Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 08:51:14 (permalink)
i just got my plastic parts and the ring thankyou antec im just gonna leave it at that
thou now i got a new problem and i won't even try to do anything about it before i know the o ring won't fit the screws are too much in to the middle of it so unless i twist or push the screws they won't fit
this is where the holder for the screw is O-I
the o represents the metal screw holders and the I represents the SCREW in the oring as in it is not fitting on one side of the ring
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:03:17 (permalink)
I wonder why you are having so many problems with it. I mounted mine without even looking at the instructions and everything lined up perfectly... What socket and what tabs are you using?

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:07:17 (permalink)


I wonder why you are having so many problems with it. I mounted mine without even looking at the instructions and everything lined up perfectly... What socket and what tabs are you using?

i used the 1366 ring and the tabs they both came from antec as i asked for a new ring
i will try to be less careful i barely touched it obviously i will be careful but a little less maybe i need to move it a little on the other side
edit i tryed everything now they won't fit unless i force push (no pun intended) the screws to the outside so they can go in what is this why am i having problems with this i even tryed twisting the ring no luck there
post edited by zzcool - 2011/04/17 09:12:07
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:15:02 (permalink)
There are several sets of tabs that came with the unit. I used the green ones you can see on the pics in my mods rigs. I am guessing you are using the wrong tabs. There were 3 sets of them I believe.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:16:46 (permalink)
the tabs came from antec as the old ones broke so im really sure they sent the right ones im gonna try to take off the bracket maybe i put those metal holders wrong
will a hairdryer ruin the glue completely or can it be used again after i use it to get the bracket off the motherboard
post edited by zzcool - 2011/04/17 09:26:37
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:20:59 (permalink)
And they are green right?

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:29:04 (permalink)

And they are green right?

no they are black i requested black ones so thankyou to antec for giving me black ones

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:32:38 (permalink)
The black ones I have don't fit neither. They are for a different socket...

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:34:57 (permalink)

The black ones I have don't fit neither. They are for a different socket...

but they sent me those with a 1366 ring who would send parts for two different sockets i think i need to remove the bracket and move in 2 of those screw holders i just need a green light that a hairdryer won't mess up the glue as the bracket is sitting HARD and if i try to drag it off i will break it which i won't i did the hardest i could as in hardest that won't break it
well i tryed putting the screws in the empty holes just to see if it fits suprise suprise only 3 screws fit so even if i remove teh bracket relocate the screw holders it still won't fit why me what did i do wrong
well i double checked the manual ii did everything right the screw holders are in the 1366 slot the screws are in the 1366 slot
so if i didn't do anything wrong then is is not fitting i feel stupid even thou i did everything right i have checked the manual 3 times
post edited by zzcool - 2011/04/17 09:51:21
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:42:20 (permalink)
Well, I bought my unit retail so it came for the brackets and tabs for every socket available. Where did you get yours?
I have I think 3 sets of screw holder tabs: orange, black and green. I eyeballed the backplate and the bracket with different tabs to pick the tabs that seem to fit best and they ended up being the green ones. The backplate that is glued to your motherboard should be the correct one if you managed to fit it on your board.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 09:47:12 (permalink)
You mean your backplate and bracket are not even matching?

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 10:03:29 (permalink)

You mean your backplate and bracket are not even matching?

that is correct the screws are not matching the screw holes as in the srews simply won't go in the screw holders are not accurate to the screws i tryed everything i tryed holdiong the bracket into place it just won't stay so the screw holders stick out all the way so i held the bracket into place 3 screws fit with abit of small force but the fourth one won't i tryed placing the motherboard on it's side to see if any screw holders are wrong placed in the bracket nope i tryed looking closely if all the screws are placed right in the plastic screw holders no luck there it's all correctly placed they are all in the right place everything is correct as far as i know after checking the manual now four times i have tryed everything why me
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 10:09:35 (permalink)

