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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 16:55:03
OK, I did get 400 tasks for the 980 and then PrimeGrid ran out of tasks.  OK, I did get 200 tasks for the AMD and then PrimeGrid ran out of tasks.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/07 17:21:50
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 17:37:53
Ok I'm in for PPS Sieve on GPU for our PrimeGrid effort.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 17:39:07
Opolis Ok I'm in for PPS Sieve on GPU for our PrimeGrid effort.
Did you get any Tasks?
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 18:58:21
bill1024 Yodap, looks like our weather will cool off for a couple days. just in time too.
Ya mon, that's what I'm talking about! bcavnaugh OK, I did get 400 tasks for the 980 and then PrimeGrid ran out of tasks. OK, I did get 200 tasks for the AMD and then PrimeGrid ran out of tasks.
I'd be surprised if they're out for long but the pentathlon may have taken a bit of a toll on them.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 19:19:50
robbysites So I have to fly out of here Friday and return Sunday night. Let me know the settings and when I should start bunkering given my schedule. Until further instructions I am running CSG and POGS. Thanks my EVGA broheims! rs
robby, given your sched, just start running pps sieve about 8PM tomorrow nite your time or sooner if you want to bunker.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/07 19:19:51
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 04:18:37
I'm not getting any CSG tasks again.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 05:01:48
Will release a batch of POGS and GFN17 tomorrow.
  My Virgin Prime: 433*2^2188076+1 (658680 digits)
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 08:02:57
Orange_1050 Will release a batch of POGS and GFN17 tomorrow.
POGS is running well for me ATM. I will change my CSG over to POGS do to no new tasks. Some of us are going with Proth Prime Search Sieve (PPS-Sieve) on the GPU for speed and points gain. yodap I'm not getting any CSG tasks again.
Yep! not more tasks. On PrimeGrid it looks like you can only download 100 task per GPU so that my rig did not sit down the rest of the day I updated 600 and down loaded another 600 for to night.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/08 08:05:10
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 17:06:24
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 20:24:47
I had to talk trash on the website because we were in a 3 way tie with 2 other teams at 63 points, but were ranked 15th and they were tied at 13th. Told them tomorrow it wouldn't matter.  I was right. check it out
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/08 23:15:24
Bunkers released, also I have switched from GFN to Sieve. Two 780Ti's has been added to the sieving. (They cannot run GFN's)
  My Virgin Prime: 433*2^2188076+1 (658680 digits)
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/09 11:16:36
Sites are down once more. Auswahl der Datenbank Start fehlgeschlagen Keine Verbindung möglich: No such file or directory
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/09 11:17:48
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/09 11:18:48
Orange_1050 Bunkers released, also I have switched from GFN to Sieve. Two 780Ti's has been added to the sieving. (They cannot run GFN's)
What was the time to complete and points for the GFN(?) that you ran?
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/09 11:29:25
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/09 17:53:23
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 05:38:55
Universe gives low points, about 300+ for a 2-2.5 hour work unit. Not great but not great for all teams.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 07:47:07
Tasks ready to send over on Citizen Science Grid but they are not coming down to any of my computers ATM.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 07:48:06
yodap Universe gives low points, about 300+ for a 2-2.5 hour work unit. Not great but not great for all teams.
Unless that have bunkered them for the last few days.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 11:01:29
Orange_1050 Bunkers released, also I have switched from GFN to Sieve. Two 780Ti's has been added to the sieving. (They cannot run GFN's)
What was the time to complete and points for the GFN(?) that you ran?
Huge bummer running GFN's. First, some of my 970's stalled at the Genefers, needed 13hrs to Complete, rewarded 458 Points. Other GPU's needed typically up to 20 mins to Complete, still 458 Points. The Genefers are sesnsitive to voltage I think. Got two 780Ti Kingpins, they choke on every Genefer. Switched to PPS Sieve. all GPU's ran them for 10-13 mins, all rewarded 3371 Points.. Sorry for not being on top of this. Have to TeamView in on every host these days. Teamwise, I think we do an awsome job. Thanks all for Your efforts
  My Virgin Prime: 433*2^2188076+1 (658680 digits)
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 11:59:51
I'm back home, up and running! For now I'm crunching PrimeGrid (PPS Sieve) and a mix of POGS and CSG (SubsetSums)
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 13:57:54
planetclown I'm back home, up and running! For now I'm crunching PrimeGrid (PPS Sieve) and a mix of POGS and CSG (SubsetSums)
Pogs is done in 3 hours pc. I doubt double checking will be completed in time
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 21:14:15
A note from PrimeGrid today said to update driver to 368.22 or higher so I went with the current 368.39 on my GTX 980HC Rig.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/10 22:15:25
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 21:47:22
Joining the fun now, just running csg for the moment. You´re all doing great!
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 22:15:11
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/10 22:29:27
Yah, since the last Pentathlon. Only joining in with one rig and for the moment only running csg. Punchys script for Poem from a few years back  seems to keep my threads busy there
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/11 09:20:28
Great job so far everyone. It's been tough with server issues, lack of tasks, etc. but we are putting forth a great effort as usual.  It's nice to see some old faces get back into it for this one.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/11 13:04:33
yodap Pogs is done in 3 hours pc. I doubt double checking will be completed in time
Thanks for the info, stopped POGS and crunching Universe now with CSG as backup. As per bcavnaugh, updated my nvidia drivers to latest and resumed Primegrid. You guys are the best!
EVGA Associates code: OLY2307BPM0MXZU Click for a discount on your next purchase from EVGA.com
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/11 13:30:12
yodap Pogs is done in 3 hours pc. I doubt double checking will be completed in time
Thanks for the info, stopped POGS and crunching Universe now with CSG as backup.
As per bcavnaugh, updated my nvidia drivers to latest and resumed Primegrid.
You guys are the best!
I did drop about 9 seconds from 362.00 that I was using before this update.
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Re: 2016 BOINC Pentathlon!!!
2016/06/11 17:13:06
New Added Today Rosetta @ home Sprint
Until start Rosetta@home 2 Days 23:47:38 https://boinc.bakerlab.org/ Start: 2016-06-15 00:00:00 UTC End: 2016-06-18 00:00:00 UTC
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/06/11 17:40:33