So I've skimmed the first half of this thread and read all of the second half. A lot to take in.
I've got a 2114 b-stock card on water now with the bios and rev 0.1 board. It's been a good card so far, seems to clock decently. 14845 on Port Royal with 5° water. With power maxed stays at around 420-430 watts with spikes as high as 445. Pulls 74 at the slot as reported in GPU-Z, so over spec as others have pointed out. But I'm ok with that.
So all this is fine but I recently added capacity to my cooling with the intent to run the full 500 or 520 watt bios. I'm wondering if I should just be happy as it is or if it's actually a ticking time bomb anyway.
I have 3 other ftw3 ultras at my disposal. I could bench each one on air and see which one clocks highest and allows the most power draw, then swap the blocks.
Does anybody know anything yet about the 2110 cards? What does that indicate? The other cards I have are as follows:
2114 rev 0.1 purchased 02/2021 from retail store
2110 rev 1.0 purchased 09/2021 from EVGA
2114 rev 1.0 purchased 11/2021 from retail store