2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information

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Re:2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 13:06:16 (permalink)


Hey I'm here all the time just with less spam!

Well that spam adds up; and the BR's you get for reaching a milestone add up, The more times you post, the greater the odds of someone seeing and using your affiliate code, adds up, and the more you buy for free , the more you can donate, so it's all relative. Well according to my theroy of relativity, but I'm no Einstein.

Nice, wasn't talking negative about the spam  Overall I think I'm doing pretty decent in post count joining 2/25/2011 and I don't get BR's (well not as many as I think I should) I guess I didn't help enough, or they didn't know how it works.
Oh yeah and one more thing!

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Re:2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 13:09:56 (permalink)

Dont get me wrong, i wish everyone could get a prize. But adding prizes "after" the selection has begun doesnt seem right to me. When my pick came up at #7 i didnt see anything i wanted or needed so i passed, well, later i saw that Crysis 2 was added after my pick. Now,..my reply isnt about getting that game its about seeing a prize after the fact.
For example if i added another 560ti to the pool right now wouldnt someone get a little ticked? *someone would be happy but ....seriously* Basically what is considered high value to one may not be to another or vice verse.
IMO anything that someone wants to add after the selection has started should be put into a standing prize pool for any upcoming events. Again im not trying to come off the wrong way i wish there were "more" than enough prizes for everyone that participated. I guess what im thinkin is "prizes should be randomly assigned to participants" rather than picks, because as we can see the first picks get the best prize. But to keep adding after the fact, "in its current setup" doesnt seem right *to me*.

You don't want cysis 2 anyway. No DX11, too many bugs that they didn't fix, and already released a map pack and want 10 bux for it. Disappointed. Single player has been fun, but online is a mess...

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Re:2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 13:20:46 (permalink)
I'm #150, so no prize here unless 90 people passes the buck, haha.  I got my fingers crossed.  I hope I get a prize I got my fingers crossed.  well there is always the tf2 contest, just need to buy another copy of it.
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Re:2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 13:25:31 (permalink)


Dont get me wrong, i wish everyone could get a prize. But adding prizes "after" the selection has begun doesnt seem right to me. When my pick came up at #7 i didnt see anything i wanted or needed so i passed, well, later i saw that Crysis 2 was added after my pick. Now,..my reply isnt about getting that game its about seeing a prize after the fact.
For example if i added another 560ti to the pool right now wouldnt someone get a little ticked? *someone would be happy but ....seriously* Basically what is considered high value to one may not be to another or vice verse.
IMO anything that someone wants to add after the selection has started should be put into a standing prize pool for any upcoming events. Again im not trying to come off the wrong way i wish there were "more" than enough prizes for everyone that participated. I guess what im thinkin is "prizes should be randomly assigned to participants" rather than picks, because as we can see the first picks get the best prize. But to keep adding after the fact, "in its current setup" doesnt seem right *to me*.

You don't want cysis 2 anyway. No DX11, too many bugs that they didn't fix, and already released a map pack and want 10 bux for it. Disappointed. Single player has been fun, but online is a mess...

I don't think it's so much about Crysis 2 as it is about people picking their prize bases on what is available at the time of their selection. People picked based on what is available and what they would like. If that were to change after a selection is made it would kind of put people off.
I think Bamm's heart is in the right place, but it could cause a problem nobody wants to see happen.
I hear you about Crysis thought..hence why I own it, but have yet to even install it let alone play it. 

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Credit Where Credit's Due 2011/05/18 14:34:30 (permalink)
Fellow EVGApes,
I just want everyone here to know... Mr. Kody was kind enough to nudge a new poster into entering my EVGA Affiliate Code earlier today, and for that, I am eternally grateful.  Whether or not said individual remembers to upload his invoice is another matter altogether but, really, it's the thought that counts.  Thank you for taking the time to mention my code, Joe! 
As for my friend, Captain Krunch, he too deserves recognition, on numerous counts:
  1. He opted to defer choosing a prize, even though his participation in CC 2011 gave him every right to do so.
  2. He humbly served as a staunch advocate for those Folders who, by no fault of their own, happened to find themselves a little lower on the proverbial "totem pole" of some of the more fortunate prize candidates.
  3. He selflessly donated a highly-sought-after graphics adapter from one of, if not THE premiere consumer electronics concerns of our time.
  4. I heard he once helped a little ol' lady from Pasadena, California cross the street during rush hour at a busy intersection — on a Sunday.
Therefore, in light of these facts, and given that I'm in a particularly good mood today, I am prepared to extend my gratitude to 415krunch in the following manner:

There's only one problem: I don't happen to know 415krunch's exact email address.
If Cap'm Krunch might accidentally enjoy a complimentary copy of Crysis 2, he now has until 12:01 AM Central Daylight Time on May 19, 2011 to send me a PM with the necessary particulars.  If not, said prize will be offered by yours truly for retrieval by eligible Folders of Team EVGApes following the conclusion of Chimp Challenge 2012.
Fellow EVGApe Bamm

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Re:Credit Where Credit's Due 2011/05/18 14:38:51 (permalink)
Good stuff.
Stuff like this is why I'm proud to part of this community. 

