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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:54:33
I also used another associate's code for 3% Perhaps mine is better? Maybe all the same. Associate Code: KUE92195OB54C9P
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:55:51
I wonder if it was as troublesome for others. I tried pretty much every error the (EU) site had to offer, the first hour everything was completely shut down. After that, the windows would open with a 5 minute wait each, but errors would show " Error: This EVGA webstore page must be open on only one browser or tab at the time you request to enter the notification queue". Well, there were just none open. Then I tried other browsers, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, until at some point one happened to open the notification form. The submit button then twice opened an error window "Oops.... too many 1's and 0's", then all over again. In the end, I was allowed to join the queue 1.5 hours late. 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 7:30:55 AM PT NoThe 08G-P5-3783-KL card is no longer available for notification at all. Is this madness or is this Sparta??and yes, I know... I should not write all this ...
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:56:10
watcher95 Auto notify is great, if you actually turn it on. looking at you 08G-P5-3783-KL
Yes... casually watching that one, but I expect that they turned it off permanently.
is there an example of ANYONE getting on that queue? I'm hearing rumors that it was never active. is there anyone who got in on it? or did anyone actually ever see the button there? forum moves too fast, quoting myself
I got on just before the site went down for me! Got on the other one after trying a bit more though 08G-P5-3783-KL 6/10/2021 6:00:44 AM PT No 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:14:02 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:56:18
gsrcrxsi people who spammed their way to elite this year got a wheel spin game once they reached the elite. this gave you a random coupon worth 5-40%.
Also, people who got to Elite without spamming get to spin.
Will that discount code work for a GPU when the EVGA email arrives with the chance to buy a card?
If I ever get to the top of one of the notify queues, I will let you know. Hmmm. So, check back in a few months. :-)
When did you receive this wheel spin discount? I managed to get to ELITE earlier this morning and haven't received anything. Was it a limited-time promotion, or will all ELITE members who got in via 100 forum posts eventually receive this? Thanks for the input.
Scroll down to bottom of your Elite page should be there.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:56:23
Hoping for a quick queue here wooo 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:02:34 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:56:35
Lol it’s insane! Good luck to all! Hope everyone gets what they want in a more reasonable amount of time! Please don’t scalp your cards!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:58:06
PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:21:38 AM PT No 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:59:39 AM PT No 24G-P5-3987-KR 3/2/2021 3:14:30 AM PT No I really want the 3090, but I'm very far away from that. Got in on the 3070 Ti relatively early considering the amount of web site crashes. Really HOPING I get a notify for the 3080 Ti tomorrow but not holding my breath! Oh, and The Expanse is an absolutely great show! I am glad Amazon picked it back up again after SyFy had canceled the series!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:58:30
Back_Yard_Gamer Just managed to get in now on the EU site, I'm not sure how good my position is only time will tell.  08G-P5-3797-KL6/10/2021 6:54:21 AM PTNo Almost forgot, if I get offered the 3070ti I'll be a very happy, very happy indeed.
 That's 17 min. better than me. Good luck! 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 7:11:24 AM PTNo
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 07:59:18
enewt We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities: “There was a button. I pushed it.” “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.” It sounds like the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra direct link worked for a good number of folks that have reported back. However, the 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra SKU was wrong (it is 3783) but it apparently didn’t even get an auto-notify button to push…so sparse must be that inventory. Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today). Please remember to care for your F5 finger (or toe, as applicable) and please replace your F5 button in advance of the 40 series launch…keys are typically only warrantied for 4.897M activations. Best of luck! Best of luck!
AYY we got an Expanse fan here.
Amos rocks! Really like his arc and growth.
When I started watching the TV Series, I couldn't figure out for the longest time who this white guy was they kept calling, "Amos", in the novels he's a Black. Lots of changes from the novels though as per usual TV/Movie treatments go.
Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:00:50
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:01:25
gsrcrxsi people who spammed their way to elite this year got a wheel spin game once they reached the elite. this gave you a random coupon worth 5-40%.
Also, people who got to Elite without spamming get to spin.
Will that discount code work for a GPU when the EVGA email arrives with the chance to buy a card?
Depends... It has a 90 day expiration so if its within 90 days sure.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:02:40
enewt We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities: “There was a button. I pushed it.” “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.” It sounds like the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra direct link worked for a good number of folks that have reported back. However, the 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra SKU was wrong (it is 3783) but it apparently didn’t even get an auto-notify button to push…so sparse must be that inventory. Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today). Please remember to care for your F5 finger (or toe, as applicable) and please replace your F5 button in advance of the 40 series launch…keys are typically only warrantied for 4.897M activations. Best of luck! Best of luck!
