New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc

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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Saturday, December 26, 2020 5:56 PM (permalink)
Latest Px1 here and updated bios on 3080 xc3 ultra just fine...
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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Sunday, December 27, 2020 3:27 AM (permalink)
Been using PX1 since 900 series never had a problem and guess what w/ electronics problems happen and its incredibly hard to diagnose but I guess people just thinking its something makes it real now a days. Not saying that there isn't a case where it is PX1 but in the general it runs fine and highly likely to be something else causing a problem but that wouldn't be as interesting....
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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Sunday, December 27, 2020 4:09 AM (permalink)
Did the tech say how they knew that PX1 bricked the card?

Yes they did, and to top it off, they are now refusing to honor the 5 year extended warranty I bought for it like two months ago...

So .... we’re all just going to ignore what happened here? Why won’t you tell us what they said specifically to help the rest of us out or give some of us a piece of mind? Please stop highjacking this thread so we can get to the bottom of what the “tech” said about PX1. Because if px1 was causing issues to that level should they have pulled it already? I personally use Afterburner and haven’t had issues for almost 2 months now. There no NDA saying you can’t tell us what they said.
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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Sunday, December 27, 2020 4:14 AM (permalink)
It's pretty clear that he feels embarrassed about something stupid that he did.  Don't expect him to reply.  Just let it go and don't give his story any merit.

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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Sunday, December 27, 2020 3:05 PM (permalink)
The issue is its written in C# thats why its slow compared to afterburner since everything is recompiled on the fly for each function.
Being C# makes it really easy to explore the code tho but you wont like what you see.

Such as heres the bit of code run during the flash.
Its checking if a normal write fails before returning a fail flag and giving up.
No retrys or anything so if it fails part way though good bye.

They really need to just ditch what they have and start again in C++ if they want it to be competitive with the alternatives.

It's not because it's in c#. The difference in normal consumer apps between c# and c++ (in modern versions of .net) is in the order of nanoseconds (imperceptible to the user). RyuJit is fricken fast. The only exception being startup which is a bit slower, in the order of milliseconds (still imperceptible to humans though), when AoT isn't used (otherwise it's as fast as c++ since it's native code at that point).

Once you get into an extremely high volume of instructions per second, that's when c++ will start to pull significantly ahead, but Precision isn't going to come anywhere close to that high of a volume.
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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Monday, December 28, 2020 1:11 AM (permalink)
The issue is its written in C# thats why its slow compared to afterburner since everything is recompiled on the fly for each function.
Being C# makes it really easy to explore the code tho but you wont like what you see.

Such as heres the bit of code run during the flash.
Its checking if a normal write fails before returning a fail flag and giving up.
No retrys or anything so if it fails part way though good bye.

They really need to just ditch what they have and start again in C++ if they want it to be competitive with the alternatives.

Oh please, C# is perfectly fine, there are very few apps that should be written in C++ these days and GPU fan/oc control tools aren't one of them, at least not entirely. 
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Re: New version of Precision X1 appears to have bricked my pc Monday, December 28, 2020 1:18 AM (permalink)
I really don't have any problems with the latest PX1.

Well, the latest is 1.1.4; but, I will agree with you. I've never had major problems with X1, only small things like the last profile not being loaded up even though the box to load last profile is checked. Besides small bugs like that, I've used it a ton and upgraded constantly to newer releases and never saw any hardware breaking bugs.
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