My computer finds cures for diseases and searches for aliens when I'm not gaming...what does yours do?
Ryzen 1700, ASRock Fatal1ty X370 Professional, EVGA GTX1080Ti FTW3, 16GB Corsair LPX, Noctua D14, EVGA SuperNOVA 650 P2, Overlord Tempest X270X Glossy, LG 34UM94 Ultrawide 
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Re:Credit Where Credit's Due 2011/05/18 14:58:57 (permalink)
Thank you BammBamm for taking time to make that post and a very generous offer. As kody pointed out its not about the game, it was primarily an example of the date of a prize being added. I joined this forum back in 06 when i got a couple of 8800's, back then i wasnt active in forums and never actually registered my products. I became a fan of ATi when the price performance ratio was at the time leaning towards them.
However- when i ran into issues with my products i was poorly treated in the AMD games community by a few "elite" members "in their own minds". Long story short - i had enough of the issues and went and bought two 580's and started looking around these forums and saw how helpful people here are.
I then saw the section on folding, "i knew what it was" but i didnt realize the full extent. I began to read about it, and it turns out i could actually do something to help others and to honor someone we in our family deeply miss.
My sister-in-law passed a couple of years ago after getting Guillain–Barré  causing her to need within 10 yrs. "two double lung transplants". It was hard to watch her struggle and she had two kids both in high school, and top it off...a divorce at the end of her struggles.
I started folding in her honor and to hopefully help others. *if any folding helps to cure one disease it must open doors for all others*.  I dont want praise for my donations because ultimately they are in her honor and its our family can say thank you to those who dedicate time and effort into finding cures.
So...in other words, thank you for your offer however i know there are others that can use it so i will use my "pass" option once again.
Thank you to all that do this and donate!

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Re:Credit Where Credit's Due 2011/05/18 15:44:49 (permalink)

Thank you BammBamm for taking time to make that post and a very generous offer. As kody pointed out its not about the game, it was primarily an example of the date of a prize being added. I joined this forum back in 06 when i got a couple of 8800's, back then i wasnt active in forums and never actually registered my products. I became a fan of ATi when the price performance ratio was at the time leaning towards them.
However- when i ran into issues with my products i was poorly treated in the AMD games community by a few "elite" members "in their own minds". Long story short - i had enough of the issues and went and bought two 580's and started looking around these forums and saw how helpful people here are.

I then saw the section on folding, "i knew what it was" but i didnt realize the full extent. I began to read about it, and it turns out i could actually do something to help others and to honor someone we in our family deeply miss.

My sister-in-law passed a couple of years ago after getting Guillain–Barré  causing her to need within 10 yrs. "two double lung transplants". It was hard to watch her struggle and she had two kids both in high school, and top it off...a divorce at the end of her struggles.
I started folding in her honor and to hopefully help others. *if any folding helps to cure one disease it must open doors for all others*.  I dont want praise for my donations because ultimately they are in her honor and its our family can say thank you to those who dedicate time and effort into finding cures.
So...in other words, thank you for your offer however i know there are others that can use it so i will use my "pass" option once again.
Thank you to all that do this and donate!

The 560 your sending me will be folding pretty much 24/7 .... Thanks again Mike

       I7 4930K @ 4.6 GHz -_- RIVBE -_-  2x EVGA GTX 1080Ti Hydro Copper  -_- 4x 4gb G.Skill 2133MHz -_- Corsair  AX1500i

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"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 15:44:59 (permalink)
class act
- 2 dictionary results
  1. something or someone regarded as outstanding or elegant in quality or performance
  2. EVGA poster 415krunch

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Re:2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 15:47:15 (permalink)

Dont get me wrong, i wish everyone could get a prize. But adding prizes "after" the selection has begun doesnt seem right to me. When my pick came up at #7 i didnt see anything i wanted or needed so i passed, well, later i saw that Crysis 2 was added after my pick. Now,..my reply isnt about getting that game its about seeing a prize after the fact.
For example if i added another 560ti to the pool right now wouldnt someone get a little ticked? *someone would be happy but ....seriously* Basically what is considered high value to one may not be to another or vice verse.
IMO anything that someone wants to add after the selection has started should be put into a standing prize pool for any upcoming events. Again im not trying to come off the wrong way i wish there were "more" than enough prizes for everyone that participated. I guess what im thinkin is "prizes should be randomly assigned to participants" rather than picks, because as we can see the first picks get the best prize. But to keep adding after the fact, "in its current setup" doesnt seem right *to me*.

