2020/12/14 10:40:03
No Kingpin today per Jacob. 

Maybe I'm too optimistic, but he only said, "Will be this week."  Monday is this week.

He posted the list in the other thread ... Kingpin wasn't on it lol .. So it's one of the other 4 days that still qualify as "this week" :)

Crud, maybe that's why they took off the 15th from the product page.  

Exactly. This. I never thought it would be today, and that quiet removal of the 15th from the product page meant nothing good.
2020/12/14 10:48:15
Yeah I noticed that they took the Dec. 15th off as well. Evga is a hype train cant get product and just make us miserable waiting for the gpu haha.
2020/12/14 11:01:35
Win an EVGA RTX 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra!
A lot of people (including 2 people with K|ngP|n Hybrids, probably from this thread) have used my associate code and/or rewards/affiliate code since the 3000 series launch, which I of course greatly appreciate. I figured it would be a good idea to "pay forward" some of this good will, so I used EVGA Bucks to purchase a new RTX 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra GPU to give away. Woot!

I initially thought to contact Jacob and perhaps have EVGA give it away via the EVGA Friday podcast, but I realized the winner (or "weiner" as they say) might not be a forum member, and there's a good chance they would just sell it as most people watching there are gamers with high end rigs already, whereas I'd rather it went to a forum member and someone who will hopefully use it.

EVGA Forum Moderator The_Scarlet_One brought to my attention the EVGA Folding Team 2020 Time Zone Challenge, and this seems like a great way to give the GPU away - it's for a good cause, will very likely go to an EVGA forum member, hopefully will be used for folding or personal use rather than just sold for cash, and at the same time might encourage a few new folders to join in (like me). Lots of win in other words!
For more details, check out this link : https://forums.evga.com/Join-the-EVGA-Folding-2020-Time-Zone-Challenge-and-win-m3175906.aspx
2020/12/14 11:21:59
Yeah I noticed that they took the Dec. 15th off as well. Evga is a hype train cant get product and just make us miserable waiting for the gpu haha.

Have faith.  The drop is coming this week.  
And it will be massive...it will wash away all those currently on the wall...their watch will come to an end...and the landscape shall be wiped clean.... 
Clean for a new queue, a new wall and new watchers on the wall...while a whole host of watch-retirees will feed those of us lucky enough to secure a perch on the new berm some good news from their benchmarking efforts, high above us in the cold winter nights.
2020/12/14 11:31:36
Yeah I noticed that they took the Dec. 15th off as well. Evga is a hype train cant get product and just make us miserable waiting for the gpu haha.

Have faith.  The drop is coming this week.  
And it will be massive...it will wash away all those currently on the wall...their watch will come to an end...and the landscape shall be wiped clean.... 
Clean for a new queue, a new wall and new watchers on the wall...while a whole host of watch-retirees will feed those of us lucky enough to secure a perch on the new berm some good news from their benchmarking efforts, high above us in the cold winter nights.

2020/12/14 11:39:15
Have faith.  The drop is coming this week.  
And it will be massive...it will wash away all those currently on the wall...their watch will come to an end...and the landscape shall be wiped clean.... 
Clean for a new queue, a new wall and new watchers on the wall...while a whole host of watch-retirees will feed those of us lucky enough to secure a perch on the new berm some good news from their benchmarking efforts, high above us in the cold winter nights.

Is it just me or does every holiday season come with a tremendous amount of George Michael Christmas music.  I am not necessarily complaining, mind you...I just don't hear Wham much during the rest of the year.
2020/12/14 11:48:02
I think the Mariah Carey tends to drown everything else out.  That I can complain about.
2020/12/14 11:49:04
I think the Mariah Carey tends to drown everything else out.  That I can complain about.

Fact ^.
2020/12/14 12:08:38
I think the Mariah Carey tends to drown everything else out.  That I can complain about.

After working retail for 10 years ... i hope to never hear her voice again ... 
2020/12/14 12:10:37
I think the Mariah Carey tends to drown everything else out.  That I can complain about.

After working retail for 10 years ... i hope to never hear her voice again ... 

After 10 years of retail, I am surprised you have any hearing left....

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