Well, I bought my unit retail so it came for the brackets and tabs for every socket available. Where did you get yours?
I have I think 3 sets of screw holder tabs: orange, black and green. I eyeballed the backplate and the bracket with different tabs to pick the tabs that seem to fit best and they ended up being the green ones. The backplate that is glued to your motherboard should be the correct one if you managed to fit it on your board.

i got green and blue thats it but if you go back in this thread you can see that i screwed thru the blue ones breaking them so antec sent me new plastic holders so i asked if it's possible that they can send them in black instead of blue and i asked if i could get a new ring as the one i got was 0.01% scratched thou i said i was willing to pay for a new ring but they sent me one for free
but originally i got blue and green
now im just gonna beg and hope that they didn't think think i wanted black ones for a different socket i wanted for the SAME socket with a black color just for looks and they knew i had a 1366 motherboard and they even sent me a 1366 ring so it's nearly impossible that they thought i wanted black ones as in for a different socket i waited nearly 2 weeks for these things to get to me oh another problem 
sorry for double post

post edited by zzcool - 2011/04/17 10:12:04
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 10:32:17 (permalink)
Honestly I don't get how you are having so much trouble zzcool, I installed mine first try, 0 problems. No plastic breaking or not fitting into mounting holes etc.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 10:34:02 (permalink)

Honestly I don't get how you are having so much trouble zzcool, I installed mine first try, 0 problems. No plastic breaking or not fitting into mounting holes etc.
i don't either but i do i have tryed everything it won't fit i have checked the manual four times it won't fit i have no idea whats wrong as for those plastic parts i did something wrong there i wasn't careful enough but this i did everything right here and it still won't fit 
i know all of this sounds like oh im a beginner i have no idea how to do anything but i do i have built a computer twice first time being when i was 15 and installed a cpu cooler twice so this is not my first time i have a theory all of these problems clearly states DESTINY dosn't want me to have this pc
i had 2500$ in the beginning of 2010 i bought windows 7 turned out to be false i bought a gtx 580 something wrong with the screws i got the screws fixed and then sold it and got half the money lost about 300$ then a bought a htc tytn and got scammed then i bought a laptop and wasn't informed that it had arrived so it got sent back at the cost of the seller which offcourse I HAD to pay then i've been trying and trying to get the last remaining money for the pc and WHEN i finally do i order all the parts plastic tabs break i wait 2 weeks and now this
obviously it is not meant to be im just gonna go to bed now even thou it's 7 pm and then see if someone from antec can help me
i am starting to really really really really AND really hate my life and all the bad luck i actually have it's comical how much bad luck i have
despite all these problems i am really thankful that antec helped me and send me this thats great customer support 
edit i tryed a last try as one screw was set in the wrong place of the ring so i put it in the right place no luck still won't fit and im sure it wasn't sitting in the right place because i had been switching the places over and over again now everything is 100% correct yet it won't fit what am i missing is this actually happening i can't put it on i also checked the tabs they are identical to the blue original ones so thats not it either and when checking with the blue half broken tabs won't fit either so it never fit so what is wrong did they drill the holes at the wrong place of the motherboard or what that sounds extremely crazy but i have tryed EVERYTHING to get it to fit it won't fit no matter what i feel like i am going crazy i have tryed this ALL day nothing works i have checked the backplate everything sits correctly i have checked the ring everything sits correctly i have tryed everything im gonna try again to push the backplate into place to the screw holders stick out maybe im lucky
thankyou to wcchamp18 for helping me it turned out one of the clips was facing the wrong way in the ring it fits now thankyou for the helpi hid the text as theres no need for it to be visible anymore it fits now i guess i changed it over an dover again and forgot one and had my focus on the metal holders so i didn't notice the clip being the wrong side a very stupid mistake  

post edited by zzcool - 2011/04/17 12:25:18
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 12:41:50 (permalink)


Honestly I don't get how you are having so much trouble zzcool, I installed mine first try, 0 problems. No plastic breaking or not fitting into mounting holes etc.

i don't either but i do i have tryed everything it won't fit i have checked the manual four times it won't fit i have no idea whats wrong as for those plastic parts i did something wrong there i wasn't careful enough but this i did everything right here and it still won't fit 

despite all these problems i am really thankful that antec helped me and send me this thats great customer support 


thankyou to wcchamp18 for helping me it turned out one of the clips was facing the wrong way in the ring it fits now thankyou for the helpi hid the text as theres no need for it to be visible anymore it fits now i guess i changed it over an dover again and forgot one and had my focus on the metal holders so i didn't notice the clip being the wrong side a very stupid mistake  

Glad to help.  Shoot me a PM if you need anything else.

