Tour de Primes 2022

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2022/01/21 17:32:56 (permalink)
Tour de Primes 2022

Welcome to the 13th annual Tour de Primes. 2 is the first prime number...and the only even one. This makes it unique among prime numbers. Therefore, February is declared Prime month...being the 2nd month of the year. :) And there's no better way to pay homage to a prime number than to go out and find one. :) More precisely, a Top 5000 prime.

Special rule for 2022: Even if PPSE drops off the T5K list during TdP, it will be eligible for TdP for the entire month. We're not going to change what's eligible while TdP is ongoing.

For the month of February, an informal competition is offered. There are no challenge points to be gained... just a simple rare jersey at the end of the month to add to your badge list. No pressure or stress other than what you put on yourself. :)

For 2022, we're bringing back the badges introduced in 2018:
  • Red Jersey -- discoverer of largest prime
  • Yellow Jersey -- prime count leader (tiebreaker will be prime score)
  • Green Jersey -- points (prime score) leader
  • Polk-a-dot Jersey -- on the 19th of February we'll have a "Mountain Stage" and award the Polk-a-dot Jersey to the one who finds the most primes on that day (tiebreaker will be prime score for that day).
  • Prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds an eligible prime during the month of February. This is a counter badge, so if you find more than one prime it will show how many you've found, up to 99.
  • Mega prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds a mega prime during February. This is a counter badge.
  • Mountain Stage prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds an eligible prime during the Mountain Stage. This is a counter badge.
  • Mountain Stage mega prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds a mega prime during the Mountain Stage. This is a counter badge.

Results will be available at http://www.primegrid.com/challenge/tdp_2022.php.

As we've done for the last couple of years, there will also be a "just for giggles" Double Checker scoreboard at http://www.primegrid.com/challenge/tdp_2022_dc.php.

As with the last few years, for all primes (BOINC and PRPNet) we're using the new reporting system whereby the prime's date of discovery determines whether it's eligible for the Tour de Primes. Prior to 2014, the date of verification for BOINC primes was used while the discovery date was used for PRPNet primes. The current system is more intuitive and fairer.

Note that SGS-LLR and GFN-15 are too small to be reported to the Top 5000 primes list and are therefore not eligible for the 2022 Tour de Primes.

Currently, the fastest opportunities to find Top 5000 primes is with the PPSE (LLR), and GFN-16 (65536) projects. Of course, should someone find a prime in the mega-prime searches, this would certainly give them a good shot at the green or red jerseys. Not a guarantee, however, as in 2021 there were 67 mega primes found in the Tour de Primes. Overall, in 2021 we averaged over five mega primes per week for the entire year, so you might need more than "merely" a mega prime to take home green.

All ports in PRPNet are available for the competition.

To participate in BOINC PPSE (LLR), GFN-16, or any other eligible LLR or Genefer project, all you have to do is select it in your PrimeGrid preferences. AP27 sequences are not reportable at T5K, so are not eligible for Tour de Primes. WW primes are also not reportable to T5K.

Sieve projects don't find primes, so PPS-Sieve can't find anything in TdP.

Good Luck, have fun, and enjoy! :D

Full rankings can be seen here: 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
Tips and Strategies:

Tip #1: For all GFN and for PPSE, he (or she) who finds the prime FIRST is the discover of the prime. It's a competition between you and your wingman. While having a fast computer helps, your computer is only useful when it's running a task. If you have a cache of tasks sitting on your computer waiting to run, chances are your wingman will return the task before you've even started it. Setting both BOINC cache settings to "0 days" is strongly recommended. People with slow computers find primes all the time because their wingman downloaded the task yesterday but won't start running it until tomorrow. Set your cache to 0 days!

However, larger LLR searches (PPS or larger) use LLR2, and you're not competing against another user to be first. For LLR2 projects, tip #1 does not apply.

If you're going to ignore tip #1 for GFN or PPSE, don't even bother reading the rest. Seriously.

Tips for LLR:
  • Your mileage may vary. What works for me may not work for you. Before TdP starts, take some time and experiment and see what works best on your computer.
  • If you have a CPU with hyperthreading, either turn off the hyperthreading in the BIOS, or set BOINC to use 50% of the processors. (But see below for exceptions.)
    • If you're using a GPU for other tasks, it may be beneficial to leave hyperthreading on in the BIOS and instead tell BOINC to use 50% of the CPU's. This will allow one of the hyperthreads to service the GPU.
  • Use LLR's multithreaded mode. It requires a little bit of setup, but it's worth the effort. Follow these steps:
    • Use multi-threading on larger tasks. What constitutes "larger" varies according to how fast your CPU is and your personal tastes.
    • It's no longer necessary to use app_config.xml to set up multi-threading. On the PrimeGrid preferences page, set "Multi-threading: Max # of threads for each task" to "No limit" to use the maximum number of threads for each task, or select a specific thread count if you prefer.
Tips for GFN:
  • Only run GFN on a GPU. Use your CPU for LLR tasks where it will be much more efficient.
  • Unless you have a really slow GPU and a really fast CPU, leave a CPU core free to service the GPU. You'll want the more powerful GPU running at full speed, even if it slows down the CPU somewhat. A hyperthread should be sufficient if your CPU supports hyperthreading. For example, on a 4 core CPU (without hyperthreading), you could set BOINC to "use 75% of the CPUs" to reserve one core for the GPU.
Mods, Please Pin this Thread for the Month of February.
Thank you
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/01/21 17:46:15

