Nereus Anyone else notice that the block on the new 3090 Ti FTW3 Hydrocopper (link) looks quite a bit like an Optimus block (link)? That's a very good thing if it is an Optimus block - providing Optimus can keep up with demand.. and that's a big 'if'..
fragility_V1tresnuggetOMG of those new 12-pin connector thingamabobs. So 6x8pin PCIe?
tresnuggetfragility_V1tresnuggetOMG of those new 12-pin connector thingamabobs. So 6x8pin PCIe?EVGA is advertising the PerfFE cables single 12 pin cable to 2 8 pins for EVGA PSUs as compatible with the FTW3 so I'm assuming 2 of those would be fine for the kingpin? Saves 2 8 pins cables at least.
Sajintresnuggetfragility_V1tresnuggetOMG of those new 12-pin connector thingamabobs. So 6x8pin PCIe?EVGA is advertising the PerfFE cables single 12 pin cable to 2 8 pins for EVGA PSUs as compatible with the FTW3 so I'm assuming 2 of those would be fine for the kingpin? Saves 2 8 pins cables at least.So we only need two 12-pin adapter cables? So I guess being limited to only 150w without the other 4-pins was all incorrect?
tresnuggetSajintresnuggetfragility_V1tresnuggetOMG of those new 12-pin connector thingamabobs. So 6x8pin PCIe?EVGA is advertising the PerfFE cables single 12 pin cable to 2 8 pins for EVGA PSUs as compatible with the FTW3 so I'm assuming 2 of those would be fine for the kingpin? Saves 2 8 pins cables at least.So we only need two 12-pin adapter cables? So I guess being limited to only 150w without the other 4-pins was all incorrect? From what I saw on one of the Linus channels is that the 4 pins are for new ATX 3.0 PSUs. They will tell your GPU how much power the PSU can safely put out and automatically set your power limits accordingly in an effort to save lower capacity PSUs and their attached hardware