Re:Can't Enable DXVA on my 8400GS Card
Sunday, October 24, 2010 3:44 PM
Just so you know DX10 is not required to enable hardware acceleration
The most important thing, you need a codec pack called Pure Codec. I'm not sure what the latest version is but I am currently using V2008 Build 0831.
Here is the settings that do the trick, I tested in on XP and Vista 32 bit. I also tested it on Vista 64 bit. Once you installed the codec pack Pure Codec, do the following settings from the Pure Codec Settings Page:
1.Deselect “Auto Mode”
2.Video Renderer use VMR9 Renderless (Remap_16_235). This will give you better color.
3.Audio Decoder choose InterVideo. Better sound quality and smoother playback.
4. H.264 Video Decoder is our main concert, choose CyberLink (DXVA) for MKV. This is the one which enables hardware acceleration.