rtx 3080 ti xc3 ultra has a single red led showing

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2022/11/08 22:35:08 (permalink)

just got a rtx 3080 ti xc3 ultra today bought it from ebay from a good rated seller selling multiple open boxed gpus at a decent price, got it in today it look really new there was no scratches or anything didn't look used, i set it up in my pc , as i turned my pc on i noticed there was a single red led at the center of the gpu power cable slots. the gpu seemed to work fine i had all three displays showing, there was nothing that seems wrong i ran a heaven benchmark , the test seemed good , but i did  notice the rgb leds wasn't working on this gpu, i made sure that the drivers was updated and so was EVGA Precision X1 software, but couldn't get the leds to work so i assumed the red light on the gpu meant somthing was wrong with supplying power to the leds? 


post edited by streetkilln - 2022/11/08 22:36:16

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    Re: rtx 3080 ti xc3 ultra has a single red led showing 2022/11/09 03:26:35 (permalink)
    Check that your GPU power cables are plugged in correctly and fully at both ends, and work. Swap cables with other cables if possible to verify you don't have a bad one. If you don't have other cables, swap the two cables that you do have and see if the red LED moves position (indicating that the cable with the 6 black and 2 white isn't working properly).
    If the problem continues, contact EVGA for a warranty replacement.

    Left LED is motherboard PCI-E slot power, middle LED is left PCI-E plug power, right LED is right PCI-E slot power, and all 3 LEDs at once means that the card firmware is messed up, or the card isn't booting for any other reason (often hardware failure). What you have indicated is that the left PCI-E plug isn't getting power. Hopefully it is just a connection issue. But the RGB LED issue makes you wonder what else is wrong with the card.
    post edited by ty_ger07 - 2022/11/09 05:19:02

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    Re: rtx 3080 ti xc3 ultra has a single red led showing 2022/11/09 07:09:17 (permalink)
    Not sure if you are using cable extensions or custom cables, but first thing you should try since it will only take a few minutes is switching to the stock PSU cables, without any extension or custom cable, and make sure the 6+2 end is going into the GOU, while the other end goes into the PSU. There have been a few issues with a cable being installed backwards and causing a red led as if the cable wasn’t connected. It is a very quick and easy diagnosis test before sending the card back.

    This is basically the same thing Ty_ger07 is suggesting above, and definitely the easiest first step to take.
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