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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:23:03
Brando737 As was I. I was loaded into the product page as well.
rip us another spectacular evga launch lol
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:23:29
demon09 I give up signed me out and there's no hope
Your hope is higher than non-elites. If you don't keep trying, then you are out of reasonable options. :/ I'm in the queue for the 3080 FTW3 Ti HC, the 3080 XC3 Ti HC and the 3090 HC. I only need one, am saving the 3090 HC in case Enewt doesn't get one.... but the other I can give to you at cost, if you're interested. The odds that I get any of them though....
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:24:35
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:25:03
I don't know why I even bother....even if you can get the sign up to finally load, it will just time out on submit. I probably filled out my information 20 times this time around....still not a single one went through. I swear this was a worse experience than the 3070 Ti launch last week, at least i could get 1 notify in on that one.
post edited by FyreFlux - 2021/06/15 09:27:56
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:27:30
9:07 for the 3070 Ti XC3 here. I got the notification page to load right at 9:00 but took me that 7 minutes to go through :-( What's weird is that I didn't get a email, but it does show on My Notifies hmm Had pretty much the exact same experience. Logged in 50 mins before the drop; started refreshing things in the minutes leading up to the hour, and continued trying to queue for about 15 minutes until the Auto-Notify form informed me that I'd already made the queue for the item. "08G-P5-3785-KL - 6/15/2021 9:07:18 AM PT" appears on My Notifies page, but no email confirmation. I'm hoping we're good.
post edited by egardina - 2021/06/15 10:13:26
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:27:31
12G-P5-3959-KR 6/15/2021 9:00:57 AM PT
post edited by JLaughton - 2021/06/15 09:31:40
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:27:54
I don't know how people manage to even get in. I was there right at 0900 and at 0902 the page loaded, but no notify button. Looks like I'll be way out like I was for the FTW.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:31:23
Brando737 I don't know how people manage to even get in. I was there right at 0900 and at 0902 the page loaded, but no notify button. Looks like I'll be way out like I was for the FTW.
Are you an Elite Member? The notify is only open for Elite in the first 24 hours.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:32:45
Same story. Get it to load early, but won't submit. Over and over. Thanks evga
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:32:58
KEEP GETTING THIS ERROR!!!!!!!!!!! products/autonotify.aspx cannot be served due to error 17 on the host Code: LB210610
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:33:11
i got in on the 3080ti XC3 hydrocopper at 9:00:xx can't get the exact time since i can't load my notifies yet
post edited by gsrcrxsi - 2021/06/15 09:35:07
Rig1: EPYC 7V12 | [7] Titan VRig2: EPYC 7B12 | [8] Titan VRig3: [2] EPYC 7742 | [8] Tesla V100 SXM2
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:33:29
All of my notifies are gone from my list lmao YIKES. Hopefully it's just a bug from the site being all whacked out right now.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:34:03
Brando737 I don't know how people manage to even get in. I was there right at 0900 and at 0902 the page loaded, but no notify button. Looks like I'll be way out like I was for the FTW.
I went straight to the notify page. First time it didn't work, just hit back a page and then submit again. It took me to some other error page, but then I got an email. Check my notify page and it shows up.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:34:07
Brando737 I don't know how people manage to even get in. I was there right at 0900 and at 0902 the page loaded, but no notify button. Looks like I'll be way out like I was for the FTW.
Are you an Elite Member? The notify is only open for Elite in the first 24 hours.
Yup! I was logged in then somehow got logged out when the auto notify finally showed up. Now I'm getting to the notify, but it keeps crashing more.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:34:09
How are you guys even getting in? I was on the Kingpion page at 9am and it just crashed
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:34:27
I already emailed and told EVGA that the way they are doing this doesn't work.
They need to do a shuffle and allow people to start entering days ahead of time. Then everyone gets shuffled into a time slot.
As of right now, this is like a shuffle with their servers going down except people have to wait in front of their computer for 2 hours which is not cool at all.
EVGA, please change things. This isn't the way to do this, it breaks your website, you have to pay IT to work harder to try and fix your site each time and a lot of people waste their time.
