Hi everyone
After quite some stressful moments I was able to get both my Reds up and running again, here some lovely pics I took of the main card the first one I worked on and yeah I did both cards twice because the Internal SLI Ribbon cablees werebeing a bunch of pains in thye rectums xDDDDDDD

It is funny now because now I can only LMAO about it HARD lol.

So how about a stroll down Memory Lane shall we?
This is what you get when you have neatly unscrewed your GTX 295 Dual PCB and cleaned it's GPU's, here a Red Edition which looks identical to the normal GTX 295 Dual PCB:
Here a closeup of the main and slave PCB of the main GTX 295 RE:
After cleaning the main PCB this was my result, I did the NF200 after I made the shot, not to worry
After making this shot I could see this GPU still needed cleaning
What I did was also remove the shim of the GPU , that metal thing that sits around them, you can remove these by removing 8 tine screws from it's rear side, keep these in a safe spot please, you don't wanna go shimless right!

Here the slave card all cleaned up
As you can see the GPU is a G200-400-B3, kinda odd that GPU-Z sees them as GT200 B1 lol, maybe a mistake in GPU-Z?
Odd hay?
Anyhoo on with the cards again
As you also can see here I removed them 8 tiny screws to clean the shim, that metal thing that sits aroudn the GPU, it also had paste and gew on it rofl so did mah fingorzzz xDDD

Here a very nice closeup I was able to shoot of them nasty critters every GTX 295 Dual PCB user feared from the Internal SLI Ribbon Cables arrghhhh

The memories rofl!
I later figured that these had to be turned around and now they work fine lolz xDDD
And here the G200-400-B3's pasted read for HSF montage!
Here I carefully placed the big HSF:
Also making sure it was placed correctly, due to the first bad rides it gave me, I did learn rofl!
These two long black plastic rods are also parts you must not forget to place, you can also fit them once you have partially screwed both PCB halves together, I did it like this and the other way:
Just make sure you never try to over stress force on the PCB's while getting these two in place once both PCB's have been attached partially to each other, this jittering can also loosen them SLI Ribbon Cables!

Then your mind will be like Oh nooooeeessss not agaaaiinnsss


And here ya go the first card in it's beautiful Ferarri Red coating! Yippiieess Hooraayyss

Here from the side view, everything looks nice and clean

And here the rear side view :)
And after doing the same twice with the secondary GTX 295 RE this was my result!
The Quad SLI worked after the second time, the first time I had a red light on the main card and a green on the secondary card but it gave no screen, I placed it along side the main GTX 295 RE after I did that oen for the second time and it only showed 1 GPU, so after this I redid the second card and now I have 4 GPU's again and Quad SLI runs great.
The thing is I want to do longer with these GTX 295 RE's just due to their great rarity, so if you really love your hardware this much you'd do this to them , caring for your hardware can save their lives and your wallet!
Many thanks for reading and feel free to ask me anything based on GTX 295 Dual PCB Maintenance, I'd love to help!
post edited by Gold Leader - 2012/06/02 14:25:28