Ordered a 1060 6GB FTW card, don't think I got it. Need an ID based on the PCB please.

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Re: Ordered a 1060 6GB FTW card, don't think I got it. Need an ID based on the PCB please. 2017/05/07 00:15:47 (permalink)
If something shows up opened I would be taking pictures and contacting Amazon right away. Amazon tends to be pretty good at helping you out though as long as you are not one of those people who always complains about getting the wrong item. They are less good about taking care of your time in straightening things out. I made the mistake of telling them they double shipped an order. While it was only a $7 item the solution they offered was correct the problem by charging me the $7 and then issue a UPS label to send it back.

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Re: Ordered a 1060 6GB FTW card, don't think I got it. Need an ID based on the PCB please. 2017/05/10 07:03:11 (permalink)
Yeah when I finally called customer service, the issue got taken care of pretty quick. But using the website and following through with comments there wasn't getting me very far. My refund got hung up in perpetual, "we are waiting to receive your item back". But it's all good now. I'm not a power gamer, and I'm mainly building the wc computer because I just wanted to try my hand at it, but I guess we'll see what these 1070s can do. ;)
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