Howdy all
I am having nothing but problems with Bad Company 2 and decided I had enough, so I went on EA Supports website and joined a live chat. Now i fully know that I would not recieve any help, you never do on this online chat helps. But I was supper frustrated and thought it would be the next step to take. Lets just say my vision of EA as a company just went down the crapper. The first representative that I got connected to went by the name of
Paolo and he advised me to contact Steam to get a refund if I am not satisfied with them game.....I almost burnt out laughing because not 5mins earlier I went on Steams website and found that they do not offer refunds(fully anticipated that so no surprise). So Paolo was completely full of crap. He ended the chat after I called him on it saying Steam does not offer refunds. He obviously didn't like me showing some backbone because he did not say anything more, he just ended the chat.
Now the best part....I was not impressed with how Paolo helped me, so I connected again for a 2nd, this time with FULL intent to ruin the poor EA Support reps day that i got connected to. For pay back about how crappy they "supported" me the first time. This time i get connected to
EARep Andre......ooooo he must know something if he has a fancy EA in front of his name......or so I though:
Get ready to Laugh....
EARep Andre: Hi, my name is EARep Andre. How may I help you?
: hello
<-----starting here this guy does not respond for 28mins!!!! : I was just talking to Paolo
: and he gave me FALSE information!!!!
: I am having noting but problems with Bad Company 2
: HELLO???????????????????
: Please answer me
: ?
: ?
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: ?
: please answer me
: I have been waiting for an hr for someone to help me
: ?
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: ? <-------
that was a long 28mins of silence!!!! EARep Andre: Yes, please
: what the hell is going on with your Support
EARep Andre: What happen to you ?
: I want my god damn $ back for Bad Company 2
: you other rep Paolo said Steam will give me a refund
: and that is WRONG
: directly from Steams website.....As with most software products, we will not offer refunds for purchases made online
: I cannot even play 1sec of this game
: and I want my $ back
EARep Andre: Please tell me the problem you are facing with the game.
: I just told it to Paolo
: I get a white screen
: when I get in game
: single player, multilayer, does not matter
: I have tried every driver version for my graphics cards, re-installed the game probably 10times, and reinstalled Windows 7 probably 10 times
: nothing helps
: every other game on my system plays 100$ fine
: why does it take you so long to respond?
: is this your idea of good customer service?
: because I am fed up with it, and I want some god damn answers
EARep Andre: I sincerely regret any difficulties you are experiencing. Please wait while I come up with something helpful for you.
: lol
: this should be interesting
EARep Andre: We are sorry but we can refund the games purchased from EA Store only.
: are you serious
: excuse my language, but this is f**** stupid
EARep Andre: Yes, I am pretty sure about this.
: please give me a number of your manager or someone I can contact
: I do not accept your answer
: I spent $60 on this f***** game for what, to have it sit on my shelf and collect dust?
EARep Andre: You will need to contact the retailer from where you have purchased the game.
: I tried
: Steam doesn't give returns they say contact you
EARep Andre: Is it downloadable game or discs ?
: downloaded via Steam
EARep Andre: Please tell me your email address and date of birth.
<---reason for asking me this?? : why may I ask?
EARep Andre: Are you using window 7 64 bit ?
<--I think he realized he should not have asked : yes
: Home Premium 64bit
EARep Andre: Then you will need to use window 32 bit.
<-----WOW : bulls***
EARep Andre: We are really sorry but our games are not tested with 64-bit version of Windows. We cannot guarantee that our games will work with 64-bit version of Windows. There is no 64-bit client available for the game. You will need to use 32-bit operating system to install the game.
: you cannot be serious
: this is completely hilarious
: please give me your managers phone number
: that is false information
: sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about
: i can tell you have no technical knowledge, so please give me your managers contact information so I can speak directly with him/her
EARep Andre: If you wish you can contact our phone support team at 650-628-1001.
: no
: i would like your managers direct #
EARep Andre: you will find the managers on the phone support. They are re in better condition to help you with the issue.
: and you are completely avoiding what I am asking for
: he needs to know how terrible your customer service is
: and the best part is I have a log of all of this to show
: HELLO????????????
: just so you know, I am posting this log into my forums to warn people how bad EA Support for Bad Company 2 is
: now get me a god damn contact # for your manager
EARep Andre: We are sorry but you will need to contact the phone support. They can update you and probably in the better position to assist you.
: You are absolutely useless
: thanks for nothing guy
EARep Andre: Thank you for your participation. Have a wonderful day.
: haha
*Chat Ended
Thanks a lot EA for standing behind your so called biggest title of the year. What a joke.
post edited by metal_god69 - 2010/03/12 14:51:45