AnsweredEVGA.com 30 Series Queue System

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:32:38 (permalink)
What time did the notifies for the 3080 "Tie" cards go out on launch day? I'm trying to remember because I want to figure out when I should expect a notify email if my time comes today. I know that for normal weekdays it tends to be from around 9:30 AM PST to around 12 PM at the latest typically but I remember it being later on the 3080 "Tie" launch day.

This document should provide some context: EVGA Queue Summary for North America.
For the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra, I would expect folks between 6 am PT and 6:22 am PT to get emails today...give or take a few minutes.

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:32:51 (permalink)
I always have respect for the folks who joined +10 years ago and have under 100 forum posts, shows that you do your talking with your credit card.  I type any old thing that strikes me to try to get to 500 posts.  I want that 4th e in my signature dangit.

I had a grand total of 7 posts until last October, all technical questions about EVGA products.  Then I found this home for increasingly unstable misfits.

For those who have managed to get their hands on a new GPU recently... Control is free on the Epic Games Store this week. Haven't played it yet, but obviously heard good things, and a good test of your new RTX tech 🙂. Can't go wrong with free!

Of course, I just bought it on Steam  

Associates code:  9OYA1P1FRHQ3SGN
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:33:56 (permalink)
The same thing happened to me on the Europe website, I am from Spain. I could have entered the queue 12 minutes after the launch but that same message appeared and I could not enter my data. 28 minutes later the same thing happened to me and finally 1 hour and 1 minute after the official time I was able to enter the queue. I hope I am lucky, I need it for my work
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:38:16 (permalink)
I sure hope there's enough supply on this card for the Ebay pirates to take a bath , time the worm turned.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:38:49 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:41:35 (permalink)
okay then
post edited by ArthurConway84 - 2021/06/10 09:44:27

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:42:15 (permalink)
Best Buy just listed the 3797 for $10k.  Sold out.  Looks like they are prepping to drop, finally.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:43:14 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.

Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:44:52 (permalink)
..."increasingly unstable misfits."

This is the reason I cannot stay away, dang near choked on my lunch laughing.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:45:14 (permalink)
Best Buy just listed the 3797 for $10k.  Sold out.  Looks like they are prepping to drop, finally.

So that is a positive development...positively insane.

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:47:14 (permalink)
i just remember passing up a 3090 suprim x in microcenter for 1799 thinking it was too much back then haha laughs with nervous regret now

You can save up to 10% with my associates code BQZ0A0HAMVMJR10 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:47:19 (permalink)
Is 6:24:49 PT a good time for the queue?
post edited by msampson1 - 2021/06/10 09:48:29
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:48:08 (permalink)
I do think the actor was a great choice though, he captures Amos well for me at least.

Also looking forward to Sandman, saw the sets, they look amazing, and Neil is on set most days for filming.

Are we sure guys? I don’t remember that.

Oh, do tell us about the Sandman 🤓
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:48:24 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.

Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.

I thought NVIDIA GPU's where manufactured by Samsung in South Korea.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:49:18 (permalink)
Is 6:24:49 a good time for the queue?

yes although by the end of today youll have a better idea of how long youll be waiting. All i can say is good luck brother!
post edited by Arkxangel74! - 2021/06/10 09:50:41

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:50:46 (permalink)
Is 6:24:49 a good time for the queue?

yes although by the end of today youll have a better idea of how long youll be waiting 

Sweet, thanks!

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:50:54 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Agreed. Tech Review Jesus wasn't kidding when he said "That's the only value to the 3070 Ti...buying it with the intent to resell...otherwise the other cards just offer a lot more...the 3080 and the 3070 included." 
If we have to RMA it, do we need to go through the eBay returns process...? (I kid, I kid...)

Have a feeling a lot of people may be buying it simply because they nothing else is in stock. :P Of course doesn't make a difference really if they got into the queue super late.

Super late means , about minute 7 or beyond?  LOL
Drewski, now we all know why you seem to have diarrhea of the keyboard, must get 500 posts!  LMAO (joking)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:51:21 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.

Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.

I thought NVIDIA GPU's where manufactured by Samsung in South Korea.

The chipset is, the actual card itself is manufactured elsewhere.  
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:52:28 (permalink)
I always have respect for the folks who joined +10 years ago and have under 100 forum posts, shows that you do your talking with your credit card.  I type any old thing that strikes me to try to get to 500 posts.  I want that 4th e in my signature dangit.

Well thank you

Really glad to hear people saying this. I get really self conscious about posting because of my low post count, overall (driven by the fact that I had some rough experiences posting here way-back-when). As a member since 2007, and Elite several times over with purchases, I figure I've voted with my wallet, as it were, (not that I begrudge anyone who is an active member of this community, which I deem equally as cool).

12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021   7:42:24 AM PT No
24G-P5-3998-KR 4/13/2021 8:48:36 AM PT No
12G-P5-3655-KR 3/6/2021 10:50:40 AM PT No
10G-P5-3897-KR 1/2/2021 10:27:51 AM PT No
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:53:05 (permalink)
..."increasingly unstable misfits."

