Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2

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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/12 21:18:57 (permalink)

I have tried that as well.  Also tried running in Windowed mode.  About an hr ago I was actually allowed to play.  Wooohoooo......but now.....back to normal.  White screen followed by curse words, and then followed by a cigarette.  mmmm Calming lol

I've been dragging my feet on buying this game.. I've heard some people are getting weird errors, glitches, and crashes.. From what I've read it's been mostly Steam bought versions....

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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/12 21:40:50 (permalink)
It sure would not hurt to try backing off that overclock, and turn off HT in the bios if you have it enabled.  The game uses the cpu quite a bit.

Mobo: EVGA X58
CPU: I7 920
Ram: Corsair Dominator 1600 6GB
HD: Intel x25-m / Seagate 250 GB
SC: Creative X-Fi
PSU: Corsair HX1000
Mon: Dell 3007
Case: Thermaltake Mozart TX
O/S: Win 7
CPU and GPU's on water


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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/12 23:01:23 (permalink)
My CPU is stable for 15hrs of Prime95.  If i can't call that a stable overclock, I'm not sure what its called.  I just about to do a clean install of the 196.34 beta drivers again.  Going to try installing the EVGA SLI Enchantment patch after as I do not think i ever tried it with that version of the display driver.  If that doesn't help any which I do not believe it will, i will try running everything at stock again.

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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/13 00:13:36 (permalink)
The only time I have gotten increased crashes and errors is when I have my GPU Overclocks on. I've just been running my 260's at default.

So much work to do... someone has to do it.
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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/13 19:17:21 (permalink)
I love the game. I wasnt following the game at all before it hit the streets.
i had some extra cash so i picked it up on steam.
i cant stop playing its so much fun. i love stabbing people. it feels good.

however i do feel you. the servers do keep crapping out. but you cant get to mad or the game is no longer fun.
as soon as a game makes me mad i turn it off and walk away.

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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/14 09:20:58 (permalink)
Case: Antec 900
MOBO: Gigabyte X58A-UD7
CPU: i7 920 D0 @ 4.2GHz batch# 3945B231  <----------------------
RAM: 6gb G.Skill PI 7-8-7-24 @ 1.5V  <-----------------------------
GPU: SLi GTX260 (666/1404/1107) <----------------------------
PSU: OCZ Z1000 80+Gold 

Maybe it doesn't.  It's ususally responsible to back that off to no OC, reinstall windows without an overclock, set up your system, and try your game before going off on support personel.  Your machine can pass all the prime 95 in the world and sometimes apps still won't like your overclock, it's how the game works. 

You basically posted a 4 page rant chat log of you being a jerk to a guy who is just trying to do his job, while providing incredibly limited information about your rig, and failure to build a properly operating PC.  The hordes of people playing BF 2 on a similar setup pretty much says you're doing something wrong, got frustrated, and went off on EA support because you needed someone but yourself to blame.

Seriously, there is no way you can tell if that tech is an idiot or not, because you gave him not one useful piece of information he could use to help you, and immidiately started in on him.

Just so you know, when dealing with support, try to be polite and not standoffish.  You failed (putting aside where you failed with your PC build) starting here:
: I was just talking to Paolo  <- fine work, now andre goes to talk to paolo, paolo tells andre (Oi, this tosser was being quite priggish to me mate!  So I told him to get his refund from steam!) (a support personel laugh is shared at your expense)
: and he gave me FALSE information!!!!  (andre laughs at you again, and proceeds to ignore you until you have an actual problem)
: I am having noting but problems with Bad Company 2  (he is still laughing at your very specific gripe)
: HELLO??????????????????? (proboboly away from his desk now, calling people over to watch this hillarity unfold)

Try this man.
Reset your bios to default
Reinstall windows, format your primary OS partition
Install your video card drivers and motherboard drivers
download BFBC2 from steam fresh, instead of copying over the steamapps folder, try it at all stock clocks on EVERYTHING.
test your overclock with LinX and prime95 instead of just one or the other
and most importantly - Be nicer to people trying to do thier jobs, try to see things from a different, non-emotionally involved perspective.

Yeah, it sucks you spent days spinning your wheels trying to get your computer working, but don't expect a 3rd party to share your irritation at the failure they have nothing to do with.
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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/14 14:32:57 (permalink)


I don't like foreign support that can't spell or speak proper english.

But that's what they do =P. Hire 3rd party companys that offer support for them. We have those here in Argentina.

For example, 5CA: http://www.5ca.com/industries/gaming/

They offer support for EA, NCSoft, Activision, Konami, etc.

Well Hanni, they are stupid people who can't speak english properly and don't know much about problems.
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Re:Warning...EA Support is a joke for Bad Company 2 2010/03/14 14:49:23 (permalink)

HAF 932 - Flat Black guts 
EVGA x58 SLI LE bios v19
Intel i7 920 @ 4.2 ghz
Corsair XMS3 DDR3 6gb Triple (8-8-8-24@1.65v)
Visiontek HD 5850 w/ ASUS bios 950/1200 
Xigmatek No Rules 850w PSU
Custon WC loop.
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