Questions on how to use Precision X1 to overclock.

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2019/03/09 19:42:25 (permalink)
I had the following questions from the overclocking process using Precision X1. I am sure these are common questions and any clarification will be greatly appreciated.
1. To overclock I simply put in the numbers for clock, voltage, power etc. My question is, do I *also* need to manually adjust the green dots?
2. A related question: if I raised one green dot, how come the subsequent ones still stay in their original place? Should they not be raised as well? Or am I supposed to raise all of them one by one? That would be really tedious to do.
3. Say I dialed in the numbers for voltage, clock, etc.. Then I clicked on the "test" button to validate the overclock, and the software seemed to be running some tests; however when this process finished the software did not indicate a "pass" or "fail", rather it displayed a new "score" , like +90. What does that score even mean? Does the software suggest adding another 90 to the clock? But that would be way too high and would not be stable at all.
4. This is not a question but more of an observation. Once in a while after reboot, the software fails to load the overclock profile and everything is reverted to default. This is even after I selected the "Using the numbers from last session" in the settings. This only happens like 20% of the time though. Not sure what triggered it.

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    Cool GTX
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    Re: Questions on how to use Precision X1 to overclock. 2019/03/12 08:35:10 (permalink)
    Q 1 ---> Green Dots ---> Set Temp & Power Target Full right (Max)
    Q2 ---> is the chain Icon - "Broken link" or "Closed link"  Closed keeps this together
    Q 3  ---> "Score"   is the Safe OC of the GPU that the test scan passed as stable --> Enter that Value in GPU box ... scan does not test the RAM
    Q 4 ---> the Last Open Profile should load

    From the Scan test Value to see if more is possible & stable---> Small adjustment to your GPU MHz  - maybe 20 MHz at a time & test for stability
    Why 20 MHz -- that is 1 Step for the 20 series cards
    From Max OC --> I reduce by 10% for best day to day stability

    You must Save to a Profile Number - click on any 0-9
    Then Apply & then Save
    for Auto load of Last Open Profile there are a couple of items to check mark to make it work - launch on Reboot & Load previously saved Profile#
    You need to select - Both of these:
         1) "Start on with OS"
         2) "Apply previous settings on load"
    WARNING:  when trying to Find your best OC, Do Not select the "apply previous settings on load" --> if its an unstable setting you do not want these to load and crash your Rig on restart ---- right
    then click:  Apply & then Save  (these are needed to save changes to a profile, cant remember if its need to save the auto start, have not changed mine in months)

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    Re: Questions on how to use Precision X1 to overclock. 2019/03/13 09:43:50 (permalink)
    Thank you for your reply!

    For " Green Dots" I meant the voltage/clock curve that's shown on the bottom half of the software. I did already drag the Temp & Power sliders both to the max.  I was wondering whether I should *also" manually adjust the voltage/clock curve (which was made of many tiny green dots). 
    Regarding my original Q3, the confusing part is that, before I ran the "test" (not "scan" -- those are two separate buttons on the UI), I had already applied overclock (like +170 had been applied to the clock before I hit the "test" button). But the "test" still produced a "score" like +90. So I wasn't sure whether I should add an additional 90 to my existing overlock (that would make a +260 total overclock).
    Regarding my original Q4, I already checked all three boxes ("Start with OS", "Start minimized" and "Apply previous settings on load"), but as I stated, about 20% of the time upon booting into Windows the X1 software automatically revert to the default setting (no overlock, etc.)
    Cool GTX
    Q 1 ---> Green Dots ---> Set Temp & Power Target Full right (Max)
    Q2 ---> is the chain Icon - "Broken link" or "Closed link"  Closed keeps this together
    Q 3  ---> "Score"   is the Safe OC of the GPU that the test scan passed as stable --> Enter that Value in GPU box ... scan does not test the RAM
    Q 4 ---> the Last Open Profile should load

    From the Scan test Value to see if more is possible & stable---> Small adjustment to your GPU MHz  - maybe 20 MHz at a time & test for stability
    Why 20 MHz -- that is 1 Step for the 20 series cards
    From Max OC --> I reduce by 10% for best day to day stability

    You must Save to a Profile Number - click on any 0-9

    Then Apply & then Save

    for Auto load of Last Open Profile there are a couple of items to check mark to make it work - launch on Reboot & Load previously saved Profile#

    You need to select - Both of these:
        1) "Start on with OS"
        2) "Apply previous settings on load"

    WARNING:  when trying to Find your best OC, Do Not select the "apply previous settings on load" --> if its an unstable setting you do not want these to load and crash your Rig on restart ---- right

    then click:  Apply & then Save  (these are needed to save changes to a profile, cant remember if its need to save the auto start, have not changed mine in months)

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