AnsweredEVGA.com 30 Series Queue System

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:24:50 (permalink)

We can only have one statistician here.  

You guys should look for some more data, request that people post up their sequence numbers.
Also, the most important piece of data is average signups/sec.  Take your time delta from 10:00AM, multiply by the signup rate, equals the approximate number of people ahead of you.  Estimated.

Here's my final hurrah, I don't have the time to do this every day... I'm not as strong as enewt... Apologizes if my graph/excel game is weak; I'm a programmer, not a data scientist...
As of April 15th, 10:15PM PST
This shows the signups/sec vs the amount of time (in seconds) after 10am:

Here's also the data, I've added some rough guesses on how many people are ahead of you (equation is: # ahead of you + (delta - prev delta) * current notify/sec), think of it like a right riemann sum):

If you're interested, to the Pastebin of the above data. Download it as a CSV, pop it in Excel, and do all the computation your heart desires.
Good luck nick_shl.

are those queue nums really true?  3 million ppl signed up for open loop water cooled card?

The numbers in the far left column do not represent members in the queue. Think of them as a query counter for EVGA's auto-notify system.  I'll let the folks who are driving this exercise comment further....

Signed up with my work email by mistake.  Made an account so I could pull the timestamp
 3355554  24G-P5-3989-KR  4/15/2021 10:00:26 AM
Gues that puts me about 210ish back on the list
post edited by simoss - 2021/04/16 06:31:04
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:30:00 (permalink)
You are the ignorant fool thinking you not getting a card means EVGA are the bad guys automatically šŸ˜’
If EVGA could make more cards, in turn making more money, they would have months ago
There is extreme demand from a dozen reasons and not a lot of supply so maybe you could go back to school and take Economics 101 again šŸ˜€šŸ˜‰

So EVGA not planning ahead and preparing for high demand is NOT their fault? Yes it is.
EVGA continuing to support businesses that support scalpers, is that their fault? Yes it is. Can they stop all of it, no of course not, but they can put a hell of dent in it.
The issue here is that this queue even exists. There should be no queue. Get it?


"Do you think EVGA makes the Nvidia GPUs?" No I don't "think" that at all.

"So what you're saying is...EVGA should have planned for the pandemic (before it existed), the supply shortages they can't control, and should have made more parts they don't manufacture so they could make more of the parts they do manufacture? Also, there are commercial contracts they have to stand by with big distributors (Newegg, Micro-Center, etc.) that they can't just cancel now and hope nothing bad happens. "

Here, let me do what you did. Do you think the pandemic began at the END of 2020 when the deal with Samsung was signed? Because, you know planning for it end, they couldn't have done that right? Samsung, is a pretty big company and they can probably handle quite a bit of product right? Do you think they can't handle the gpu production load? a Year into the pandemic, and indeed 4 months into 2021 when everyone is back to work? Do you actually believe the factory lines for vehicles, as an example, stopped for more than a month in 2020? Because they didn't. 
Do you think they can't adjust their contracts? Because it happens all the time including cancellation? Oh I am sure you follow just fine based on your condescending response. Your point being to be rude and at the same time sound smart. I have no interest in responding to someone so arrogant as the point will be completely lost. 
I'm not interested in a pointless exchange with you. I will not be responding to you again.
post edited by viperp12 - 2021/04/16 06:34:00
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:36:35 (permalink)
I think the weather's lovely this morning, how's your region?

Absolutely fabulous here in Ireland no rain for a few days and I was out for a walk this AM and the birds got their own COD going on, quite entertaining.
Have a super weekend everyone. 

It's raining here, but I prefer gloomy days over sunshine lol.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:41:22 (permalink)
I think I pissed EVGA off, was refreshing once every 30 seconds or so on the 3090 page and then got an access denied message to any EVGA page on my PC
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:43:25 (permalink)
Umm ... factory lines for vehicles did shut down last spring.  At least 5 plants have been idled this spring due to shortages of parts.
EVGA is a business and they aren't able to get all the components they need.  They are under no obligation to break agreements with their major partners to sell a GPU to you. 
You have the ability to buy a GPU, today, on ebay or amazon.  If the price is too much, then you have the ability to take your chances at a microcenter, or on the newegg shuffle, or a host of other opportunities to get your card at msrp.  EVGA queue guarantees you a chance to buy a card when your turn comes.  It doesn't guarantee you a card ahead of everyone else in the queue.

