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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 14:35:03 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

This is probably a driver issue. Make sure to DDU in Safe Mode and then re-install your drivers.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 14:36:34 (permalink)
This is probably a driver issue. Make sure to DDU in Safe Mode and then re-install your drivers.

I always DDU. I've also tried a fresh OS. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 14:41:26 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 14:56:39 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.

So I had a question maybe you could answer: is there any real danger to flashing the XC3 bios on a hybrid card, as in voiding the warranty or high pcie power draw?  (since it bugs out the readouts do you know if anyone has been able to actually find out if that's wrecking pcie power as well?)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 15:03:06 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.

So I had a question maybe you could answer: is there any real danger to flashing the XC3 bios on a hybrid card, as in voiding the warranty or high pcie power draw?  (since it bugs out the readouts do you know if anyone has been able to actually find out if that's wrecking pcie power as well?)

Danger? There's always some sort of danger when flashing a VBIOS, but the FTW3 is a dual VBIOS card - so if something gets borked, flip the VBIOS switch and boot with the other one, then flip the switch while in windows and flash again.

If you read post 3215, the warranty question is answered - https://forums.evga.com/E...ETA-m3124192-p108.aspx

As far as PCIE slot power draw - I've no way of measuring it outside of GPU-Z, but I suspect that my lower PCIE slot power draw reading (again, addressed in post 3215) is fairly accurate and indeed lower than stock.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 15:13:19 (permalink)
My slot draw with the bone stock bios is between 65-70w. Maxing out the power target slider increases the draw to around 80w, without any additional overclocking. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 15:16:40 (permalink)
My slot draw with the bone stock bios is between 65-70w. Maxing out the power target slider increases the draw to around 80w, without any additional overclocking. 

Out of spec, RMA it.

Or don't and live with a power limited card - it's your call.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 15:25:23 (permalink)
My slot draw with the bone stock bios is between 65-70w. Maxing out the power target slider increases the draw to around 80w, without any additional overclocking. 

Out of spec, RMA it.

Or don't and live with a power limited card - it's your call.

Thanks for the advice. I'll explore the option. 
I definitely wouldn't like to get stuck with a limping card. On the other hand, it's odd to me that this happened. When I got the card at launch, it was happily drawing 460w in games. However, after the second nvidia driver that fixed the random crashing for folks and messing around with the XOC bios here, the card seems to be stuck in some kind of lower power mode. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 16:31:11 (permalink)
The thing is that I did not bother to backup my own default BIOS because I thought the default BIOS was posted in the first post, only to find out after flashing that the ones for my card were missing (I know, already a lesson learned, always backup your BIOS prior flashing). 
Anyway, I will do exactly as you say and flash the normal XOC BIOS on my OC BIOS position, since that is the one I flashed with the OC XOC BIOS and I also do not like the fact that the minimum fan value is hard-coded to 40%, so don't feel like using it in a daily basis.
Thanks either way for your response.

That's exactly why I did it indeed... and there's a copy of the default BIOS available via TechPowerUp's BIOS archives... I do not get why eVGA hasn't updated the first post with the default BIOSes for the Hybrid card yet, it's been out for what, a month now?  Odd oversight I think.

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5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 16:41:01 (permalink)
On the XOC Beta BIOS I'm seeing "power limit" pop up in games on MSI Afterburner's readouts with draws as low as 420W... with the power target slider maxed.  I would RMA my card if I had a backup available to use while it was going through RMA.
Instead, I'll wait til my Kingpin spot in line is called, get the Kingpin, then RMA the 3090 Hybrid & resell it - problem solved and money likely recouped for the Kingpin as well.
My PCIe slot power draw is almost always at or above 75W when said PWR Limit is being shown too, despite all that, the card clocks well... but seeing Power Limit when I'm running a 2040MHz 1000mV undervolt OC, at a 420-435W Power Draw indicated in HWInfo64 is definitely not okay.
I assume the PCIe slot power draw readout is still accurate if you're using the XC3 BIOS?  May end up giving that a go afterall.

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5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/13 20:00:49 (permalink)
on 1st page with the links to the bios
they have original Bios, Is that the Original Bios for the 3090 ftw3 ultra triple fan shipped with?
I tested the GPU, and mine Is running as it should can consistently pull 500w while PCIe power draw stays at 75 max.
I ended up undervolting for gaming use and have no use for the 500W bios anymore and would like to go back to the original the GPU had on it from the store.
I forgot to back up the bios before flashing...
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 01:27:56 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.

