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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:30:50
how come their is no auto notify button for the 3783? im elite and was able to sign up for the FTW 3070ti but not the x3?
10G-P5-3885-KR 9/19/2020 1:56:04 AM PT No 10G-P5-3883-KR 9/18/2020 1:01:01 PM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:32:40
dskx_16 Any news on a positive impact that the LHR cards have made during this whole shortage?
I think we are months too soon to have the data to do that post mortem. They need to measure scalper demand decline over the summer, I would think. And then extract the impact of the fluctuating crypto prices, consult philipma1957 and then let Jensen's PR team prepare talking points to spin the findings.

I honestly think the LHR cards will have little to no impact.
I don't think miners will buy them in the quantities of other cards, at least not initially. They might find a way around the block anyways. Even if miners don't buy them, it won't stop the scalpers and there's not enough silicon to saturate the market enough to stop them.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:32:51
Since the XC3 cards never reach queue members I wouldn’t sweat it
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:33:44
Nike_7688 I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...
I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.
I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.
Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.
Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.
Many are from Taiwan from EVGA I think.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:34:33
Nike_7688 I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...
I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.
I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.
Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.
Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.
Many are from Taiwan from EVGA I think.
Yes China and Taiwan are where they are manufactured after getting the chips from samsung in Korea.
Case: Lian Li O11 Dynamic XLMobo: Asrock X570 TaichiCPU: Ryzen 5900xGPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 UltraRAM: Crucial Ballistix OC to 3800 16 18 18 1:1PSU: EVGA SuperNova G2 1600wCooling: Custom hardline loop: optimus blocks, primochill stuff, lian li stuff, HW Labs 60mm radiators, custom stuff
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:35:23
Well on another note - I've had the EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra in my case now for two days, and for a beast like this and it's aircooled - the temps are fantastic. I'm sitting at idle of 26C, wil occasionally go to 31/32C...gaming think I've had it at around 61C playing Destiny 2....have the Hybrid kit on standby if temps get out of hand or I get really bored. Here for my son's card today, 3070 Ti, got so close at 6:05:00 am, had the auto notify up and filled in - crash. 40 minutes later: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:45:25 AM PT Good luck everyone....
Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:35:49
drewski989 I always have respect for the folks who joined +10 years ago and have under 100 forum posts, shows that you do your talking with your credit card. I type any old thing that strikes me to try to get to 500 posts. I want that 4th e in my signature dangit.
10.5 years, this is post #97. i'm using it to say thank you EVGA for giving out insane discounts to scalpers while giving people like me, who have religiously bought and registered DOZENS of very expensive EVGA products (including top of the line PSUs and multiple Kingpin cards), the proverbial finger. i promise, i will not forget this. PS: the 3080 and 3090 FTW3 cards are trash. basically reference cards with a few extra phases glued on without a better voltage controller to support them.
post edited by solomonshv - 2021/06/10 10:37:42
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:36:27
MaybeSomeDayX how come their is no auto notify button for the 3783? im elite and was able to sign up for the FTW 3070ti but not the x3?
No no queue. It may get turned on when EVGA is confident that they have more inventory of that available to drop to the queue. My guess, we won't see that SKU drop to the queue in any meaningful volumes in the foreseeable future.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:38:55
Phrank44 Well on another note - I've had the EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra in my case now for two days, and for a beast like this and it's aircooled - the temps are fantastic. I'm sitting at idle of 26C, wil occasionally go to 31/32C...gaming think I've had it at around 61C playing Destiny 2....have the Hybrid kit on standby if temps get out of hand or I get really bored. Here for my son's card today, 3070 Ti, got so close at 6:05:00 am, had the auto notify up and filled in - crash. 40 minutes later: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:45:25 AM PT Good luck everyone....
so are you still adding the hybrid cooler to it or leaving it air cooled?
10G-P5-3897-KR 9/22/2020 3:19:31 PM PT NO 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:44:13AM PT YES
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:39:03
Oh hell yeah, officially got a response from the one and only enewt! Im really hoping we get to the 7:43's tomm!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:39:04
drewski989 I always have respect for the folks who joined +10 years ago and have under 100 forum posts, shows that you do your talking with your credit card. I type any old thing that strikes me to try to get to 500 posts. I want that 4th e in my signature dangit.
10.5 years, this is post #97. i'm using it to say thank you EVGA for giving out insane discounts to scalpers while giving people like me, who have religiously bought and registered DOZENS of very expensive EVGA products (including top of the line PSUs and multiple Kingpin cards), the proverbial finger. i promise, i will not forget this.
You are exactly the demographic that EVGA is forgetting in this. Up until the Elite early access combined with the low requirements, I thought EVGA was doing a fantastic job. These last 3 launches have taken the shine off of it for me.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:39:25
Larac It is how American marketing is taught, current customers are already customers no need to treat.
Metrics for Marketing Hordes is usually Raise site hits, Get more folks signed into our program, create social stuff; thus all the streaming. So the Hordes get bonuses for meeting the objectives, no bonus for the hordes to keep current customers happy, so no effort put forth.
Not sure if Europeans work this way or not, but nearly every company in the US does.
If your bonus money is based only on new customers, as everything you make sells out, how much effort do you put into current ones.
I agree existing folks should have gotten a spin or a voucher for some %.
Marketing to the choir, many of whom are not going to go sing anywhere else, isn't necessary as long as the choir continues to sing EVGA songs.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:40:04
Looks like this is going to be yet another week without a 3897 drop. :(
Cool kid
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:41:24
That’s very late. Like 10 months
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:42:49
My wife’s card came. Looking forward to her asking “is it done yet” while I reconfigure the airflow in her case.
