Hey guys, I have an EVGA 850W GA power supply that i'm getting replaced by an RMA. I heard that EVGA only sends the PSU unit as a replacement, and tells the customer to keep all the PSU cables and accessories. Because of this, i'm curious if the replacement will be 10000% okay using the cables from my 850W GA PSU. I'm being switched to the GP 1000W PSU, will this PSU work fine with the original cables from the 850W? I know there is a compatibility chart with the cables but I wasn't able to find a direct match between these 2 PSUs. Here are the part #'s for the PSUs:
Current PSU Part Number: 220-GA-0850-X1
Replacement Part Number: 120-GP-1000-X1
Please let me know if it is guaranteed safe to use the old PSUs cables on the replacement.