Re: PrimeGrid's 19th Birthday Challenge 6/12/24 to 6/19/24 19:00 UTC 7 days project GFN
2024/06/20 10:48:15
Congrats to the lucky person who found a prime.
From the challenge thread:
The challenge has ended with a prime discovered! Stay tuned.
Final update, before I start updating cleanup.
Challenge: PrimeGrid's 19th Birthday
App: 27 (GFN-19)
Fast DC tasks are NOT included.
(As of 2024-06-20 13:31:24 UTC)
296534 tasks have been sent out. [CPU/GPU/anonymous_platform: 93607 (32%) / 202922 (68%) / 5 (0%)]
Of those tasks that have been sent out:
38472 (13%) were aborted. [26836 (9%) / 11636 (4%) / 0 (0%)]
7622 (3%) came back with some kind of an error. [1811 (1%) / 5811 (2%) / 0 (0%)]
228933 (77%) have returned a successful result. [53576 (18%) / 175353 (59%) / 4 (0%)]
13942 (5%) are still in progress. [7436 (3%) / 6506 (2%) / 0 (0%)]
Of the tasks that have been returned successfully:
1258 (1%) are pending validation. [252 (0%) / 1006 (0%) / 0 (0%)]
227675 (99%) have been successfully validated. [53324 (23%) / 174347 (76%) / 4 (0%)]
17 (0%) were invalid. [5 (0%) / 12 (0%) / 0 (0%)]
0 (0%) are inconclusive. [0 (0%) / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%)]
The current leading edge (i.e., latest work unit for which work has actually been sent out to a host) is b=11055750. The leading edge was at b=9425338 at the beginning of the challenge. Since the challenge started, the leading edge has advanced 17.30% as much as it had prior to the challenge!
At the Conclusion of the Challenge
When the challenge completes, we would prefer users "moving on" to finish those tasks they have downloaded, if not then please ABORT the WU's (and then UPDATE the PrimeGrid project) instead of DETACHING, RESETTING, or PAUSING.
ABORTING WU's allows them to be recycled immediately; thus a much faster "clean up" to the end of a Challenge. DETACHING, RESETTING, and PAUSING WU's causes them to remain in limbo until they EXPIRE. Therefore, we must wait until WU's expire to send them out to be completed.
Likewise, if you're shutting down the computer for an extended period of time, or deleting the VM (Virtual Machine), please ABORT all remaining tasks first. Also, be aware that merely shutting off a cloud server doesn't stop the billing. You have to destroy/delete the server if you don't want to continue to be charged for it.
Thank you!
Life is too short to carry a cheap pocket knife