AnsweredEVGA.com 30 Series Queue System

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:26:04 (permalink)
Wow! Another fun one!!
In for my son today:
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:45:25 AM PT No
Took me almost as long to get onto the Forum as it did to register. Was so close at just after 6am but it crapped out on me....
Good luck everyone!

Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:26:30 (permalink)
NewEgg shuffle:
ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 8GB GDDR6X PCI Express 4.0 x16 Video Card ROG-STRIX-RTX3070TI-O8G-GAMING
post edited by dmhuff92127 - 2021/06/10 07:27:46
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:27:04 (permalink)
This queue system is stupid. Took over an hour for the site to work and still no notify for the $599 version. Why don't they just do open sign-ups for a week and then randomly draw names from that. It would alleviate these issues.

NewEgg is doing a lottery.  You can sign up there about every day for some card or another.  I don't think that a lottery is the way to go.  The way to go is to have a website that doesn't 404 for an hour when you do a product launch so that people can sign up, then have a way to get enough cards to supply that list.  Both of those are problems, right now.
And while I am at it... remove the Notify buttons when the waiting list gets longer than the expected supply.  They did this for one of the 3070 Ti models, but they need to do this across their whole store.

Been signing up for the shuffle forever with mine and my wifes account. Haven't won anything yet. screw a lottery.

The rewards program is over - Sadge
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:28:30 (permalink)
They do.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:28:37 (permalink)
Missed out on the cheaper one. No thanks to buying a 3070 for $800 when a pretty much 3090 (3080 Ti) has an MSRP of 1200. So many cards have better value at $800. Hopefully the Newegg queue comes through, but I'm not holding my breath! 
$800 just seems like a bad price, but today's market makes it reasonable if you're desperate and can actually buy one. Any card is better than no card, just disappointed that the 3070 Ti isn't a little better. It's not bad if you can get one for $600!

The only reason to buy this at $800 is to step up to something with better value. lol

In a normal market sure. In this market it's about $500 cheaper than any other available normal 3070 you can find

In this market as well. You can buy this, use it until your 3080 step up fills in 1 year, and pay only only a few hundred more. There is 0 reason to hold this card and not step up for the price. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:29:56 (permalink)
We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities:
          “There was a button. I pushed it.
          “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.”
It sounds like the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra direct link worked for a good number of folks that have reported back. However, the 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra SKU was wrong (it is 3783) but it apparently didn’t even get an auto-notify button to push…so sparse must be that inventory.
Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today).
Please remember to care for your F5 finger (or toe, as applicable) and please replace your F5 button in advance of the 40 series launch…keys are typically only warrantied for 4.897M activations.
Best of luck!
As of 7:30 am PT Thursday, June 10, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of June 9; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report):
Card                                  SKU                        Most Recent Notify Timestamp to Receive an Invite to Purchase email
3090 FTW3 Ultra                  3987                      11/05/2020 03:34:30 
3090 XC3 Ultra                    3975                      10/06/2020 06:21:58  
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra              3967-KR                 06/03/2021 07:34:12   
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra                 3955                      06/03/2021 07:22:31 
3080 FTW3 Ultra                  3897                      09/22/2020 04:46:40
3080 XC3 Ultra                    3885                      09/18/2020 13:00:31    
3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra              3797                       06/10/2021 00:00:00       
3070 FTW3 Ultra                 3767                       11/24/2020 11:57:24 
3070 XC3 Ultra                   3755                       11/30/2020 20:40:48 
3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra             3667                       12/01/2020 07:30:47                               
3090 FTW3 Gaming             3985                       09/24/2020 16:12:06      
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/21/2020 09:57:19 
3080 XC3 Gaming               3883                       09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 Ti XC3 Gaming           3783                       06/10/2021 00:00:00       
3070 XC3 Gaming               3753                       10/29/2020 06:21:40  
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming         3665                       12/08/2020 18:51:41  
3060 Ti XC3 Gaming           3663                       12/01/2020 07:35:17  
3060 XC3 Gaming               3657                       02/26/2020 07:59:11     (09:52:12)  
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 
3080 XC3 Black                   3881                       09/16/2020 15:25:37 
3070 XC3 Black                   3751                       10/29/2020 06:31:11  
3060 XC3 Black                   3655                       02/25/2021 09:08:40  
3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid        3988                      12/15/2020 08:54:36    (20:40:30) 
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid          3978                      12/10/2020 23:00:07  
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid    3968                      06/03/2021 07:41:49  
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra Hybrid      3958                       06/03/2021 07:42:01      (00:00:02) 
3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3898                       12/16/2020 09:09:40      (00:00:06)   
3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3888                       12/10/2020 09:11:23 
Hydro Copper 
3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC            3989                       04/15/2021 10:00:17
3090 XC3 Ultra HC               3979                       11/13/2020 09:55:53 
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra HC         3969                       06/03/2021 07:25:42  
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra HC           3959                       06/03/2021 00:00:00      
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC            3899                       11/13/2020 09:35:03  
3080 XC3 Ultra HC              3889                       11/13/2020 09:33:34  