I don't understand your problem with PCI-E. Mine reach 500W (FTW3 ultra) with UP to 89W on PCI-E on peaks.
So what's the problem if PCI-E > 75W ?  No problem right ? My card is reaching without anyproblem the 500W, so your problem is not realted to > 75W PCI-E drawing ???
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 01:51:42 (permalink)
furetheremore, in order to be able to reach the 500W, is your case cooled property ?
You'll never reach 500W+ if the case is too hot ... temperature bottleneck.
If i'm right, 8Pin = 150W
3 X 8 = 450W
PCI-E standard = 75W
PCI-E max = 125W
default max standard = 525W
default max = 575W
Maybye the power is not so much load balanced via 8Pin connector, but the important is the final result.
post edited by eXp67 - 2021/01/14 01:55:04
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 05:53:49 (permalink)
last time for me on evga cards. Evga precision is bugged. This expensive 3090 is bugged. I'm tired. My next buy will be msi or asus. At least msi afterburner works great. And also when i had the 2080ti hybrid with evga, i had to use that crap of precision x because i could't set the fan from msi ab.
And better luck with both of them companies and their nonexistent customer service... HA!!!

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 07:04:43 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.

I don't understand your problem with PCI-E. Mine reach 500W (FTW3 ultra) with UP to 89W on PCI-E on peaks.
So what's the problem if PCI-E > 75W ?  No problem right ? My card is reaching without anyproblem the 500W, so your problem is not realted to > 75W PCI-E drawing ???

Again, for the 42nd time:

The universal standard for maximum power draw from the PCie slot is 75W max. I didn't set that, some geeks with a hard on for making standards did. Standards are there so stuff going boom boom doesn't happen as often.

If your card exceeds 75W on the stock VBIOS without overclocking the GPU core or VRAM, your card is exceeding the PCIE specification that every company should be following (remember the AMD RX480 debacle a few years ago?)

Yours drawing 89W continuous with a total board power draw of 500W is great. Good for you. It's still out of spec - but at least your card is capable of getting to 500. Most cards can't when they exceed 79W or so, which seems to be the throttle point for FTW3 cards (except yours for some reason, or those who flash the warranty voiding 1000W kingpin VBIOS).

At this point I'm going to stop repeating myself and ask that people read this thread instead of asking the same questions over and over again. It's all here for those that care to read.
post edited by arestavo - 2021/01/14 07:11:15
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 09:12:52 (permalink)
RMA black lipped card is a little better than the first but now draws 86w on the PCIE.  I'm done, I'm just selling the card and never buying EVGA again.  Two weeks for a RMA to have the same issues and ABOSLUTELY NO WORD FROM EVGA TO RECOGNIZE THE PROBLEM.  

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 09:19:43 (permalink)
I did this update procedure, but I can't revert.
Part Number: 24G-P5-3987-KR
Part Desc: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING, 24G-P5-39
Help me. Pls! 
3090 FTW3 - OC BIOS - No display adapters were found that are compatible with this update.
All monitoring software is turned off. Using Nvidia 456.98 (Latest hotfix). Windows 20H2 update (the one that came out within past 24 hours).

Edit: Looks like BIOS is ONLY for Ultra (3987 part number) ATM.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 10:38:16 (permalink)
arestavo so you also had the problem ? You did an RMA invoking the card going above 75W on PCIE slot ?
What's about the new card, is it better ?
Mine can't do above 410W and is at 75-78W on PCIE slot. The card is 100% of the time PWR limited (perfcap reason : pwr).
SN: 2012533xxxxxxxxxxxxx China
post edited by MastahFR - 2021/01/14 11:15:27
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 10:52:17 (permalink)
EVGA_JacobF you need to give us information!
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 11:29:41 (permalink)
arestavo so you also had the problem ? You did an RMA invoking the card going above 75W on PCIE slot ?
What's about the new card, is it better ?
Mine can't do above 410W and is at 75-78W on PCIE slot. The card is 100% of the time PWR limited (perfcap reason : pwr).
SN: 2012533xxxxxxxxxxxxx China

Yes, up to 82W continuous power draw, depending on the game, on the stock VBIOS with no manual GPU or VRAM overclock which maxed out at around 430W at most. The replacement pulls 76W stock and I've seen 460W power draw with the 500W VBIOS. The XC3 VBIOS is still better, because it lowers the PCIE slot power draw to around 66W and allows the card to draw ~500W total.