I sent Rklapp a PM just for this very reason when I noticed he added some prizes, It would have caused arguments and un fairness with the prize chooseing since it was added after the fact, I knew this would happen.
The prize donation form should have been disabled
post edited by _Nite_ - 2011/05/18 15:48:36

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 15:48:26 (permalink)
So guys, what about warranties for the GPUs? Will those be void when given to somebody else?

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 15:59:02 (permalink)

So guys, what about warranties for the GPUs? Will those be void when given to somebody else?

Unless the original prize donar is willing to hold the warranty and you ship it back to them to RMA then yes it won't have a warranty anymore.

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 16:01:48 (permalink)
Ouch. Seems like so much trouble... Wouldn't that be against the rules though?

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 16:03:15 (permalink)

Ouch. Seems like so much trouble... Wouldn't that be against the rules though?

No just as long as the product comes back with the original address/account that registered it, evga won't even know.
I've even seen members buy something for someone from another country cause its not available in thier area, and if they have to RMA they have to send it back to them, It's a hassle but it works.
post edited by _Nite_ - 2011/05/18 16:11:13

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:09:20 (permalink)
Theoretically, if I were to get one of the GT 9800s, would it be a good idea to dedicate it to the Physx processing on my computer? I currently have a GTX 560 Ti SC, and was thinking of getting a card just for Physx. (I am looking to get a mobo with more than one PCI-e slot, so I could do this)
I was reading somewhere that it possibly could bottleneck the overall speed by doing it, and I was looking for some extra advice on the matter. What would you say, people?

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:15:00 (permalink)

Theoretically, if I were to get one of the GT 9800s, would it be a good idea to dedicate it to the Physx processing on my computer? I currently have a GTX 560 Ti SC, and was thinking of getting a card just for Physx. (I am looking to get a mobo with more than one PCI-e slot, so I could do this)
I was reading somewhere that it possibly could bottleneck the overall speed by doing it, and I was looking for some extra advice on the matter. What would you say, people?

Do you play any games that utilize Physx? If so, then you will see a benefit. The 9800 makes a good Physx card for it's lower power consumption and good processing power. Meaning it won't put too much of load on your PSU while it does it's job. 

My computer finds cures for diseases and searches for aliens when I'm not gaming...what does yours do?
Ryzen 1700, ASRock Fatal1ty X370 Professional, EVGA GTX1080Ti FTW3, 16GB Corsair LPX, Noctua D14, EVGA SuperNOVA 650 P2, Overlord Tempest X270X Glossy, LG 34UM94 Ultrawide 
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:21:38 (permalink)

Theoretically, if I were to get one of the GT 9800s, would it be a good idea to dedicate it to the Physx processing on my computer? I currently have a GTX 560 Ti SC, and was thinking of getting a card just for Physx. (I am looking to get a mobo with more than one PCI-e slot, so I could do this)
I was reading somewhere that it possibly could bottleneck the overall speed by doing it, and I was looking for some extra advice on the matter. What would you say, people?

I had the same idea for that card when I was looking at the prize list, I was thinking about one of those 9800 GT's for dedicated PhysX to go with my 460's in SLI lol
The one game I would need it for especially is Mafia II

Do you play any games that utilize Physx? If so, then you will see a benefit. The 9800 makes a good Physx card for it's lower power consumption and good processing power. Meaning it won't put too much of load on your PSU while it does it's job. 

+1 same reason I would use that card
post edited by _Nite_ - 2011/05/18 17:28:17

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:B.R. Cromer: Comedian-@-Heart 2011/05/18 17:25:33 (permalink)


Dont get me wrong, i wish everyone could get a prize. But adding prizes "after" the selection has begun doesnt seem right to me. When my pick came up at #7 i didnt see anything i wanted or needed so i passed, well, later i saw that Crysis 2 was added after my pick. Now,..my reply isnt about getting that game its about seeing a prize after the fact.
For example if i added another 560ti to the pool right now wouldnt someone get a little ticked? *someone would be happy but ....seriously* Basically what is considered high value to one may not be to another or vice verse.
IMO anything that someone wants to add after the selection has started should be put into a standing prize pool for any upcoming events. Again im not trying to come off the wrong way i wish there were "more" than enough prizes for everyone that participated. I guess what im thinkin is "prizes should be randomly assigned to participants" rather than picks, because as we can see the first picks get the best prize. But to keep adding after the fact, "in its current setup" doesnt seem right *to me*.