Start a shuffle timeslots and open it days ahead of time and people can enter whenever they want leading up to the release.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:35:50
DEADheadGamingYT All of my notifies are gone from my list lmao YIKES. Hopefully it's just a bug from the site being all whacked out right now.
Mine is doing the same. At 9:02 I got in for a 3070 ti XC Ultra... and I have the email. Hopefully it's all set...
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:36:24
I like the Shuffle system, I do, but leaving it all up to chance from a manufacturer is a little crazy. With retailers like NewEgg is makes a little more sense but when is the manufacturer themselves it should stay as a first come first serve type of thing.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:37:09
myNotify page issues is just the server being overloaded. it too 20 min to load correctly. Also, page errored out on my notify for 3070ti XC3 ultra but got an email about 4min later. So check your email.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:37:21
Another disappointment...the notify button was there from 9:00am just steady spamming away my link with my csrf token appended on :( The screen showed 9:29am for the 3070ti but I hope I got in earlier.
post edited by evgafan#x - 2021/06/15 09:42:39
12G-P5-3953-KR 6/30/2021 6:32:05 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3783-KL 6/30/2021 6:12:01 AM PT Yes 10G-P5-3899-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:46 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 9:29:30 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:49:14 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:37:24
KingEngineRevUp I already emailed and told EVGA that the way they are doing this doesn't work.
They need to do a shuffle and allow people to start entering days ahead of time. Then everyone gets shuffled into a time slot.
As of right now, this is like a shuffle with their servers going down except people have to wait in front of their computer for 2 hours which is not cool at all.
EVGA, please change things. This isn't the way to do this, it breaks your website, you have to pay IT to work harder to try and fix your site each time and a lot of people waste their time.
Start a shuffle timeslots and open it days ahead of time and people can enter whenever they want leading up to the release.
unfortunately, EVGA wont listen to you. they make money either way.
Rig1: EPYC 7V12 | [7] Titan VRig2: EPYC 7B12 | [8] Titan VRig3: [2] EPYC 7742 | [8] Tesla V100 SXM2
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:37:36
Woof, this one was worse than the last time. I got to the submit button and got the same old error a bunch of times. Gotta let the dust settle and see if I managed to make it through on any of them...
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:37:37
I still can't even get signed back In After it decided to sign me out x.x welp
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:38:19
evgafan#x with my csrf token appended on
not necessary anymore.
Rig1: EPYC 7V12 | [7] Titan VRig2: EPYC 7B12 | [8] Titan VRig3: [2] EPYC 7742 | [8] Tesla V100 SXM2
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:39:27
demon09 I still can't even get signed back In After it decided to sign me out x.x welp
You and me both, brother :(
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:20:56 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 8:07:23 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 8:09:14 AM PT No 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 8:08:34 AM PT No 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:46:50 AM PT No
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:39:36
The lottery is a great idea. do say, 10 people per minute per time slot for an hour. Then you get entered into a lottery draw for your time. Then your notification is sent to you and you know exactly where you and 9 others are in the que. Just an example
 The que doesn't differentiate between business or personal. The que knows all. The que is life. The que smiles upon us and gives us a time to purchase. Side note: Its a good thing the que isn't like fight club....
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:40:28
evgafan#x with my csrf token appended on
not necessary anymore.
Figured better safe than sorry.
12G-P5-3953-KR 6/30/2021 6:32:05 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3783-KL 6/30/2021 6:12:01 AM PT Yes 10G-P5-3899-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:46 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 9:29:30 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:49:14 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:41:24
9:26 for 3959. Hope it is not too late.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:43:07
While the newegg shuffle looks like it works... I've been trying it for 5 months every single day and have never gotten anything from it. At least EVGA, you know you're guaranteed a card even if it is at a later date. But I do wish they'd make their server better so it can handle the volume on these launch dates.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 09:44:39
Wow, servers are being hammered even harder and longer than they were last week. They had stabilized by this time on the 10th. Interesting.