2013/02/13 23:31:54
Gold Leader
Hehe no worries mate! Lets take an other trip down memory lane shall we!

That art is actually the Vodooo3 3000 AGP box art, here my old Vodooo3 3000 AGP box I had during my 3dfx collecting days:

The Vodooo3 used the 3dfx 355 Avenger Rasterizer :)

The Vodooo5 5500 AGP looks like this:

The Vodooo5 like the Voodoo4 used the VSA-100 aka Voodoo Scalable Interface, it was also nicked as Very Slow Interface as a joke during the late 90's of it's early development rofl!

The Vodooo5 6000 box art looked like this, this is a prop a friend made for me once :)

The rear view didn't work out too well, he made more of these props with better results though, it was more for the fun of it and to get an idea of the looks of the Voodoo5 6000 box:

The Vodooo5 5000 AGP had the same art, but it was green coloured like this:

Which resulted this box art:

Your friend might like to see this card also, the one 3dfx worked on the last 2 weeks that they were closed rofl, the 3dfx Specter 1000 AGP 32MB 128Bit DDR Rev.A1 4700 aka Rampage 2000:

Top view:

Rear view:

Here some Rampage fun facts, I got from gdonovan's page:
1) The Rampage chip was also known as VSA-200 and would be the basis of a new generation of boards. A board with a single Rampage chip was called Specter 1000. If a board had a single Rampage chip and Sage transformation and lighting unit it would have been a Specter 2000. A board with TWO Rampages and ONE Sage would have been a Specter 3000. There is also mention of a Specter 4000 with FOUR Rampage chips.
2) Prototype Rampage based boards were up and running Quake 3 mere days before 3dfx closed their doors.
3) Interesting bug in Rampage chip- The DAC was flipped, reversing the color channels. One possible reason it was not detected is because this was one of the few places on the chip that had not been simulated. The temporary fix was an interesting little board that was attached between the monitor cable and VGA connector. It flipped all the color channels, making it display correctly.
4) Two or three Rampage based boards are known to be in "circulation," one is known to function.

5) Rampage is a code name for the chip,  Habanero was it's predecessor (Rampage with 256 bit DDR memory bus). SAGE is a code name for the T'n L chip (lead engineer "Captain Inverter") SPECTER is a code name for the board (SPecial Executive for Control, Terrorism, Extortion, and Revenge.) Name was picked by the boards designer Brian. (Trivia from Hank Semenec, ex-3dfx engineer)

6) No SAGE chips were known to have been made it onto boards, rumor has it the first test samples showed up.. just days after 3dfx closed their doors.
They might gather more good memories, Hank Semenec is also an old friend of mine, could it be that your friend was a colleague of Hank Semenec as well? If so, I could pass Hank a message :) We are always trying to seek each other this way
You might like this topic I made @ Voodooalert:
One of the VA members remade the Rampage Lite Dongle, to fix it's Flipped DAC Issue :) So far so good it seems, VA member Loschzwerg was able to fix this Flipped DAC issue by converting the output the correct way
Very nice photo's there  :respekt:

Gdonovan made more pics, which you can see here:
Click the white thumbnails, which a bug from the gallery that isn't functioning properly since the place went down due to a server SQL Server Connect Error, the 800 x 600 pics do work though, same as the full size ones do.
Another nice this for him to memorize is the Voodoo5 6000 2x2 Comdex Dummy card, which was used @ Comdex 1999 for the dog and pony show as 3dfx Employee's said:

It's the same card in this famous photo:

And this one:

It's a dummy card aka as a prop, it also has no traces here a rare photo of it taken from the front side without the VSA-100 decals:

As you can see it has four 3dfx 355 Vodooo3 3500 graphics chips! ,3dfx made the crowd think that they were VSA_100's by placing them VSA-100 stickers over these V3 3500 chips rofl! There's this mystery solved :)
And from the rear:

That is the only one in the world, even that two were made, the other one was lost or destroyed.
Omega_Supreme a friend of mine here in the Netherlands has collected all the rarest 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 Engineering Samples, here is awesome collection so far:
From Left to Right:
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A0 0700 Defect, but repairable
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A1 1500 defect
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A1 1500 Functional
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A2 2600 Functional
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A3 3400 Functional
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A 3900 Functional