K|NGP|N HC (Queue)           3999                       05/06/2021 09:00:18      (00:00:01; fully satisfied) 
K|NGP|N Hybrid (Queue)      3998                       01/14/2021 00:15:59   (14:09:34)
K|NGP|N HC Kit                   1999                       04/23/2021 10:00:40 

May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Best of luck!
Edited to move the 3783 to the Gaming section.
post edited by enewt - 2021/06/10 07:51:59

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:30:16 (permalink)
Missed out on the cheaper one. No thanks to buying a 3070 for $800 when a pretty much 3090 (3080 Ti) has an MSRP of 1200. So many cards have better value at $800. Hopefully the Newegg queue comes through, but I'm not holding my breath! 
$800 just seems like a bad price, but today's market makes it reasonable if you're desperate and can actually buy one. Any card is better than no card, just disappointed that the 3070 Ti isn't a little better. It's not bad if you can get one for $600!

The only reason to buy this at $800 is to step up to something with better value. lol

In a normal market sure. In this market it's about $500 cheaper than any other available normal 3070 you can find

In this market as well. You can buy this, use it until your 3080 step up fills in 1 year, and pay only only a few hundred more. There is 0 reason to hold this card and not step up for the price. 

Sure and i recommend that 100 times out of 100. Still doesn't change the fact that the card as purchased is a better deal than anything a normal person can get their hands on.

The rewards program is over - Sadge
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:30:24 (permalink)
I mean, I got  a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra.    
Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right? 

Mine did on the 3060 I got for a friends Daughter.
Both worked.
Used the my mighty 10% on it as time was ticking, would have lost it if I waited for another card.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:31:25 (permalink)
I mean, I got  a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra.    
Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right? 

I'm not an expert at using the discount, I tried when I bought the  Hybrid kit for my 3090 and it said that was not an eligible product.
I doubt you can use the discount on an actual card.
Good luck.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:32:39 (permalink)
We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities:
          “There was a button. I pushed it.
          “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.”
It sounds like the 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra direct link worked for a good number of folks that have reported back. However, the 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra SKU was wrong (it is 3783) but it apparently didn’t even get an auto-notify button to push…so sparse must be that inventory.
Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today).
Please remember to care for your F5 finger (or toe, as applicable) and please replace your F5 button in advance of the 40 series launch…keys are typically only warrantied for 4.897M activations.
Best of luck!
As of 7:30 am PT Thursday, June 10, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of June 9; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report):
Card                                  SKU                        Most Recent Notify Timestamp to Receive an Invite to Purchase email
3090 FTW3 Ultra                  3987                      11/05/2020 03:34:30 
3090 XC3 Ultra                    3975                      10/06/2020 06:21:58  
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra              3967-KR                 06/03/2021 07:34:12   
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra                 3955                      06/03/2021 07:22:31 
3080 FTW3 Ultra                  3897                      09/22/2020 04:46:40
3080 XC3 Ultra                    3885                      09/18/2020 13:00:31    
3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra              3797                       06/10/2021 00:00:00       (link not active for non-Elites until ~6 am PT on 6/11)
3070 Ti XC3 Ultra                3783                       06/10/2021 00:00:00       (link not active for non-Elites until ~6 am PT on 6/11)
3070 FTW3 Ultra                 3767                       11/24/2020 11:57:24 
3070 XC3 Ultra                   3755                       11/30/2020 20:40:48 
3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra             3667                       12/01/2020 07:30:47                               
3090 FTW3 Gaming             3985                       09/24/2020 16:12:06      
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/21/2020 09:57:19 
3080 XC3 Gaming               3883                       09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 XC3 Gaming               3753                       10/29/2020 06:21:40  
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming         3665                       12/08/2020 18:51:41  
3060 Ti XC3 Gaming           3663                       12/01/2020 07:35:17  
3060 XC3 Gaming               3657                       02/26/2020 07:59:11     (09:52:12)  
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 
3080 XC3 Black                   3881                       09/16/2020 15:25:37 
3070 XC3 Black                   3751                       10/29/2020 06:31:11  
3060 XC3 Black                   3655                       02/25/2021 09:08:40  
3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid        3988                      12/15/2020 08:54:36    (20:40:30) 
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid          3978                      12/10/2020 23:00:07  
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid    3968                      06/03/2021 07:41:49  
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra Hybrid      3958                       06/03/2021 07:42:01      (00:00:02) 
3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3898                       12/16/2020 09:09:40      (00:00:06)   
3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3888                       12/10/2020 09:11:23 
Hydro Copper 
3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC            3989                       04/15/2021 10:00:17
3090 XC3 Ultra HC               3979                       11/13/2020 09:55:53 
3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra HC         3969                       06/03/2021 07:25:42  
3080 Ti XC3 Ultra HC           3959                       06/03/2021 00:00:00      
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC            3899                       11/13/2020 09:35:03  
3080 XC3 Ultra HC              3889                       11/13/2020 09:33:34  