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    The Crunchinator
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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/01/28 14:58:07 (permalink)
    See the Dark Side

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/01/28 15:18:10 (permalink)

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/01/31 18:55:06 (permalink)
    Running all but one of my rigs, I lost my 2 RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Rig with one of the HC leaking.
    Looks like an RMA on the Way to EGVA. This Rig is also my best running Prime Finder.

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/01/31 19:09:45 (permalink)
    Ouch! Can you break it down and get something going on it in the short term?


    The Crunchinator
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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/01/31 19:58:19 (permalink)
    Ouch! Can you break it down and get something going on it in the short term?

    I have an old X79 ASUS MB with a GTX 1080 Ti Hybrid running once I get all the updates installed and update Ubuntu to the current version.
    My thought is should I RMA the Graphics Card being it is an SLI setup or just change out the HC Water Block that I do have on hand.
    Any thoughts?
    They the EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 HC Cards.
    I hope that after drying out my EVGA X299 Dark Motherboard that it is still working, I do not have a backup X299 Motherboard any longer.
    I do have an X99 Dark MB (2 GTX 1080 KPE Graphics Cards) that I can put the Cards in and even a brand new X99 Dark MB as well.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/01/31 20:08:03

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 12:03:49 (permalink)
    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=17 Mega (GFN-17-Mega). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.
    Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:
    Added 133284 : 101915106^131072+1 (1049656 digits)
    This prime was found on this workunit which will automatically show as a prime result after verification by the Largest Known Primes Database.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.
    Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.

    Omnipotent Enthusiast
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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 13:15:03 (permalink)
    Ouch! Can you break it down and get something going on it in the short term?

    I have an old X79 ASUS MB with a GTX 1080 Ti Hybrid running once I get all the updates installed and update Ubuntu to the current version.
    My thought is should I RMA the Graphics Card being it is an SLI setup or just change out the HC Water Block that I do have on hand.
    Any thoughts?
    They the EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 HC Cards.
    I hope that after drying out my EVGA X299 Dark Motherboard that it is still working, I do not have a backup X299 Motherboard any longer.
    I do have an X99 Dark MB (2 GTX 1080 KPE Graphics Cards) that I can put the Cards in and even a brand new X99 Dark MB as well.

    Can you swap the block you have and do a cross-ship RMA and when the RMA comes put the bad block on that and send it back?
    Unless they do not have a 2080ti HC to send to you and they send a 3080 that may or not be a HC
    Hard to tell these days with the GPU shortages.
    But I would just swap the block for now anyway if you have a good one for it.
    Sorry to see you're having so many issues this TDP, hope it gets better quickly. 

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 13:16:34 (permalink)
    Congratulations Opolis on the GFN17 MEGA prime find! Nice way to start the TDP.

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    The Crunchinator
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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 15:42:07 (permalink)
    Congratulations Opolis on the GFN17 MEGA prime find! Nice way to start the TDP.

    Associate Code: 9E88QK5L7811G3H

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 15:45:50 (permalink)
    Ouch! Can you break it down and get something going on it in the short term?

    I have an old X79 ASUS MB with a GTX 1080 Ti Hybrid running once I get all the updates installed and update Ubuntu to the current version.
    My thought is should I RMA the Graphics Card being it is an SLI setup or just change out the HC Water Block that I do have on hand.
    Any thoughts?
    They the EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 HC Cards.
    I hope that after drying out my EVGA X299 Dark Motherboard that it is still working, I do not have a backup X299 Motherboard any longer.
    I do have an X99 Dark MB (2 GTX 1080 KPE Graphics Cards) that I can put the Cards in and even a brand new X99 Dark MB as well.

    Can you swap the block you have and do a cross-ship RMA and when the RMA comes put the bad block on that and send it back?
    Unless they do not have a 2080ti HC to send to you and they send a 3080 that may or not be a HC
    Hard to tell these days with the GPU shortages.
    But I would just swap the block for now anyway if you have a good one for it.
    Sorry to see you're having so many issues this TDP, hope it gets better quickly. 

    Good news is the X299 Dark Motherboard fired right up after drying out overnight.
    I have one RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 HC card running now and will also keep the older GTX 1080 Ti running as well in the x79 Ubuntu rig.
    I have two HC FTW3 Water Blocks on hand if I need be to replace the bad one but want to wait to see what EVGA wants to do.
    You never now they may upgrade both cards to maybe the RTX 3080 HC Cards or even better 3080 Ti HC Cards.
    This is the card that was not so good to start off with as well.
    I was looking for the Sticker that came off when I first got the card, still looking. The Serial Number is still on the PCIE connector.
    Also the box has it as well and I will be using the original box to send it back as well.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/02/01 15:56:58

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/01 21:23:41 (permalink)
    Antarctic Crunchers Is Killing It.