This is the reason I cannot stay away, dang near choked on my lunch laughing.

Crap! I just did the same and just enough recovered from coughing to be able to type and was editing the quote when I saw your post!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:53:30 (permalink)
Is 6:24:49 a good time for the queue?

yes although by the end of today youll have a better idea of how long youll be waiting 

Sweet, thanks!

no problem hopefully your you hear something today if not by next week! good luck brother! 

You can save up to 10% with my associates code BQZ0A0HAMVMJR10 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:54:53 (permalink)
And we are all amazed with Enewt!  
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:55:25 (permalink)
Best Buy just listed the 3797 for $10k.  Sold out.  Looks like they are prepping to drop, finally.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:55:49 (permalink)
if I purchase the 3070 ti in the coming days before getting to the 3080 ti notify will that affect my queue in any way for the 3080 ti ?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:56:41 (permalink)
I always have respect for the folks who joined +10 years ago and have under 100 forum posts, shows that you do your talking with your credit card.  I type any old thing that strikes me to try to get to 500 posts.  I want that 4th e in my signature dangit.

Well thank you

Really glad to hear people saying this. I get really self conscious about posting because of my low post count, overall (driven by the fact that I had some rough experiences posting here way-back-when). As a member since 2007, and Elite several times over with purchases, I figure I've voted with my wallet, as it were, (not that I begrudge anyone who is an active member of this community, which I deem equally as cool).

Nice of you to spare one of your posts for this thread; we should all feel tremendous honored. Seriously, that is a ridiculously awesome post count for such a long term member of the forums (clearly you are skilled enough to not run into problems and need to post here for advice, and self-aware enough to not have to constantly post detritus to the threads (this is where I fall down)).

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:58:04 (permalink)
Best Buy just listed the 3797 for $10k.  Sold out.  Looks like they are prepping to drop, finally.

makes me want to barff

You can save up to 10% with my associates code BQZ0A0HAMVMJR10 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 09:58:40 (permalink)
if I purchase the 3070 ti in the coming days before getting to the 3080 ti notify will that affect my queue in any way for the 3080 ti ?

No, each SKU has a different queue

Case: Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL
Mobo: Asrock X570 Taichi
CPU: Ryzen 5900x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
RAM: Crucial Ballistix OC to 3800 16 18 18 1:1
PSU: EVGA SuperNova G2 1600w
Cooling: Custom hardline loop: optimus blocks, primochill stuff, lian li stuff, HW Labs 60mm radiators, custom stuff
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 10:00:54 (permalink)
I am all salt today. Couldn't get in until 48 minutes after launch and only option was the 3080-priced (literally) card. I guess EVGA has officially decided to join Asus and others in the scalping business. I don't even want this thing, but I'm trying to help out a family member who doesn't have a card at all. This was basically my one shot to help him. Cool. Sorry I'm going to need a break. I'll come back another time when I've hydrated and flushed the excessive salt... *Grumble grumble expletive*...

I'd honestly blame Nvidia on the price.. I mean, the MSRP literally is the MSRP of the 3080. Just shows how messed up everything has gotten. Hard pass on this SKU.

I think the price of the 3070ti FTW is a bit nuts but I also think inflation has something to do with it. It seems like the price of everything is up.

Supply shortages (not just GPU's), silicon demand, logistics issues/costs, the current market, inflation and tariffs all play a role. As bad as most people think it is... it's actually worse, and it's not getting better. The economy is head in a bad direction fast. So even if supply increases, there are several other issues affecting the price of new GPU's.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't thank EVGA is subject to the tariffs as the are not manufactured in China.

Even if they weren't, and I believe they are. The GPU's themselves would be coming out of China and would be subject to the tariffs. But I'm pretty sure EVGA cards are manufactured in China.

I thought NVIDIA GPU's where manufactured by Samsung in South Korea.

Ah, I didn't realize they had foundries in South Korea. I wonder which one it is though since it seems they have some in South Korea and some in China. It's possible they some GPU's coming out of any one of those foundries, but as someone else said... the card gets manufactured elsewhere, most likely China, as that's where are the other components like caps, inductors, resistors... and so on, are manufactured as well. Regardless, you'd have to point me to a company manufacturing GPU's in the  U.S.
post edited by BlastMode7 - 2021/06/10 10:03:32
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 10:00:56 (permalink)
And we are all amazed with Enewt!  

You need to get out more. Seriously. Stop what you are doing and go for a walk around the block. We will all still be here when you get back (at which time we want you to tell us about three things you saw on your walk).

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 10:01:16 (permalink)
if I purchase the 3070 ti in the coming days before getting to the 3080 ti notify will that affect my queue in any way for the 3080 ti ?

No, each SKU has a different queue

I second what he said I've know a few people to get a few gpus from evga before.

You can save up to 10% with my associates code BQZ0A0HAMVMJR10 

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