New Area51 has GTX 980 - what frame increase would I see with a 2nd installed? I play MWO

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Friday, February 26, 2016 5:42 PM (permalink)
Thinking about adding another 980 to my area51.  Is it worth it?
I play MOSTLY   MWO (mech warrior online) and I get around 100fps. I use a 144hz monitor and would like to get closer to 144 fps.
Will I see that amount of increase?  What is that - say 50% more?  fps?
ALSO purchased the machine and card for the upcoming O-RIFT.   Not that I can't run it already, but would it help in that area as well?

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    Re: New Area51 has GTX 980 - what frame increase would I see with a 2nd installed? I play Friday, February 26, 2016 7:33 PM (permalink)
    Mwo doesn't support sli.
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    Re: New Area51 has GTX 980 - what frame increase would I see with a 2nd installed? I play Friday, February 26, 2016 7:55 PM (permalink)
    In general, SLI typically has an 80% increase in performance. So if you get 100fps now, then with SLI you should get 180fps. Of course, the real world isn't perfect so you might see more or less by some. A nice estimate would probably be 70-85%. Also note that if you have a game like Arma 3 or Minecraft mod galore and your getting low FPS, that is a CPU bottleneck and SLI will not help. The CPU in those cases are in a way, locking the GPU out because it's busy. Kind of like how when someone is really busy with something they might not hear what your saying when you talk to them.

    But as mentioned above, Mwo doesn't support SLI. But other games do.

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