K|NGP|N HC (Queue)           3999                       05/06/2021 09:00:18      (00:00:01; fully satisfied) 
K|NGP|N Hybrid (Queue)      3998                       01/14/2021 00:15:59   (14:09:34)
K|NGP|N HC Kit                   1999                       04/23/2021 10:00:40 

May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Best of luck!

The Expanse is absolutely incredible. Must watch in my book.

The rewards program is over - Sadge
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:32:39 (permalink)
Auto notify is great, if you actually turn it on.
looking at you 08G-P5-3783-KL
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:33:15 (permalink)
Come on 6more days for my 3987, thats like 2-3 good drops... can't wait
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:33:44 (permalink)
Bora1114The only reason to buy this at $800 is to step up to something with better value. lol

Alternate perspective: Getting an (overpriced) card at MSRP today is still getting a card.  In September, you likely won't miss the extra $150 you spent back three months ago but you also won't still be fighting for a GPU like many others will probably be.  Of course, that depends a lot on person to person and everyone has their limits.  I wouldn't pay eBay rates for a 1070Ti because that's just too much but I could see swallowing the too-high MSRP to have a very capable 1440p video card in hand.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:33:51 (permalink)
I mean, I got  a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra.    
Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right? 

Mine did on the 3060 I got for a friends Daughter.
Both worked.
Used the my mighty 10% on it as time was ticking, would have lost it if I waited for another card.

Oh, damn.
I wonder why it wouldn't work for me.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:34:48 (permalink)
enewts direct autonotify link worked for me
3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:26:01 AM PT
Hoping I can use my 40% wheelspin discount in the next couple months on this. 

What's a wheel spin discount?  And is that a typo? You mean 4%?

I purchased an EVGA 3080 from the queue two weeks ago.  There was only the associates code that gave 3% (I used Enewts).  I dont think it was 4%
Oh wait now im seeing other people talk about 10%, 20% discounts - how the heck do you get that and damnit now I feel like a sucker for missing out on a discount when I ordered.
post edited by paglamia - 2021/06/10 07:37:44
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:35:32 (permalink)
PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:48:07 AM PT No

I had one attempt like 30min before that went until I clicked "submit" only to receive a 404 when clicking it. Had several attempts where the button wouldn't work. Glad I got in early-ish.

Got a 20% off coupon to spend.

EUROPE - updated by BovineGamer
NORTH AMERICA - updated by enewt
In queue for, in order I joined them.
10G-P5-3897-KR ~ 12/11/2020 ~ 8:17:23 PM PT ~ YES! (Jan. 20 2022 - didn't buy)
08G-P5-3755-KR ~ 4/27/2021 ~ 4:14:34 PM PT ~ No (Removed)
08G-P5-3767-KR ~ 4/22/2021 ~ 3:28:25 PM PT ~ No (Removed)
08G-P5-3797-KL ~ 6/10/2021 ~ 6:48:07 AM PT ~ YES! (21 sept., 2021 - BOUGHT!)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:35:39 (permalink)
Opera GX users cant press the notify-me button. Had to login on chrome during the heavy server load and do it from there.
I'm in at 7:20am PT08G-P5-3797-KL
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:36:06 (permalink)
Congratulations to those who got in early and my condolences whose F5 efforts just impacted on the surface. Regardless of into which bucket you fall, I hope you can agree that when fate throws you from the car, sometimes you end up living your best life (a feel good story for those in need of one today).

Wow that's awesome, but now I feel sorry for the dog that his owner found him.  

Associates code:  9OYA1P1FRHQ3SGN
Imgur    modsrigs:  Chemical X   RedWing   Utonium   TY for the +1s! 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:36:15 (permalink)
Auto notify is great, if you actually turn it on.
looking at you 08G-P5-3783-KL

Yes... casually watching that one, but I expect that they turned it off permanently.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:36:48 (permalink)
I always imagine enewt on days like this typing furiously away at his keyboard like that cat meme at the keyboard just smashing it with its little paws.

