X58 Xeon CPU choice!!!

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2017/02/23 22:29:44 (permalink)
I know this has been asked and i've read a ton of threads on this but i guess i'm looking for direct input.
I'm currently running my tried and true 920 at 3.6 ghz i really have no complaints ( besides SSD speeds even on intel in a raid 0)
So after looking into maybe upgrading to a x99 or a maybe even a Ryzen i can't really justify the prices for the performance. In the old days upgrading from a celeron 300a to a Pentium 500 made a huge difference now days not so much.
So my question is which xeon should i grab.
x5650, x5660, x5670, x5675 seem to all be the same besides clock speed and maybe multiplier's
x5680 & x5690 are pretty much identical besides clock speed
W3680 & W3690 are the same as well besides they have unlocked multipliers
I will be overclocking them so i guess my concern is which one will be the overall best CPU to get. I'm looking for the absolute best performance not just bang for the buck.
i know the x5675 is the last in the series with i think a 90 TDP so should run cooler.
The W3690 and X5690 are the top of the line but if the W3680 and X5680 are the exact same besides stock clock from the factory ... Lol see for me this is the problem not knowing which chip is the actual best i mean if they are the same chips then going with a W3680 is a better bet then the W3690 considering it was just binned differently.
If the x5675 will pull the same performance clock for clock with a W3690, X5690 and run cooler then it may OC higher but then again it only has a multiplier of 25.
Sorry for the wall any help would be appreciative.

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/23 23:42:00 (permalink)
    I would get the x5660 for 40$ on ebay right now. You will have the 23x multiplier and 200 x 23=4.6ghz
    The w3680 is cheaper than the 90 and they will overclock the same. Multiplier unlocked.
    Most of these xeons will hit 4ghz, some will hit 4.2 with reasonable voltage.
    When going over 4.3 and up most of the time you need a bunch more voltage and added extra heat load. And wattage at the wall plug!
    There is no guaranty a x5690 will overclock any better than a x5660 or a w3680 will. It is the silicon lottery to find a golden chip.
    I had an E5649 up to 4ghz at 1.33v 35$ I paid for it.
    x5650 gives 22x multiplier, x5660 23x, x5675 25x, x5680 26x , x5690 27multiplier, I am pretty sure that is the lay out. All core turbo...
    Some people say the B batch with low numbers after the B overclock the best, not the model number
    Also with the x5660 and x5675 you will be around 200 BCLK and that will get your ram up to 1600 or more.
    The ram multiplier is limited with the xeons to 10x
    Get the 40$ x5660 and use the money you save for a better GPU or a bigger SSD or take the wife and kids out to dinner!!!

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/23 23:57:17 (permalink)
    One other thing, I would buy from a computer parts recycler that have server pulls for sale.
    The guy selling the 40$ x5660 had more thn 10 and sold a bunch of them.
    So that is not some one who bought 4 and tested them and keeping the best after overclocking the snot out of them

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 07:18:59 (permalink)
    Nice job explaining the options bill1024

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 12:20:58 (permalink)
    Thank you very much for the BR!
    OP did not say what motherboard he has. Not all x58 support the xeons.
    Most all Asus will, EVGA FTW3, Classified3 and sli3 will, so do others depending on the REV. number.
    Gigabyte support them but the UD4 boards have issues over 160BCLK with xeons.
    Some others do to but I can not remember it all off the top of my

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 20:37:14 (permalink)
    hey thanks for the info. I got a EVGA board it supports the xeon chips.
    I ordered Intel Xeon X5660 (B265-IB4) lowest B number i could find. I got it for $45 Hopefully it will be better then the w90 and x90 either way it will be better then my 920.
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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 21:25:39 (permalink)
    So what would that compare to what I have in my siggy right now if he could get it to 4.2G?

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 23:22:43 (permalink)
    So what would that compare to what I have in my siggy right now if he could get it to 4.2G?

    It would be a side grade for you with a 4820, unless you don't use AVX instructions, and could use the extra cores and you have a x58 MB.
    X58 boards are not cheap at the moment, they are holding their value.
    There are cheap hexcore xeons for the x79 I have an E-1650 I have listed on another forum for 90$ shipped. (same as a i7-3930k)unlocked
    It is a Sandy bridge. I am selling it because I just bought an i7-4930K for 190$
    The E1650 V2 are also going for 200ish (same as a i7-4930k) Ivy bridge
    Here is a thread with some info you may want to look at

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/24 23:34:44 (permalink)
    hey thanks for the info. I got a EVGA board it supports the xeon chips.
    I ordered Intel Xeon X5660 (B265-IB4) lowest B number i could find. I got it for $45 Hopefully it will be better then the w90 and x90 either way it will be better then my 920.

    You're welcome. I think you will like it, I have a few of these systems and they game very well and are work horses.
    Just too bad they do not have AVX, many apps do not use AVX anyway. But i can use it running primegrid.
    I would keep the CPU and uncore/VVT under 1.35v and have uncore 2x ram speed.
    Use a good AIO or a good air cooler
    Good luck! Please do keep us posted how you make out.

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    Re: X58 Xeon CPU choice!!! 2017/02/25 15:54:27 (permalink)
    Thanks for the comparison link. I notice Windows 10 loads Xeon drivers for my 4820.

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    That is me in the picture, anyone else ever pet a live Lion?
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