Attached Image(s)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:46:49
bnr32jason Looks like this is going to be yet another week without a 3897 drop. :(
Probably no 3989 either. :( I'm 6 seconds out.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:47:18
Phrank44 Well on another note - I've had the EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra in my case now for two days, and for a beast like this and it's aircooled - the temps are fantastic. I'm sitting at idle of 26C, wil occasionally go to 31/32C...gaming think I've had it at around 61C playing Destiny 2....have the Hybrid kit on standby if temps get out of hand or I get really bored. Here for my son's card today, 3070 Ti, got so close at 6:05:00 am, had the auto notify up and filled in - crash. 40 minutes later: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:45:25 AM PT Good luck everyone....
so are you still adding the hybrid cooler to it or leaving it air cooled?
Right now, I'm leaving it air cooled - thing is a beast, believe I read that it's on an oversized chassis solution so cooling is overkill (3090??), played a few games Destiny 2, CyberPunk...temps below 70C with a Precision 1 custom fan curve and I'm in an air-conditioned room. The question I'm facing now: 360 Mhz Monitor? 240 Mhz monitor? G-Sync or G-Sync Compatible? I've got 4 different branded monitors on my list with 240/360 Mhz, GSync or GSync compatible variables - Alienware, Asus, Viewsonic, BenQ and can't for the life of me decide what to decide on....driving me crazy! lol
Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:47:24
nomoss My wife’s card came. Looking forward to her asking “is it done yet” while I reconfigure the airflow in her case.
Reppin' that Omega chair while you're at it I see, Mr. Fancypants.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:47:26
Notifies have started going out: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:30 AM PT Yes
"There's an old saying: Fortune favors the bold. Well, I guess we're about to find out."
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:47:46
RIP 3897, seems like the TI is all they will focus on now. Wouldn't surprise me if most of the 3070 do no drop anymore and they just focus on the TI models too..
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:48:08
ComputerMD82 Notifies have started going out: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:30 AM PT Yes
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back to the thread! Enjoy your new gaming goodness!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:48:10
Got the notify Part Number Date Entered Notify Sent 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:31 AM PT YES
CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x StockCPU Cooler - Corsair H100i EliteMotherboard - MSI B450-A PRORAM - 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 3200GPU - EVGA 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid ConversionOS SSD - Kingston A400 M.2SSD - Samsung EVO 860 1TBHDD - Hitachi Ultrastar 2TB 7200 RPMPSU - EVGA Supernova 1000 G+
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:48:40
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:49 AM PT Yes Thank you enewt for helping me sign up this early by sharing the product link with us before the queue started!
PCPartPicker - 5000D Airflow | Intel i7-11700k | EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming | GIGABYTE Z590 Vision D | 64GB Crucial DDR4-3600 | Samsung 980 PRO 1TB M.2 PCIe 4.0 | Kingston NV1 2TB M.2 PCIe 3.0 | Crucial P5 2TB M.2 PCIe 3.0 | EVGA 1600W T2
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:49:34
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:30 AM PT Yes
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:50:28
ComputerMD82 Notifies have started going out: 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:30 AM PT Yes
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back to the thread! Enjoy your new gaming goodness!
Thank you!! Also FYI, I never reported the sign up for the Kingpin hybrid for the chart: 24G-P5-3998-KR 3/13/2021 10:33:10 AM PT No
"There's an old saying: Fortune favors the bold. Well, I guess we're about to find out."
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:51:23
nrmazloo Got the notify Part Number Date Entered Notify Sent 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:31 AM PT YES
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back to the community! rzelek506 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:49 AM PT Yes Thank you enewt for helping me sign up this early by sharing the product link with us before the queue started!
You are very welcome. Congratulations and thanks for reporting back. jdcooke0117 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:01:30 AM PT Yes
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back to the thread! Enjoy your new Titanium gpus! ComputerMD82 Thank you!! Also FYI, I never reported the sign up for the Kingpin hybrid for the chart: 24G-P5-3998-KR 3/13/2021 10:33:10 AM PT No
Added; you are currently #119. Best of luck!
post edited by enewt - 2021/06/10 10:52:35
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:51:43
Larac It is how American marketing is taught, current customers are already customers no need to treat.
Metrics for Marketing Hordes is usually Raise site hits, Get more folks signed into our program, create social stuff; thus all the streaming. So the Hordes get bonuses for meeting the objectives, no bonus for the hordes to keep current customers happy, so no effort put forth.
Not sure if Europeans work this way or not, but nearly every company in the US does.
If your bonus money is based only on new customers, as everything you make sells out, how much effort do you put into current ones.
I agree existing folks should have gotten a spin or a voucher for some %.
Marketing to the choir, many of whom are not going to go sing anywhere else, isn't necessary as long as the choir continues to sing EVGA songs.
The competition you would go to isn't doing anything any better really. Even within the lens of the "member benefits" not being as nice as one would hope they are, the other manufacturers are offering absolutely nothing at all in comparison. EVGA Step-Up and RMA/support is still probably the best in the business and the pricing here even now is slightly less dealer-scalped than all the other board partners it seems. Pretty much unless you're able to readily and easily get your hands on a Founders Edition you might as well try to be an EVGA customer.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:52:30
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:02:16 AM PT Yes
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:53:49
I just got my purchase link. 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:03:07 AM PT Yes
Current rig: CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Motherboard - ASUS TUF Gaming X570-Plus RAM - 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600 mHz C18 SSD - 1TB Intel 660p HDD - 2TB Seagate Barracuda, 1TB WD Blue GPU - EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra PSU - Corsair RMx 850w Gold Case - Cooler Master TD500 Mesh
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 10:55:43