 CASE: CM HAF 932 Black Edition, OS: Windows 7 Pro 64, MB: EVGA P55 FTW 200 (E658), CPU: Intel i7 870@3.6Ghz, PSU: Cooler Master Slient Pro Gold 1000w, CPU COOLER: EVGA Superclock CPU Cooler, MEMORY: 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws (F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL), GPU: EVGA GTX 570 (SLI x 2) , SOUND: Auzen X-fi Bravura 7.1, HD: WD VelociRaptor 150GB, WD Caviar Black 1TB, OPTICAL: ASUS DVD RW, ASSY's: Thermaltake BlacX, Sunbeam PL-RS-6 Fan controller.   

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 13:01:23 (permalink)

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 13:07:13 (permalink)


yea sorry but i was frustrated i actually had them the right place before but i changed the place of all the things and then forgot about one it was an honest mistake and i did point out that i wanted to know if i did something wrong which i did but back then i couldn't find what it was i am not in progress of finally building the computer everything should now hopefully go smoothly

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 13:11:00 (permalink)
Glad u got it working though. I just forgot I did check the orientation both ways before installing.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 22:10:41 (permalink)
LOL glad you got it working, I've made a few dumb mistakes myself in the past. I refuse to mention them because it's too embarrassing, so don't feel bad you're not alone xD

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/17 23:32:37 (permalink)
Guys, this little Antec is absolutely fantastic... I am able to now get 4.5GHz on my 980X. Will be updating the 4.2GHz stability thread shortly...

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/18 10:00:36 (permalink)

Guys, this little Antec is absolutely fantastic... I am able to now get 4.5GHz on my 980X. Will be updating the 4.2GHz stability thread shortly...

Glad to hear your happy with it as well.  I love mine.

 CASE: CM HAF 932 Black Edition, OS: Windows 7 Pro 64, MB: EVGA P55 FTW 200 (E658), CPU: Intel i7 870@3.6Ghz, PSU: Cooler Master Slient Pro Gold 1000w, CPU COOLER: EVGA Superclock CPU Cooler, MEMORY: 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws (F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL), GPU: EVGA GTX 570 (SLI x 2) , SOUND: Auzen X-fi Bravura 7.1, HD: WD VelociRaptor 150GB, WD Caviar Black 1TB, OPTICAL: ASUS DVD RW, ASSY's: Thermaltake BlacX, Sunbeam PL-RS-6 Fan controller.   

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/19 13:14:49 (permalink)

Guys, this little Antec is absolutely fantastic... I am able to now get 4.5GHz on my 980X. Will be updating the 4.2GHz stability thread shortly...

i am very happy with mine aswell it runs very cool on my i7 960 around 40 degrees idle thou the fan makes ALOT of noise but i also got the case open (the start button is not working i have to call about that for now i have to use the motherboards startbutton) and i basically got no extra fans installed i think one the fan for the harddrive cage is not connected
i also have some kind of dummy OC function that i just might give a try should i?