I believe that’s actually enewt’s cat. He taught her to type and I believe he just dictates his musings to her.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:37:29 (permalink)
enewts direct autonotify link worked for me
3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:26:01 AM PT
Hoping I can use my 40% wheelspin discount in the next couple months on this. 

What's a wheel spin discount?  And is that a typo? You mean 4%?

I purchased an EVGA 3080 from the queue two weeks ago.  There was only the associates code that gave 3% (I used Enewts).  I dont think it was 4%

people who spammed their way to elite this year got a wheel spin game once they reached the elite. this gave you a random coupon worth 5-40%.
people who have been elite for a long time do not qualify for this

Rig1: EPYC 7V12 | [7] Titan V
Rig2: EPYC 7B12 | [8] Titan V
Rig3: [2] EPYC 7742 | [8] Tesla V100 SXM2

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:37:43 (permalink)
I mean, I got  a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra.    
Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right? 

Mine did on the 3060 I got for a friends Daughter.
Both worked.
Used the my mighty 10% on it as time was ticking, would have lost it if I waited for another card.

Oh, damn.
I wonder why it wouldn't work for me.

Sometimes it takes extra tries to get associate codes to work it seems.
Think I had 2 or 3 tries then it worked, fairly sure I have heard others have the same issue.
Also EVGA may have changed something the 3060 was a few months back.

Good Luck.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:38:10 (permalink)
It was the elite new member spin. I think I got lucky with the 40%. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:38:36 (permalink)
Auto notify is great, if you actually turn it on.
looking at you 08G-P5-3783-KL

Yes... casually watching that one, but I expect that they turned it off permanently.

is there an example of ANYONE getting on that queue? I'm hearing rumors that it was never active. is there anyone who got in on it? or did anyone actually ever see the button there?

Rig1: EPYC 7V12 | [7] Titan V
Rig2: EPYC 7B12 | [8] Titan V
Rig3: [2] EPYC 7742 | [8] Tesla V100 SXM2

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:38:45 (permalink)
I am wondering when they will continue sending emails to buy the 12G-P5-3967-KR. I am 20 minutes away from the last one, and I am so desperate.

To save from 3% up to 10% on your EVGA purchases, please consider using my associate code 381NOD2H79URRCF (or just click on the associates banner below). Thank you! 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:38:51 (permalink)
I mean, I got  a 20% discount this morning, so I would be paying $640 if it comes in the next 90 days, about the same price as the current price of the 3070 xc3 ultra.    
Also stupid question, but discounts and associate codes do not stack right? 

They do stack.  Sometimes the Associate Codes have to be entered a few times before the system accepts them (so keep trying). Also, a reminder, if you are an Associate yourself, you cannot use an Associate’s Code
enewts direct autonotify link worked for me
3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:26:01 AM PT
Hoping I can use my 40% wheelspin discount in the next couple months on this. 

Glad to hear the direct link worked for you.  Best of luck on your watch!

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:39:14 (permalink)
How can see the estimated time of queue ?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:40:00 (permalink)
Bora1114The only reason to buy this at $800 is to step up to something with better value. lol

Alternate perspective: Getting an (overpriced) card at MSRP today is still getting a card.  In September, you likely won't miss the extra $150 you spent back three months ago but you also won't still be fighting for a GPU like many others will probably be.  Of course, that depends a lot on person to person and everyone has their limits.  I wouldn't pay eBay rates for a 1070Ti because that's just too much but I could see swallowing the too-high MSRP to have a very capable 1440p video card in hand.

You seem to have missed the point. There is no reason to buy this and not step up to a 3080. If you are going to sink 800 into a card, you might as well fork out another 100-200 to get a 3080 in a year while using the 70 ti. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:40:05 (permalink)
We’ve talked about The Expanse before, but if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it…especially in light of this morning’s activities:
          “There was a button. I pushed it.
          “That is really how you go through life, isn’t it.”
May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Best of luck!

The Expanse is absolutely incredible. Must watch in my book.

The Expanse novels were brilliant, detected a lot of influence by Iain Banks classic Culture series, but an amazing series nonetheless. And I'm surprised that the series has turned out as well as it did.
Shohreh Aghdashloo, who plays Chrisjen Avasarala, is also the voice of one of the character in a game I play occasionally - Destiny 2.
They film a lot of The Expanse in Toronto at one of the soundstages.

Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/06/10 07:40:36 (permalink)
people who spammed their way to elite this year got a wheel spin game once they reached the elite. this gave you a random coupon worth 5-40%.

Also, people who got to Elite without spamming get to spin. 
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