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 06:57:18 (permalink)
    Congrats bcav and 427jmf on your primes. Oooh…… 2 for bcav.
    edit: Each of you also got a double checker.
    post edited by yodap - 2022/02/03 07:01:38


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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 07:30:05 (permalink)
    Congrats bcav and 427jmf on your primes. Oooh…… 2 for bcav.
    edit: Each of you also got a double checker.

    Congrats, guys! 

    EVGA Associates code: OLY2307BPM0MXZU Click for a discount on your next purchase from EVGA.com

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 11:32:07 (permalink)
    Congrats on those Primes

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 15:12:28 (permalink)
    Dear Primefinder,

    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=15 (GFN-15). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.
    Workunit 768272939 : 274732154^32768+1 (276527 digits)
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.
    Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.
    PrimeGrid staff

    Omnipotent Enthusiast
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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 15:49:48 (permalink)
    Congrats bcav and 427jmf on your primes. Oooh…… 2 for bcav.
    edit: Each of you also got a double checker.

    Congrats, guys! 

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 16:23:59 (permalink)
    I was lucky enough to get a Prime last night around 3:30am. 
     The GPU that found the prime was a Evga 1080 that was donated to me from bcavnaugh a few years ago. the 
    double checker on that prime was using a 3070 gpu , so I guess older computer parts still have some kick left in them.
     So, a big Thank You to bcavnaugh for all the computer parts he has donated 


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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 18:02:12 (permalink)
    Dear Primefinder,

    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=15 (GFN-15). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.
    Workunit 768272939 : 274732154^32768+1 (276527 digits)
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.
    Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.
    PrimeGrid staff

    Congrats Khali, nice find!

    I was lucky enough to get a Prime last night around 3:30am. 
     The GPU that found the prime was a Evga 1080 that was donated to me from bcavnaugh a few years ago. the 
    double checker on that prime was using a 3070 gpu , so I guess older computer parts still have some kick left in them.
     So, a big Thank You to bcavnaugh for all the computer parts he has donated 



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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/03 18:29:34 (permalink)
    Dear Primefinder,

    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=15 (GFN-15). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.
    Workunit 768272939 : 274732154^32768+1 (276527 digits)
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.
    Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.
    PrimeGrid staff

    Change over to GFN-16 for another badge
    Nice GFN-16 as well https://primes.utm.edu/primes/page.php?id=133314 
    Tasks https://www.primegrid.com/result.php?resultid=1300543757  
    Remember that you all need to run GFN-16 or higher for this challenge.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/02/03 18:42:17

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/04 16:06:07 (permalink)
    I was lucky enough to get a Prime last night around 3:30am. 
     The GPU that found the prime was a Evga 1080 that was donated to me from bcavnaugh a few years ago. the 
    double checker on that prime was using a 3070 gpu , so I guess older computer parts still have some kick left in them.
     So, a big Thank You to bcavnaugh for all the computer parts he has donated 

    I had a similar experience but roles reversed.  Was the wingman to someone with a 1660 Super...less computing time than a 2080ti???
    Probably has something to do with the download time.  I haven't done any work arounds, so BOINC will still download a task even with 0 cache.
    post edited by Opolis - 2022/02/04 16:07:30

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/05 13:18:28 (permalink)
    I joined the party.
    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Proth Prime Search (LLR2). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.
    Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:
    Added 133371 : 4463*2^3396657+1 (1022500 digits)

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/05 18:38:47 (permalink)
    I joined the party.
    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Proth Prime Search (LLR2). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.
    Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:
    Added 133371 : 4463*2^3396657+1 (1022500 digits)

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/06 04:01:51 (permalink)
    Congrats bill1024, and bcav for another. 


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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/06 07:56:09 (permalink)
    Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=16 (GFN-16). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.
    Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:
    Added 133375 : 145932888^65536+1 (535046 digits)
    This prime was found on this workunit which will automatically show as a prime result after verification by the Largest Known Primes Database.

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/06 08:23:39 (permalink)
    Grats Opolis.
    Also a double checker for khali. 


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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/06 18:45:25 (permalink)
    Found another PPSE Prime T5K, task and finally a Mega Prime from GFN-17 T5K, task today.
    Looks like my PPSE was the first to go over 500,000.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/02/06 18:47:25

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/06 19:58:01 (permalink)
    Found another PPSE Prime T5K, task and finally a Mega Prime from GFN-17 T5K, task today.
    Looks like my PPSE was the first to go over 500,000.

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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/07 17:37:56 (permalink)


    post edited by yodap - 2022/02/07 17:39:12


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    Re: Tour de Primes 2022 2022/02/07 18:00:50 (permalink)
    Anyone else seeing upload and downloads not working and even reporting is not working for me.
    They are now showing down for maintenance
    Looks like all is well on the Eastern Front
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2022/02/07 19:48:28

    Associate Code: 9E88QK5L7811G3H

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