You better drink some water with that salt intake.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:46:36 (permalink)
You are the ignorant fool thinking you not getting a card means EVGA are the bad guys automatically šŸ˜’
If EVGA could make more cards, in turn making more money, they would have months ago
There is extreme demand from a dozen reasons and not a lot of supply so maybe you could go back to school and take Economics 101 again šŸ˜€šŸ˜‰

So EVGA not planning ahead and preparing for high demand is NOT their fault? Yes it is.
EVGA continuing to support businesses that support scalpers, is that their fault? Yes it is. Can they stop all of it, no of course not, but they can put a hell of dent in it.
The issue here is that this queue even exists. There should be no queue. Get it?

You are misinformed Viper.
The supply comes from NVidia. EVGA can only put out as many cards as NVidia supply to them. I completely understand the frustration, but if you want to complain about it, at least be sure that you are directing your frustrations at the appropriate party, which in this case is NVidia. EVGA are not the culprit here. You could also blame Coronavirus and the source of it..
As far as scalpers go, EVGA are doing what they can to combat it with auto-notify queue and Elite membership - they are certainly doing more than anyone else.
As far as EVGA "continuing to support businesses that support scalpers", EVGA have contractual obligations to businesses like Newegg and Amazon, and cannot break them - that is contract law. EVGA has zero control over how those companies run their business, so again you are directing your frustrations at the wrong party.

I am directing my frustration at exactly whom I need to be. I know where the supply comes from, EVGA is not the only card maker out there using Nvidia's GPU. There's plenty of blame to go around that's for sure. To say a company cannot break a contract is simply not true. Contracts can be nullified and it happens all the time. It makes more sense that EVGA doesn't want to impact their bottom line and therefore created this PR stunt stringing massive fans of these cards along. The whole thing is outrageous. 
Since I can't post a link here look up Nvidia just signed a multi million dollar deal to create a whole lot more rtx-30-series gpus.
Ya? Where are the gpus going then if this is real? Samsung is pretty biiig....

LOL so you think EVGA should cancel millions of dollars in contracts because you want a GPU. Good luck with that. Cancel contracts with partners like that and you wont have a business much longer, but hey, who cares, it's all about what you want, right?

Multiple people have responded and attempted to help you direct your frustrations appropriately, but if you don't want to hear it then there is jack shift anyone can do. Ignorance is bliss apparently, so enjoy your blissfulness! lol.
post edited by Nereus - 2021/04/16 06:48:45

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:46:46 (permalink)
aunger97('3356013','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:44 AM') 
I think this is what you guys are logging? Hope this helps even a little bit.
Thank you for your update! That how queue looks now:

'3355424','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:21 AM'
'3355515','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:24 AM' 91 added between 21 and 24(3 seconds, 30 notify/sec).
'3355759','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:36 AM' 244 added between 24 and 36(24 seconds, 20 notify/sec) and 335 added between 21 and 43
'3355973','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:43 AM' 214 added between 36 and 43(7 seconds, 30 notify/sec) and 549 added between 21 and 43
'3356013','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:44 AM' 40 added between 33 and 44(1 seconds, 40 notify/sec) and 589 added between 21 and 43
'3356105','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:47 AM' 92 added between 44 and 47(4 seconds, 30 notify/sec) and 681 added between 21 and 47
'3356480','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:00:56 AM' 375 added between 47 and 56(9 seconds, 41 notify/sec) and 1056 added between 21 and 56
'3357768','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/15/2021 10:01:54 AM' 1288 added between 56 and 1:54(58 seconds, 22 notify/sec) and 2344 added between 21 and 1:54
Will try to make some graphs for tomorrow morning update

How are you all grabbing that queue number?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:46:54 (permalink)
Happy Friday everyone! May it be a fruitful one. 
post edited by wilsondc2 - 2021/04/16 06:51:24
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:51:11 (permalink)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:53:11 (permalink)
atimelessredHow are you all grabbing that queue number?
Open myNotify page: https://www.evga.com/community/myNotifies.asp
Right-click on "Remove Notify" button and select "Inspect Element"(for Firefox, other browsers has something similar).

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:53:31 (permalink)
Wonder how accurate this is:

I'm glad they are trying to do something about it, but it didn't work out too well last time - BIOS updates to get around it were available on day one.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 06:59:20 (permalink)
Bora1114Wonder how accurate this is:
If they already discontinued RTX 3060 chip and new chip will be available only in May... not so good news for queue folks.
As for "modify chip to stop mining" - that is expected move. Nvidia want miners to use CMP instead gaming cards. Why? Because CPM cards will become pumpkins after next cryptocurrency crash, while gaming cards can be sold to gamers and will compete with new cards.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:03:33 (permalink)
Finally, the hunt is over. Jacob even signed it, which is neat. Thanks again enewt for maintaining that list.

post edited by atimelessred - 2021/04/16 07:06:26
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:04:25 (permalink)
I think the weather's lovely this morning, how's your region?