I've posted this multiple times before for people to read.
post edited by arestavo - 2021/01/14 11:32:06
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 12:44:01 (permalink)
Mine is pulling around 70W with default bios and no OC (for a total of ~370W)
With the 500W bios, the card is doing 420-425W max with 75-78W on PCIE slot.
And 100% of time perfcap pwr (@119%).
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 12:54:35 (permalink)
I absolutely agree that the 1000w bios is reckless for every day use. That leads me to my original question. How do I get the performance that's on the box of this GPU back? Here's a screenshot of the same card running on the XOC bios available in the first post of this thread. Why is the card drawing 90% TDP with the power target slider set to 119%? Flashing the card back to it's original bios produces the same results. 

Your PCIE slot power draw is 79W. The spec is 75. Your card is over spec, and the performance cap (perfcap) is power.

Flash the stock VBIOS and test without overclock. If the PCIE slot power remains over 75W, RMA and get a card that IS within spec.

I don't understand your problem with PCI-E. Mine reach 500W (FTW3 ultra) with UP to 89W on PCI-E on peaks.
So what's the problem if PCI-E > 75W ?  No problem right ? My card is reaching without anyproblem the 500W, so your problem is not realted to > 75W PCI-E drawing ???

Again, for the 42nd time:

The universal standard for maximum power draw from the PCie slot is 75W max. I didn't set that, some geeks with a hard on for making standards did. Standards are there so stuff going boom boom doesn't happen as often.

If your card exceeds 75W on the stock VBIOS without overclocking the GPU core or VRAM, your card is exceeding the PCIE specification that every company should be following (remember the AMD RX480 debacle a few years ago?)

Yours drawing 89W continuous with a total board power draw of 500W is great. Good for you. It's still out of spec - but at least your card is capable of getting to 500. Most cards can't when they exceed 79W or so, which seems to be the throttle point for FTW3 cards (except yours for some reason, or those who flash the warranty voiding 1000W kingpin VBIOS).

At this point I'm going to stop repeating myself and ask that people read this thread instead of asking the same questions over and over again. It's all here for those that care to read.

Ok thanks for explain again the details. I read the previous thread and this problem before. Thats why i was nervous to buy the card.
But are you sure, the problem is coming at 100% from the PCI-E power delivery ?
Do we have compared with another MSI/ASUS/AORUS brand the power delivery of PCI-E ?
I do another test and this is the result in my screenshot:
- 510,6W max
- PCI-E @ 84.2W
- TDP @ 121.6%
- 8 pin 1/2/3 @ 147 / 146 / 132.7W
   > We are loosing 15W on the last PIN ( 84.2 - 15 =  69,2W for the PCI-E it could be at better scenario)
In fact i didn't tested the card in stock mode. When i get it i set "OC mode" + flash XOC bios at first boot (lol).
So maybe my card was 66W or below 75W before stock bios and standard mode, i don't want to flash back the old one :)
All seems correct with my card ?
Is this normal the XOC bios allow higher than 75W PCI-E ? if the PCI-E limit is 125W, why didn't unlock it with an XOC bios per example ? It can always be better for watercooler overlockers to push the card to higher limit (~575W)
post edited by eXp67 - 2021/01/14 13:02:42

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 13:40:39 (permalink)
RMA black lipped card is a little better than the first but now draws 86w on the PCIE.  I'm done, I'm just selling the card and never buying EVGA again.  Two weeks for a RMA to have the same issues and ABOSLUTELY NO WORD FROM EVGA TO RECOGNIZE THE PROBLEM.  

post edited by Dwayne_Johnson - 2021/01/14 13:43:25
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 13:42:35 (permalink)
Iirc, doesn't Nvidia limit gpu usage for furmark through drivers? Also, you don't want high draw of 125w+ through the pcie slot is because you'll probably damage or melt it. You have to think of the temperature from the power going through the slot itself.

I don't think temperatures really help. Have an Optimus block and I still can't get the thing to consistently have it hit power limits, always power limited at about 465ish average.

Using the 1000w xoc bios at 55% was nice though for the short benchmark time, a smooth 2205 clock with no drops or perf cap.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 13:42:40 (permalink)
 If you score 14K + in port royal i wound't exchange my card even i see 80w on pcie but if you score lower then rma it. this is what i think.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 14:10:44 (permalink)
 If you score 14K + in port royal i wound't exchange my card even i see 80w on pcie but if you score lower then rma it. this is what i think.

