Re: EVGA Geforce RTX 2070 Super
2021/03/20 23:41:49
Yes, I noticed you mentioned new PSU previously and cables checked--doesn't sound like that's the problem; Not sure what's causing your 4.5X relative spike there since your Cpu/Gpu load in that screenshot are both low. If you already tried using DDU/driver reinstall, video doesn't come back with a "WIN+CTRL+SHIFT+B" display refresh once the problem has occurred, and/or you've already tried clean boot troubleshooting to eliminate software causes, only other thing I can think of is to try a different Gpu if available to try and make sure it's Gpu vs. Mbd. and you could try the other HDMI/DP video output on this card you're not using to see if it works without issue to avoid having to RMA for now even if you're sure it's Gpu to get to the best time for you to RMA and minimize downtime if you wanted depending on remaining warranty time.
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