Precision X1 Causing System Lockups And Abnormal Fan Behavior?

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2019/05/07 16:56:25 (permalink)
I purchased an Evga RTX 2080 TI FTW3 Ultra for my new system build and ever since I've installed the Precision X1 software, I've had nothing but headaches. I'll explain in detail below:
Every-single-time I boot the PC, Precision X1 is only showing 2 fans, and you can hear a single fan on the GPU maxed out at 100%. 
The only way I've found to remedy this is by shutting down the PC, pulling the power plug, and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. 
I just dropped 6 thousand dollars on a brand new PC and trusted Evga to deliver for my GPU performance needs. And yet every-single-day, when I come home and boot my pc? I'm crawling under my desk to pull a plug, and hold a power button.
It's just sloppy. I run the program as administrator. I've tried the gaming OC bios and the regular bios. X1 will NOT save my profiles or load them on startup.
And now, occasionally, whenever starting Precision X1, I am greeted with the startup logo surrounded by a large black border, and my system freezes and won't respond after I lose monitor support after about 4 minutes.
This is an absolute joke. So much a joke it's to the point where I am honestly debating just returning the card. You want me to use this software to gain full functionality of the video card? Then fix your software. 
This isn't the performance nor the experience I expected out of a top end video card. 
I've tried reinstalling the software. Uninstall, reinstall. Nothing avails the issue. It just works sometimes, or it doesn't. 
Is there a workaround to this? Should I not be using it all? I know it's in beta but Christ, this feels like pre-alpha software.
post edited by ArchAngelAlien - 2019/05/07 16:59:25

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    Re: Precision X1 Causing System Lockups And Abnormal Fan Behavior? 2019/05/08 04:54:34 (permalink)
    I feel you, I sold my FTW3 just 2 days after buying it because of X1. Makes the card unuseable since you cannot use MSI Afterburner or the likes for most of the cards features neither, including Fan control. Reading about previous versions of their software, it seems to have been a pre-alpha mess for years, so I doubt it will get better anytime soon. Was my first and last EVGA card.
    post edited by maxhitk - 2019/05/08 04:56:42
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    Re: Precision X1 Causing System Lockups And Abnormal Fan Behavior? 2019/05/08 12:13:35 (permalink)
    Best solution to this issue would be to just use the latest version of msi afterburner. Sure you won't be able to control all three fans, or be able to adjust the leds, but at least you'll be able to control the main gpu fan, and not have any other issues. The power & memory fans will still spin up according to the default vbios fan profile too.
    If you want to control all three fans manually you can use the Galax Xtreme Tuner Plus software to set all the gpu fans to a static speed of your choice. 
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