Absolutely fabulous here in Ireland no rain for a few days and I was out for a walk this AM and the birds got their own COD going on, quite entertaining.
Have a super weekend everyone. 

It's raining here, but I prefer gloomy days over sunshine lol.

Your Avatar is me reading the diatribes this morning!  Ha.  It sometimes amazes me how folks can direct their frustrations at a wide variety of perceived offenders when venting rather than looking at the totality of circumstances.  I have my frustrations...venting them in a public forum doesn't help the matter at all.  
It's Friday and the notifications don't generally go out today.  That stated, I hope to see some hit the email boxes to mollify some of the grumblings (mine included).  Good Luck.
Enjoy your weekend!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:07:38 (permalink)
 3090 FTW3 Ultra HydroCopper auto notify is open..

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:09:01 (permalink)
I think the weather's lovely this morning, how's your region?

Absolutely fabulous here in Ireland no rain for a few days and I was out for a walk this AM and the birds got their own COD going on, quite entertaining.
Have a super weekend everyone. 

It's raining here, but I prefer gloomy days over sunshine lol.

Your Avatar is me reading the diatribes this morning!  Ha.  It sometimes amazes me how folks can direct their frustrations at a wide variety of perceived offenders when venting rather than looking at the totality of circumstances.  I have my frustrations...venting them in a public forum doesn't help the matter at all.  
It's Friday and the notifications don't generally go out today.  That stated, I hope to see some hit the email boxes to mollify some of the grumblings (mine included).  Good Luck.
Enjoy your weekend!

You have a good weekend, too. For a little laugh, I'll reveal the source of my avatar, but I'd advise you not to view the video while at work, because you will laugh your a** off.
post edited by dskx_16 - 2021/04/16 07:13:14

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:09:54 (permalink)
Sorry, I wasn't trying to sound condescending. I was a little harsh in an attempt to drive home the point that what you're saying is just wrong.
In terms of Samsung just magically hitting the "ramp it up" button, yeah, that doesn't happen overnight. If they signed a deal for more parts at the end of 2020 when Samsung is already at maximum capacity and can't source the parts they need to make more GPUs than they're already making, no I don't think they can just pump out double the GPUs. Also, demand is so high that even if more cards were going out now than before, would you see it? maybe, maybe not. There's no clarity on what the deal was even for. There are a lot more laptops out recently, maybe it was almost entirely for mobile chips. It's not like the details are public so all we can do is jump down whatever conspiracy theory rabbit hole you want and it looks like you have your favorites.

In terms of ludicrous foresight, here's an equally ridiculous question: Why didn't you "plan ahead" and just get on the queue in the first few seconds of launch? Perhaps you didn't envision it would be like this? No, none of us did. That's the only point I was trying to make earlier. Nvidia even said they don't feel like the shortages are going to let up and make buying GPUs easier any time in 2021, even with that contract they signed. Your statement I replied to seemed to be coming from a place of ignorance. We're all ignorant about a great variety of topics. Perhaps that was one of yours, I didn't know (suppose you could say I am/was ignorant of what you were ignorant of), I just tried to tell you that it was not a sound conclusion.
I get it, you can't just have what you want. It happens...to a lot of people. Everyone gets grumpy and I'm not even going to tell you not to be frustrated by the situation, because it sucks. I'm not going to make any assumptions about what you wanted to do with the card you signed up for in November, because that's your business and you don't owe anybody an explanation, but I'm sure if EVGA could just sell it to you right now and to everyone who signed up in September or October but still hasn't gotten one they would do it. There's no incentive for them not to. 
Honestly, and I really do mean this, I am not trying to be mean or condescending to you. Arguments and being rude to each other are good ways to get this thread shut down and I'd rather not do that. Here are my notifies:
10G-P5-3898-KR 1/5/2021 1:58:46 PM PT No
10G-P5-3895-KR 10/23/2020 8:25:54 AM PT No
10G-P5-3885-KR 9/17/2020 10:44:28 AM PT Yes
10G-P5-3897-KR 9/17/2020 10:44:21 AM PT Yes
10G-P5-3883-KR 9/17/2020 10:41:13 AM PT Removed by User
10G-P5-3881-KR 9/17/2020 10:41:00 AM PT Removed by User
I'm sharing them because I had similar issues with not seeing into the future and didn't know what this was all going to look like. I notified as fast as I could for 4 cards on launch day basically out of curiosity (there were some rumors of limited supply, but I didn't think it would be...like this). I got emails inviting me to purchase 2 of them, but by that point, I saw how terrible this was going and decided that other people needed them more than I did, so I passed on those and canceled the notifies I had for two other launch day cards. Yes, I could have had a 3080 months ago, but I don't have one. After seeing how long this might go on for, I came back and signed up for a hybrid because I figured it might still be a year before I can get my hands on anything else, so maybe if that comes up by July/August or something, maybe I'll actually be interested, who knows. I had one friend who wanted the 3895, so I left that notify active, but those don't really move, so I don't have any hope there.
Seriously, I wish you the best of luck getting your card, but I agree that this conversation isn't headed anywhere good, so I'll do my best to end it here as well.
post edited by Nike_7688 - 2021/04/16 07:15:06