I just got 14k at PR (exactly 13948)
Max power draw = 477.2W Max
PCI @ 79.7W Max
TDP @ 113.6%Max
Perfcap reason : Pwr
Problem ? :)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 14:12:52 (permalink)
Iirc, doesn't Nvidia limit gpu usage for furmark through drivers? Also, you don't want high draw of 125w+ through the pcie slot is because you'll probably damage or melt it. You have to think of the temperature from the power going through the slot itself.

I don't think temperatures really help. Have an Optimus block and I still can't get the thing to consistently have it hit power limits, always power limited at about 465ish average.

Using the 1000w xoc bios at 55% was nice though for the short benchmark time, a smooth 2205 clock with no drops or perf cap.

Is this 1000W bios unlocked can kill the card in a daily use gaming ? Knowing it will be break warranty ... ?
Using this bios breaks the RGB or any stock feature of the FTW3 Ultra ?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 14:34:23 (permalink)
Iirc, doesn't Nvidia limit gpu usage for furmark through drivers? Also, you don't want high draw of 125w+ through the pcie slot is because you'll probably damage or melt it. You have to think of the temperature from the power going through the slot itself.

I don't think temperatures really help. Have an Optimus block and I still can't get the thing to consistently have it hit power limits, always power limited at about 465ish average.

Using the 1000w xoc bios at 55% was nice though for the short benchmark time, a smooth 2205 clock with no drops or perf cap.

Is this 1000W bios unlocked can kill the card in a daily use gaming ? Knowing it will be break warranty ... ?
Using this bios breaks the RGB or any stock feature of the FTW3 Ultra ?

The 1000W bios is designed for LN2.  It has NO thermal protections because of that purpose.  I believe some can be re-enabled in the Classified tool.  It won't kill a card that has PROPER heat protection, but if you have even so much as one thermal pad not placed properly, either the VRM or VRAM will happily cook and fry itself because the card won't be allowed to protectively heat throttle or shutdown.
Two users have already fried their (non eVGA) cards with that vbios--both of them irresponsible users who claimed to have thermal issues after using it.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 14:35:51 (permalink)
Iirc, doesn't Nvidia limit gpu usage for furmark through drivers? Also, you don't want high draw of 125w+ through the pcie slot is because you'll probably damage or melt it. You have to think of the temperature from the power going through the slot itself.

I don't think temperatures really help. Have an Optimus block and I still can't get the thing to consistently have it hit power limits, always power limited at about 465ish average.

Using the 1000w xoc bios at 55% was nice though for the short benchmark time, a smooth 2205 clock with no drops or perf cap.

Is this 1000W bios unlocked can kill the card in a daily use gaming ? Knowing it will be break warranty ... ?
Using this bios breaks the RGB or any stock feature of the FTW3 Ultra ?

I can't say if it'll break your card. It's a fully unlocked bios with no thermal limits. Technically if your Temps are in check, the card should be fine but I still don't recommend it. My cards Temps hit a max of 45c on everything including power with the core maxed at 38c. I was only benching PR though. My card has a block and has most components covered via thermal pads and a fan on the backplate.

You'll be flashing a kingpin bios, icx features still work but unsure on rgb. I Highly recommend you don't use it unless you're under water, the air cooler isn't enough imo. Classified tools don't work as you actually need the kingpin card. You're basically just raising power limits and removing protections.
post edited by originxt - 2021/01/14 14:40:21
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/14 14:52:35 (permalink)
eXp67 I dont see any problem in ur card :)
Just look at youtube review and you will find many rtx-3090 score 12 750 in port royal !
So thinking the ftw3 under performing is far from the true unless you have a card with a real problem.
Some buy a strix rtx-3090 and cant hit 14k in port royal but i also saw some score 15k.
So over 14k in port royal and up its a silicon lotery, 15k coz you won the jackpot.
But like i said in a previous post even some dude score 15k its barely noticeable once in game at 4k coz fps will always goes up and down and 14.3k vs 15k its about 1.5 fps in 4k gaming if its not less !
And for 15.6k to 16k you need mod your card and void the warranty for 1k in benchmark ? is this worth it ?
Me i dont think i dont do benchmark contest and anyway you will always find someone who will beat you.
Kingpin itself broke or killed many cards do be in top 5. That's mean even with the kingpin card, just a limited amount of card will peform better then the others.
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