AYY we got an Expanse fan here.
Amos rocks! Really like his arc and growth.
When I started watching the TV Series, I couldn't figure out for the longest time who this white guy was they kept calling, "Amos", in the novels he's a Black. Lots of changes from the novels though as per usual TV/Movie treatments go.
True. I do think the actor was a great choice though, he captures Amos well for me at least. Also looking forward to Sandman, saw the sets, they look amazing, and Neil is on set most days for filming.
Dark Ride
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:03:28
At least I'm not the only one who got randomly logged out. Got it for the 3797 at 7:20 or so but Im honestly not sure I'll buy it if it comes up. That seems simply too expensive.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:11:18
enewt We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities: “There was a button. I pushed it.” “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.” It sounds like the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra direct link worked for a good number of folks that have reported back. However, the 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra SKU was wrong (it is 3783) but it apparently didn’t even get an auto-notify button to push…so sparse must be that inventory. Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today). Please remember to care for your F5 finger (or toe, as applicable) and please replace your F5 button in advance of the 40 series launch…keys are typically only warrantied for 4.897M activations. Best of luck! Best of luck!
AYY we got an Expanse fan here.
Amos rocks! Really like his arc and growth.
When I started watching the TV Series, I couldn't figure out for the longest time who this white guy was they kept calling, "Amos", in the novels he's a Black. Lots of changes from the novels though as per usual TV/Movie treatments go.
True. I do think the actor was a great choice though, he captures Amos well for me at least.
Also looking forward to Sandman, saw the sets, they look amazing, and Neil is on set most days for filming.
I am glad the reference struck a chord...the first few times I've raised it in this channel, only one or two folks had even seen it. @Static at least watched it...and promptly fell in love with it. It is fantastic and I hope there will be spin-offs is a great universe in which to tell stories.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:15:59
Sad... been waiting all night long for this etx 3070 ti, but never have a chance to get it ALL SOLD OUT... ****!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:16:52
agenovese820 This queue system is stupid. Took over an hour for the site to work and still no notify for the $599 version. Why don't they just do open sign-ups for a week and then randomly draw names from that. It would alleviate these issues.
LOL, why do we need another lottery? EVGA doing good job and we are happy with the way they do it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:18:05
Mi lik da belta lang fo showxa mang keting mi pensa fo imalowda. Tu many welwala inyalowda ere xiya.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:22:10
Hello Does anyone know if EU que advances at all or is it going snail pace? I got in the que for 3070 late nov. last year but haven't got notification yet. 08G-P5-3755-KR 11/26/2020 4:47:55 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:24:58
Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:25:01
Konfl1ktEVGA doing good job and we are happy with the way they do it.
You must be new here.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:26:14
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:26:56
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
part number and queue time?? Edit:: Congrats!!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:27:29
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
What was your queue time and card model?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:27:48
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:28:30
Keisang Sad... been waiting all night long for this etx 3070 ti, but never have a chance to get it ALL SOLD OUT... ****!
The auto notify button is still there. Are you an elite member? If not, the button won't be there for you.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:28:41
Nonimportantuser I mean, I got a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra. Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right?
They do stack. Sometimes the Associate Codes have to be entered a few times before the system accepts them (so keep trying). Also, a reminder, if you are an Associate yourself, you cannot use an Associate’s Code.
ajrober22 enewts direct autonotify link worked for me 3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:26:01 AM PT Hoping I can use my 40% wheelspin discount in the next couple months on this.
Glad to hear the direct link worked for you. Best of luck on your watch!
Are associates codes usable in EU ?
EU notifs : 08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 9:00:19 AM PT No 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:06:27 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3657-KR 2/25/2021 9:38:12 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:28:49
i got in at 6/10/2021 6:28:03 AM PT for the 3070Ti FTW3 hopefully that's an ok time :) even though I really don't like the 3070Ti specs and price vs the 3080s
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:28:53
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
Really? Ur profile says u just joined 5 mins ago 🤣
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:29:59
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
Really? Ur profile says u just joined 5 mins ago 🤣
Not all used 100 posts to get Elite.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/10 08:31:32
CptDecker1701 Got notified of a 3080ti in stock from the elite queue. Ordered! Thanks EVGA 
Really? Ur profile says u just joined 5 mins ago 🤣
Well, 4 minutes of spamming and a handy time machine will get you what you need.