6Q6CPFHPBPCU691 is a discount code anyone can use.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:12:43 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:14:22 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

Sorry Enewt, you just missed it. 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:15:13 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hydrocopper just opened up now for auto-notify. Jacob said VERY soon for the 3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper. It sounded like he was about to say today, then kind of stopped himself, so maybe today, or else early next week.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:17:19 (permalink)

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:17:36 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hydrocopper just opened up now for auto-notify. Jacob said VERY soon for the 3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper. It sounded like he was about to say today, then kind of stopped himself, so maybe today, or else early next week.

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra HC queues opened up yesterday at 1PM EST. Unless they closed the queues sometimes yesterday, they've been open since.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:19:06 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hydrocopper just opened up now for auto-notify. Jacob said VERY soon for the 3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper. It sounded like he was about to say today, then kind of stopped himself, so maybe today, or else early next week.

On Tuesday's stream he mentioned Friday/today as a probability for KP HC, so I'd keep an eye out. As we all know, timelines and supplies are all messed up.

If anything, they'll provide more information on stream today.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:20:43 (permalink)
3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper likely going to appear very soon on the products page = new notify queue. Just a heads up.

As in this morning?

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hydrocopper just opened up now for auto-notify. Jacob said VERY soon for the 3090 K|ngP|n Hydrocopper. It sounded like he was about to say today, then kind of stopped himself, so maybe today, or else early next week.

The 3090 FTW3 Ultra HC queues opened up yesterday at 1PM EST. Unless they closed the queues sometimes yesterday, they've been open since.

Oh ok, I didn't realize that, I thought it was just showing "out of stock" only earlier this morning, perhaps I misread it. Certainly auto-notify is there now. Cheers.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:21:40 (permalink)
The hydro copper has been open all night, I registered around 6pm.  I was keeping an eye on it at work to see if I just got a lucky break.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:23:26 (permalink)
Another morning of me seeing multiple new pages and assuming it was a bunch of crazy early drops. I should have known it'd be another disagreement 
Finally, the hunt is over. Jacob even signed it, which is neat. Thanks again enewt for maintaining that list.


OMG mate, she sure is a beauty. I hope you enjoy!!! Congrats!

EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra
Intel i7-9700k
Corsair HX1200i
Gigabyte Z390m Gaming
32GB 3200MHz DDR4 G. Skill Ripjaws V Series
Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL White
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:24:34 (permalink)
Another morning of me seeing multiple new pages and assuming it was a bunch of crazy early drops. I should have known it'd be another disagreement 
Finally, the hunt is over. Jacob even signed it, which is neat. Thanks again enewt for maintaining that list.


OMG mate, she sure is a beauty. I hope you enjoy!!! Congrats!


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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:27:26 (permalink)
atimelessredFinally, the hunt is over. Jacob even signed it, which is neat. Thanks again enewt for maintaining that list.
Average sign-up rate for time range between 0:17 to 0:56 is 27 notify/s. It this rate was from the beginning, then around 324 cards should be in dropped yesterday. I wondering if Jacob signed it all

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:28:24 (permalink)
'3372470','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/16/2021 7:19:34 AM' No
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2021/04/16 07:30:45 (permalink)
Gamer-Monk'3372470','24G-P5-3989-KR','4/16/2021 7:19:34 AM' No
Thanks for sharing!
17137 people ahead of you. Probably not all of then sign up for 24G-P5-3989-KR, but...

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