I sent Rklapp a PM just for this very reason when I noticed he added some prizes, It would have caused arguments and un fairness with the prize chooseing since it was added after the fact, I knew this would happen.

The prize donation form should have been disabled

Oh that life was fair, and everything worked out even, . But it is not, and does not. in truth we loose far more often than we win. so learning how to loose is actualy a more important leason in life than learning how to be a gracious winner. If your neighbor gets a deal, dont let it upset you, most of winning is being at the right place at the right time, so if fourtune happen to smile on someone, because something get added, so much the better. the law of averages, says that what comes around goes around, and next time it might be your turn. If you could controll the next card that comes up, we would all be sitting in Vegas, but it's the fact that you can not, that makes the game fun. in the end it is what it is, and life has a strange ability of just working out. some call it karma. 
post edited by KMoore4318 - 2011/05/18 17:36:45

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:43:33 (permalink)
I had the same idea for that card when I was looking at the prize list, I was thinking about one of those 9800 GT's for dedicated PhysX to go with my 460's in SLI lol

Haha, yeah exactly. Only problem I see, is people saying that it would be faster rendering with using the faster card for everything; because its overall power. I understand that point, because if the graphics are rendered with ease... Uh, I'm not sure how to explain it. The bigger card (560) can render both graphics and physics faster, and if the graphics are light they don't take as much power, and the 9800 is slower to render than the 560 would have been. Did that make any sense? I'm not quite sure...

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:46:50 (permalink)
I know one thing that doesn't make sense, how did my quote get under Kody7839's name?

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 17:50:51 (permalink)
Wha-... oops. Copy-paste FAIL! *facepalm*

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:01:48 (permalink)
OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:12:33 (permalink)

OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:16:44 (permalink)


OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:18:20 (permalink)



OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 


I was thinking you were going to turn into a Madrias Clone with it

Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:28:31 (permalink)




OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 

I was thinking you were going to turn into a Madrias Clone with it

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:39:09 (permalink)





OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 

I was thinking you were going to turn into a Madrias Clone with it

if i could i would just pull it then. if you dont want it dont pick it, other wise use the PM system for prize insults. so excuse me that i dont throw up the latest greatest hardware.
i think next year my little bit of points may just go some where else.

                                             Heatware: http://heatware.com/eval.php?id=72498
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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:43:58 (permalink)






OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 

I was thinking you were going to turn into a Madrias Clone with it

if i could i would just pull it then. if you dont want it dont pick it, other wise use the PM system for prize insults. so excuse me that i dont throw up the latest greatest hardware.
i think next year my little bit of points may just go some where else.

Hay don't take any other way then Nite & I are have fun, it has nothing to do with you so we're sorry!

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Re:"Class Act" defined: 2011/05/18 18:48:34 (permalink)






OK guys when are we going to get to #72 so I can pick!

Have fun with the P4 3.2Ghz chip when that number comes up, I bet it will be torward the last thing left

Hay I can make a key chain out of it, WOOT! 

I was thinking you were going to turn into a Madrias Clone with it

if i could i would just pull it then. if you dont want it dont pick it, other wise use the PM system for prize insults. so excuse me that i dont throw up the latest greatest hardware.
i think next year my little bit of points may just go some where else.

Don't take it like that man, they were just joking and having fun.  Madrias folded on nothing but P4's for a while and we all love him.  I'm not a big gun either.  As evidenced by the people who have passed on picking a prize, our team does not like to waste donations, we want somebody who can actually put it to good use to get it.
Really, we appreciate any and all donations.  Thanks for yours.
post edited by FlipBack - 2011/05/18 18:49:37

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2011 Chimp Challenge Prize Information 2011/05/18 18:54:16 (permalink)
if i could i would just pull it then. if you dont want it dont pick it, other wise use the PM system for prize insults. so excuse me that i dont throw up the latest greatest hardware.
i think next year my little bit of points may just go some where else.

Don't take these clowns seriously man.  Everyone on the team appreciates you folding with us, but more importantly just the fact that you take the time to fold is what matters most. 
There are a ton of people out there that would be able to put your prize to good use.  I'm just grateful that you took the time to donate what you could.  Take a look around, the majority of people in the contest did not donate a single thing.  You have done a good thing here! 

ASSOCIATE CODE : N3OP4FX27BEO113 (3-10% off EVGA.com purchases)   |   AFFILIATE/REWARDS CODE: K2LS6QIN0Y (EVGA product registration)
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