buy 12G-P5-3959-KR the 3080 Ti XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER GAMING could I remove the preinstalled water block and instead use that hybrid kit? It says if I am understanding it right it should fit any XC3 based card/board is the XC3 Ultra different than a regular XC3? Just trying to find the cheapest way to get the card up and running and seen that kit but didn't know for sure if it would work...
u can get a radiator, pump, tube, and fittings fairly cheap if you look on ebay or aliexpress or amazon. you dont need the best stuff. but easy to custom water cool for cheap. ive put together loops for less than 150 bucks and they are fine. a lot better than the aio hybrid solution since you already have a block on the card. a shame to waste it. Not to mention you will get much better performance from the full cover water block. I am more than happy to help you select components on a budget to put this together.
Thanks for the offer I been pricing them out if I go with decent components that I know won't crap out any moment I see it's at least $225 or so if I go super cheap I can get down to about $150 but not worth risking a high dollar GPU on components that have zero reviews or testing. If you know of a good kit or could point me to a place you trust feel free to send me a message.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:10:43
31 seconds to go for 3967...
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:20:38
Psn04072729 If you don't get in the queue the first hour you have no chance.
I would even argue that you only have a chance at all if you get on the list within the first 10-15 minutes.
And even then, enjoy your MONTHS of waiting.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:23:29
just hoping for 9 seconds on the 3967
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:25:45
12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 7:42:38 AM PT No Hoping for 22 seconds of movement on the XC3 Hybrid
10G-P5-3889-KR 6/23/2021 8:06:52 AM PT Removed 24G-P5-3999-KR 6/15/2021 10:32:26 AM PT No 08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 9:36:07 AM PT No 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 7:07:18 AM PT No 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 8:05:47 AM PT Removed 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:44:17 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 7:42:38 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:41:22 AM PT Yes 24G-P5-3998-KR 2/4/2021 6:35:00 PM PT Yes 10G-P5-3895-KR 10/8/2020 10:45:58 AM PT No 24G-P5-3975-KR 10/7/2020 8:04:33 PM PT No 24G-P5-3973-KR 10/7/2020 8:04:07 PM PT No 24G-P5-3971-KR 10/7/2020 8:03:12 PM PT No 10G-P5-3897-KR 9/17/2020 5:11:32 PM PT Yes 10G-P5-3881-KR 9/17/2020 9:09:20 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:39:11
The SNAFU Dear EVGA. I am a loyal customer who has purchased nothing from any other company for almost 10 years. I entered the que for several 3080 models in November 2020 and still haven’t been given an opportunity to buy one of them. I see your cards at Best Buy, Walmart and pretty much everywhere else. Over all this time no notification from you that will allow me to buy a card. Being well aware of the gpu situation I knew it would be awhile but this is just not right and not consistent with your previously outstanding customer focus. From what I’ve seen the que for 3080’s hasn’t moved for many months.
Why are you treating loyal customers this way and is there any reason to think you will give me an opportunity to buy one of your 3080 cards anytime soon?
Your reply would be greatly appreciated.
It's not EVGA's fault there is a global supply shortage for a great many things at this point.
Lol "I am a loyal customer" *gives up and bashes EVGA as soon as things get difficult*
AnotherCasual Good morning all, I'm getting my F5 finger stretched out and ready to go today. Hopefully I can get a decent time and the line isn't crazy full of Elite members in front of me. Hopefully the bottleneck eases and the queue can diminish instead of increasing. Cheers!
Good luck, mate. I would definitely recommend you continue to pursue a card through other venues as well. Things aren't looking good for any of the queues - especially after the elite bombardments - any time soon :/
maybe he'll get lucky and do the step up program and screw another..cant all be that lucky i guess !!!
ASUS TUF Gaming GT501 Mid-Tower Computer Case W/smoked tempered glass  Gigabyte Z390 AORUS MASTER  Intel Core i9-9900K Desktop Processor 8 Cores up to 5.0 GHz Turbo unlocked  HyperX Predator Black 32GB kit 3333MHz DDR4 CL16 DIMM XMP memory  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA 24GB  1-- Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD 250GB - M.2 NVMe Interface Internal Solid State (O.S only)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:42:27
Good luck to everyone on the 3967 choo choo train
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/16 08:42:29
ryanp83 just hoping for 9 seconds on the 3967
Just a few behind you. COME ON!