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Re: Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2016/11/23 21:53:01
Ok, long time Folder,short time Cruncher. With that said I'll be splitting machines between the 2 and look in to the Folding and crunching on the same machine at the same time. Big on GPUS light on CPU power, we'll see if they can handle the heat and go from there. Thanks for letting me run with you in the latest challenge!!!!
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Re: Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2016/11/24 07:11:05
Welcome howdy2u2,
I'm the same way. Quad core only with 2 gpus. Remember that every point counts, it was a hard lesson for me. I'm almost always in the bottom of the charts on CPU only projects, but being on this great team helps alot.
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2016/12/10 12:56:55
hello i am reporting and how do i find person of the day
The Crunchinator
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2016/12/10 13:00:41
Welcome to the Forum cdog499e and to a Great BOINC Team! This is where you go to setup a BOINC Banner Of The Day You need to setup a User Profile on Each Project you run on to get a UOTD Count.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2016/12/10 13:03:28
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 17:34:04
So today is my first day of crunching. I believe it is set up ok. Under "Projects Tab" it states Team is [link=mailto:Crunching@EVGA]Crunching@EVGA[/link]. First question. Can someone please verify this? Thanks. I just want to make sure my credit is going to the team. Next up is my system. I have a SR-2 mobo with 2 x5680's oc'd to 4.2 ghz. HT currently disabled therefore 12 cores are Cool running, and low power consumption. This board also folds with 2 1080's. Second question: Will it make crunching crazy fast to enable HT to get 24 threads? I was reading some of the forum stuff per "You should Keep HT Enabled (On) for Sieve Projects and Disabled (Off) for LLR Projects" and started to get a bleed nose, lol. I am currently on the World Community Grid project. Thanks team.
The Crunchinator
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 17:43:20
turbomadman So today is my first day of crunching. I believe it is set up ok. Under "Projects Tab" it states Team is [link=mailto:Crunching@EVGA]Crunching@EVGA[/link]. First question. Can someone please verify this? Thanks. I just want to make sure my credit is going to the team. Next up is my system. I have a SR-2 mobo with 2 x5680's oc'd to 4.2 ghz. HT currently disabled therefore 12 cores are Cool running, and low power consumption. This board also folds with 2 1080's. Second question: Will it make crunching crazy fast to enable HT to get 24 threads? I was reading some of the forum stuff per "You should Keep HT Enabled (On) for Sieve Projects and Disabled (Off) for LLR Projects" and started to get a bleed nose, lol. I am currently on the World Community Grid project. Thanks team. BOINC Cross Project IDentifier 2bb9365ca4e92b90e44b360f3d27050e But you will need to wait 24 hours before you will see your Points. MAKE NO CHANGES Your ID 4369510 Correct: HT Enabled (On) for Sieve Projects and Disabled (Off) for LLR Projects for PrimeGrid CPU Projects. For World Community Grid Projects HT Enabled (On) Create a Forum account so you can setup Free-DC Once setup use Statstool Config to add your Projects. After you add your Projects ID's to the Projects that you are running you MUST Exit the Browser and then wait for 24 Hours and also for the Points or Credits to collect. You will have to Joint our Team Crunching@EVGA on Each BOINC Project that you sign up for. Some of us use BAM! to manage our Projects as well as Join Project through BAM! so you could start here as well and setup a Profile and so on. Take your Time and Read around (Play Around) with BAM! and Free-DC. Last as posted in the above Post: User Of The Day You need to setup a User Profile on Each Project you run on to get a UOTD Count.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2017/01/04 18:40:45
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 17:58:01
turbomadman So today is my first day of crunching. I believe it is set up ok. Under "Projects Tab" it states Team is [link=mailto:Crunching@EVGA]Crunching@EVGA[/link]. First question. Can someone please verify this? Thanks. I just want to make sure my credit is going to the team. Next up is my system. I have a SR-2 mobo with 2 x5680's oc'd to 4.2 ghz. HT currently disabled therefore 12 cores are Cool running, and low power consumption. This board also folds with 2 1080's. Second question: Will it make crunching crazy fast to enable HT to get 24 threads? I was reading some of the forum stuff per "You should Keep HT Enabled (On) for Sieve Projects and Disabled (Off) for LLR Projects" and started to get a bleed nose, lol. I am currently on the World Community Grid project. Thanks team.