He has collected these for a very long time and none of them are modified either, as you can see they all have their original E-Tags aka Engineering Tags, these E-Tags hold the changes or tests results that were done by the Engineer that worked with them, they hold extremely valuable information.
My 3dfx club and I are trying to maintain the cards in their full glory. We also try to avoid them from landing in the wrong hands like this person for example:
 All what my 3dfx club wants is to remember 3dfx for what they were and what they gave us, even that NVIDIA bought them in the end, NVIDIA did do some lovely things with their tech and thanks to the 3dfx Vodooo5 6000, NVDIIA also took this technology and made Quad SLI possible!
And due all to this I went for the EVGA GTX 295 Red Editions to relive the Quad SLI dream and really I compared it with the Voodoo5 6000 I once had and yeah it's very similar on how it works, even though it has been improved quite a bit. As Quad Chip scaling goes 3dfx wins hands down when using FSAA.
A Vodooo5 5000 & 5500 have two VSA-100's a 6000 has 4, when playing games @ 1024 x 768 x16 with 3dfx Glide API  and with FSAA x2 on a Voodo5 5000 & 5500 the 6000 would be able to render the same game at the same resolution with the same speed but with FSAA x4! and the same kind of results  happened when the 5000's & 5500 used FSAA x4 and the 6000 FSAA x8.
A Voodoo5 6000 was actually 2x Voodoo5 5500 AGP on one PCB< a GTX 295 is 2x GTX 275 but at GTX 260 speeds, the Vodooo5 6000 ran at the same speed as the Vodooo5 5500 rofl, so the closest comparison to use would be a GTX 295 MARS from ASUS I believe, this is two GTX 285's in one.
But the idea's of Quad SLI are still there, the basics that is :) And seeing this technology being used all over again, does me great pleasure, even though I will always miss my 3dfx Engineering Samples I had back then, that will always hurt me.
I hope I have given your friend many good memories. Hereby I also invite you and him to join the 3dfx communities I am a part of:
Anyways all due to my 3dfx past and where I landed with these EVGA GTX 295 Red Editions, it all made sense to do something similar for this place here @ EVGA, the GTX 295 Red Edition is one of them things we won't see much and it was the VGA card that gave me my Quad SLI experience back, I thus wanted to find out how many others have these ultra rare red GTX 295 Red Editions, a friend of mine and I decided to make a topic about and and I did the list and this is where we are now xD
2013/02/14 08:52:02
Man those 3DFX cards were just great.
2013/02/14 09:18:43
Gold Leader
Yeah they sure were and still are, I have contacts with the owners of those cards weekly too
And all thanks to the Vodooo5 series the EVGA GTX 295 Red Editions gave me the Quad SLI experience back, which I had with the 3dfx Voodoo5 6000, well it was a similar ride for that matter, riding the Voodoo5 6000 it's self is something so special, dang, I'd love to repeat that any day, anyways I was happy to share this with you guys
Now I hope to find more owners with the EVGA Ge Force GTX 295 Red Editions, only 500 were made, that makes them Titan things not so rare anymore either haha xDDDDD
2013/03/09 06:11:20
Hey there, it's me again. I'm running into a little issuse with getting my GTX 295 RE to display properly. I just upgraded from an Asus P5G41T-M LX motherboard/Core 2 Duo CPU combination to a new setup: EVGA nVidia nForce790i Ultra SLI LGA775 Motherboard/Core 2 Extreme Quad CPU combination. So as you can see, quite a massive difference in hardware, that as I see it, would better suit the wondrous potential of this amazing GPU. I've come to an impasse though: when I turn on my PC, the green light indicator on the GPU comes on, but no blue light indicator. Also the GPU's fan spins for a few seconds and then stops. I've searched endlessly on the internet for a possible solution, and then I remembered this lovely forum. Does anyone think they might know how I can remedy this? Note: The GTX 295 RE worked perfectly in the old setup just a couple hours prior, so I REALLY don't want to think something is wrong with it. I would be heartbroken.
2013/03/09 17:44:07
Gold Leader
Well afaik the Blue light only goes on for a Quad SLI setup :X
What also could be your issue is that the Internal SLI ribbon cables may have "jerked" loose.
Sorry for the odd word, I don't know a better word for it's description xD I'm from The Netherlands so my English can be somewhat bumpy and weird at times
Take this maintenance guide I made for all Dual PCB GTX 295 owners & users:

Them brown coloured internal ribbon cables are the ones you seek, it's mostly the small one that gets easily detached. 
It shows you how to take these delicate Dual PCB cards apart, I hope this solves your problem
2013/03/09 18:11:24
Well before I installed it into my new motherboard, I took the red outer-plates off and air-dusted the card to get the loads of dust out of it. Perhaps I pulled that SLI ribbon?
2013/03/10 05:46:11
Gold Leader
Maybe, best thing is to check them, you will have to take them apart each GTX 295 has about 27 screws, so just pile up the screws in an order so you remember which one goes where.

What PSU does the new system have over the old one? And have you tested the card in the old system also just to check if it's not something with the new system?
2013/03/10 10:27:01
Well I can't really test it in the "old system" per-say, due to the fact that much of that system is still in use currently. I'm running my new hardware on the same 700w PSU. And yes, I am shopping for a new PSU right away. I'm gonna go for a 1000w this time around.
2013/03/10 12:32:44
Gold Leader
If you want the best and most reliable 1KW PSU on the market, go for the Seasonic PlatinumX 1000W, these are very power efficient, I have one for my new Dual Socket R Build which I will be constructing the up coming months. Just to be prepared with a reliable PSU for my new Duallie. I can advise everyone this awesome PSU< it may cost you a it more than the average PSU, but it does pay off, you do get for what you pay for.
It's always better to get something really good than something of lesser quality which you may have to replace and replace and so on.
2013/03/10 13:16:02
Price and aesthetic value are part of this equation. I'm looking at high-rated PSUs that are very affordable and have all the features I need, like modular cables and whatnot. Also, it needs to look good. My case is the Agusta (gundam-inspired titanium color) case and it's black, grey, and filled to the brim with green LEDs. I need a PSU that can follow suit.

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