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/19 14:13:19 (permalink)
You can try the dummy OC see what does for you. My understanding is that the ASUS one is just soso. Watch for what it does to your voltage as it tends to overvolt way more than necessary to guarantee to boot.
I never even turn on the stock fans on mine... Just running a GT AP29 right now.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/19 15:50:56 (permalink)

You can try the dummy OC see what does for you. My understanding is that the ASUS one is just soso. Watch for what it does to your voltage as it tends to overvolt way more than necessary to guarantee to boot.
I never even turn on the stock fans on mine... Just running a GT AP29 right now.

nvm then i want something that is 100% safe
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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/22 05:11:55 (permalink)
ok guys Im lost here!!!! I have the Antec h2o 620 and I have also a couple of questions??
I installed the radiator with the tubes or pipes on top is that good or bad?
And where am I supposed to plug the cable that comes from the pump to the motherboard? I currently have it plugged to one of the motherboard's sys fan connectors, not the cpu fan connector  since only has 2 pins
The cable from the fan i plugged it to the other end of the pump's cable like the manual says but im concerned about the cooler working fine, theres any way to connect the pump cable to the cpu fan in the motherboard or has to be in the sys fan connector?
hope u understand the question and help me out here
there are some pics




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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/22 07:59:55 (permalink)


You can try the dummy OC see what does for you. My understanding is that the ASUS one is just soso. Watch for what it does to your voltage as it tends to overvolt way more than necessary to guarantee to boot.
I never even turn on the stock fans on mine... Just running a GT AP29 right now.

nvm then i want something that is 100% safe

I highly doubt they would use voltages which exceed Intel's maximum specifications.

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/22 08:09:59 (permalink)
I have not tried it in a long time... If I remember right though it bumped my VTT much higher than what I would have allowed but this was a while ago...

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/22 10:43:44 (permalink)

ok guys Im lost here!!!! I have the Antec h2o 620 and I have also a couple of questions??
I installed the radiator with the tubes or pipes on top is that good or bad?
And where am I supposed to plug the cable that comes from the pump to the motherboard? I currently have it plugged to one of the motherboard's sys fan connectors, not the cpu fan connector  since only has 2 pins
The cable from the fan i plugged it to the other end of the pump's cable like the manual says but im concerned about the cooler working fine, theres any way to connect the pump cable to the cpu fan in the motherboard or has to be in the sys fan connector?
hope u understand the question and help me out here
there are some pics 

You should plug the pump cable into the CPU power header.  Using the BIOS you can increase or decrease the pump speed (I leave mine on max and it is silent). The other cable is designed to be plugged into the fan.  The fan voltage will increase or decrease depending on the CPU temp.  I have my fans in a push/pull and the fans connected to a fan controller.  Oh, as for the tubes on top, you can mount it in any configuration you wish.

 CASE: CM HAF 932 Black Edition, OS: Windows 7 Pro 64, MB: EVGA P55 FTW 200 (E658), CPU: Intel i7 870@3.6Ghz, PSU: Cooler Master Slient Pro Gold 1000w, CPU COOLER: EVGA Superclock CPU Cooler, MEMORY: 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws (F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL), GPU: EVGA GTX 570 (SLI x 2) , SOUND: Auzen X-fi Bravura 7.1, HD: WD VelociRaptor 150GB, WD Caviar Black 1TB, OPTICAL: ASUS DVD RW, ASSY's: Thermaltake BlacX, Sunbeam PL-RS-6 Fan controller.   

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Re:Antec KÜHLER H2O 620 VS Corsair Cooling Hydro H70 2011/04/22 11:29:20 (permalink)
Radiator in that position is fine.  Doesn't really matter what fan header you plug into as long as the pump gets 12V, the other header is for you to plug the radiator fan into.  This changes the fan speed based on liquid temperature.

ok guys Im lost here!!!! I have the Antec h2o 620 and I have also a couple of questions??
I installed the radiator with the tubes or pipes on top is that good or bad?
And where am I supposed to plug the cable that comes from the pump to the motherboard? I currently have it plugged to one of the motherboard's sys fan connectors, not the cpu fan connector  since only has 2 pins
The cable from the fan i plugged it to the other end of the pump's cable like the manual says but im concerned about the cooler working fine, theres any way to connect the pump cable to the cpu fan in the motherboard or has to be in the sys fan connector?
hope u understand the question and help me out here
there are some pics

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