Ummm no pressure but....................we could use your help on the PG (Prime Grid) Challenge, that is if your interested. It's actually pretty interesting if your into numbers-primes- Any Who WELCOME!!! It is for me at least as addicting as Folding....................
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 19:45:49
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 23:03:29
Thanks bc for the great info as usual. I'll do some reading. You and the others always at 110%. Thanks howdy. I'll try and do some research on the prime at a later time. Thanks for the warm greetings everyone.
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/04 23:45:30
If you are going to Fold and Crunch, be sure to leave a free CPU core per GPU. otherwise the Folding PPD will be reduce by a lot. You need to configure Boinc to use 90% of the CPU Options tab, Computing Preferences, Computing Tab, Usage Limits, Use at most xx% of the cpu's
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/05 00:28:17
Welcome aboard, take your time and do not sweat it. There are a few things to learn. It is not really all that hard. Just remember to join the team with every new project you install If you joined PrimeGrid, you do not need to join the team for primegrids sub-projects. Looks like the big guns have already gave you a crash course. Ask questions, people are more than happy to help. I still have a lot to learn, you do not need to know everything all at once. I still have not learned to used BAM and some other things. One day maybe. Anyway, thanks for joining and good luck..
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/05 08:53:06
Thanks HK I did not dedicate cores for the gpu so I will do that. Thanks bill. Yeah crunching is a bit more tedious. Will get this one system tweek and one page at a time.
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/05 09:01:40
turbomadman Thanks HK I did not dedicate cores for the gpu so I will do that. Thanks bill. Yeah crunching is a bit more tedious. Will get this one system tweek and one page at a time.
We all learnt the hard way, but plenty of help here. just ask..
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/08 18:20:42
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/19 09:21:45
Well that was a crazy process and alot of reading.. I'm setup 100%(I think) for crunching. I have BIONIC setup, BAM setup, STats-FreeDC setup.. It looks all to be reporting correctly. Glad I could join yall in Crunching.. I waited to get on this to be sure I had the [link=mailto:Folding@home]Folding@home[/link] setup 100%(which I do). Looking forward to helping out and huge thank you to all the people who posted the guides.. Super helpful!
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/19 10:32:04
NxtGenCowboy Well that was a crazy process and alot of reading.. I'm setup 100%(I think) for crunching. I have BIONIC setup, BAM setup, STats-FreeDC setup.. It looks all to be reporting correctly. Glad I could join yall in Crunching.. I waited to get on this to be sure I had the [link=mailto:Folding@home]Folding@home[/link] setup 100%(which I do). Looking forward to helping out and huge thank you to all the people who posted the guides.. Super helpful!
Great to have you Crunching with us..
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/01/19 21:41:45
Welcome aboard nexgencowboy.
Life is too short to carry a cheap pocket knife
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/20 16:50:13
Hello Everyone, Just signed up to start crunching. I used to fold (for another team) 5 years ago or so and decided to get back into it. I'm sorry but I'm probably going to have a bunch a newb questions, please bear with me. I'm reading what I can, but it is still confusing. So, I signed up at WCG and downloaded and ran the BOINC manager. On WCG it says I am on the EVGA crunching team so I hope that is at least correct. It immediately started a bunch of CPU projects but no GPU ones. I'd like to do a bunch of GPU crunching, I'm hoping my 970 will be somewhat useful. I went to the page to get a banner so I can chase badges :) and it said CPID not correct?! Do I have to have a completed project for it to find me? One more question (for now). I read that I should use a different version of BOINC than the one downloaded from WCG, is this still the case? The post was from some years ago. Thanks in advance for all the help.
post edited by Exnihilo Curatio - 2017/03/20 16:51:59
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/20 16:57:03
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/20 18:14:55
bcavnaugh Welcome to the Team! Exnihilo Curatio 
+1 welcome aboard! Ask all your questions, we're a friendly bunch always ready to help. On WCG it says I am on the EVGA crunching team so I hope that is at least correct. It immediately started a bunch of CPU projects but no GPU ones. Sounds like you're all set up on WCG. They had GPU tasks in the past, but don't at the moment. So CPU is expected there. I went to the page to get a banner so I can chase badges :) and it said CPID not correct?! Do I have to have a completed project for it to find me? Yes, it can take a while to get your CPID initially. I'd keep an eye out for your username on this link. I read that I should use a different version of BOINC than the one downloaded from WCG, is this still the case? The post was from some years ago. The WCG version of BOINC tends to be behind the latest version available. Check your version against the official download site. I think WCG provides their own client to ease the process of getting set up, but may be lacking the latest fixes and shiny new features. Here is a list of the major projects along with their supported platforms. Look for the nvidia icon for GPU options.
EVGA Associates code: OLY2307BPM0MXZU Click for a discount on your next purchase from
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/20 19:41:46
ARRRGGGHHHH I'm pulling my hair out here. I have BOINC set up and WCG running fine, but I can't seem to sign up for anything that uses the GPU. I tried to add Einstein at home through BOINC and it set up an account, but it used my user name from the computer instead of letting me choose one and I can't find a way to change it on the Einstein site. It also won't let me choose a team. I'm sure there is something easy I'm missing but I can't figure it out. Just to test I tried adding Asteroids at home and the same thing, it won't let me choose a user name or a team at signup. BTW thanks Planetclown for the help, I did get an updated version of BOINC from there. OK it looks like BAM! is not going to work as it wants to use the same email (OK) and password (NOT OK) for each project. I'll keep trying to figure this out. Edit: I think I have a (very small) handle on this. I can sign up to a project through BAM! then go to the site and change password and join the team. Doing WCG on CPU and GPUGrid and Asteroids on the GPU. Thanks for the help and I would appreciate any tips or tweaks. MMMMM, Crunchy!
post edited by Exnihilo Curatio - 2017/03/21 15:11:48

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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/21 03:43:46
☄ Helpfulby Afterburner 2017/03/21 20:29:42
Exnihilo Curatio ARRRGGGHHHH I'm pulling my hair out here. I have BOINC set up and WCG running fine, but I can't seem to sign up for anything that uses the GPU. I tried to add Einstein at home through BOINC and it set up an account, but it used my user name from the computer instead of letting me choose one and I can't find a way to change it on the Einstein site.
Log in to your account @ Einstein then >Preferences>Community On the Communities page you will see "General Settings" the box with "Name *" can be changed and will be your user name you choose. Primegrid has lots of GPU projects if you are in to finding primes.
post edited by howdy2u2 - 2017/03/21 03:45:26
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/21 11:43:39
It sucks that Folding is that main use of GPUs in biology science. Most of the gpu projects are mathematical.
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/21 15:22:06
howdy2u2 Log in to your account @ Einstein then >Preferences>Community On the Communities page you will see "General Settings" the box with "Name *" can be changed and will be your user name you choose. Primegrid has lots of GPU projects if you are in to finding primes.
Awesome, that worked perfectly. Thanks. I'll try the Primegrid thing after I've put some time in with GPUGrid.
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/21 15:25:39
Exnihilo Curatio Awesome, that worked perfectly. Thanks. I'll try the Primegrid thing after I've put some time in with GPUGrid.
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/23 16:25:26
Can someone please tell me how to join the Crunching @EVGA team on Einstein at Home? I've gone through every option I can find on the site and can't find where to join the team. Thanks! A-HA I figured it out!!! What a roundabout way :)
post edited by Exnihilo Curatio - 2017/03/23 16:28:22
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/23 16:59:16
Exnihilo Curatio Can someone please tell me how to join the Crunching @EVGA team on Einstein at Home? I've gone through every option I can find on the site and can't find where to join the team. Thanks! A-HA I figured it out!!! What a roundabout way :)
Something I forgot to do....join the team.........arghhhhhhhh
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/23 23:59:55
Fired up a second computer and have started PrimeGrid with it. Unfortunately, it is not as fast (i7-860k w/GTX750ti) but it should get some work done.
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/24 04:57:58
Exnihilo Curatio Fired up a second computer and have started PrimeGrid with it. Unfortunately, it is not as fast (i7-860k w/GTX750ti) but it should get some work done.
Every little bit helps!
Exnihilo Curatio
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Re:Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in*
2017/03/24 08:56:54
This is just a test to see if my Sig. banner shows up now. Aaaaaaaaaaand it doesn't :( And now it does!!!
post edited by Exnihilo Curatio - 2017/03/24 08:59:35