Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was still interested in this lol. A lot of "stuff" (the kind that hits the fan) has happened the last two or so weeks. I finished the block and mounting plate and installed it (painted it black, see pic). Looked pretty good in my case but didn't cool worth a darn. It was open/bare on the inside. Soooo, I made another one ( did it at work so no pics

). This time I extended the two top pipes down into the block all the way to the bottom and soldered them. I also installed two more sections of same size copper pipe in there. All four pieces were flared so they would solder better. I used an air powered cutting disk and cut slices in all the pipes for water flow, and to increase surface area. Man, sounds freakin awesome doesn't it?! Underwater heatpipes! Didnt cool worth a crap. I'm thinking you would need to use some type of tool to cut some grooves inside the block or a drill/press to tap lots of tiny holes to increase surface area that way. I have a dremel but it is buried in a box somewhere and I'm not sure if it can do what I want it to (not that I have the skillz anyway lol). I did some research and found

the Martin Liquid Labs spreadsheet and determined that the Danger Den 1366 block has just about the highest flow around. An older design but should suffice for bonging. Microcenter just happened to have a couple in stock so I bought one over the weekend. I have good flow and temps are about 8-10 degrees above ambient. Not bad but not what I went through all this for

. I suspect my submerged pump is adding heat to the water. Why didn't I think of that before, seems like common sense now. This has been my first foray into water cooling so I have been like a blind man trying to shoot skeet. I broke out my 655 pump again, since I have a higher flowing block, in order to get the pump out of the reservoir, but it wouldn't pump. I must have run it dry at some point and messed it up. Hehe, tragi/comedy par excellence. So, I gotta come up with another outboard pump I reckon. I also, um, did away with my first bong. 3 inch pvc isn't large enough. I went with 4 inch this time. No paint for bong this time either. Plastic paint flecks off in water and contaminates it. I shortened the pipe the shower head connects to in order to bring it back up near the top of the bong which helped cooling a little. All in all it has been a frustrating but fun project, and I ain't giving up till I get ambient/sub temps. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Today I ordered that Easy Mister Rudster posted a link to on page five. May not do any good but I am gonna confirm or eliminate it as a possibilty in the quest to get it a little bit colder lol. Sorry for the book, but this is several minor updates in one.
P.S. I don't know how the pics landed in the middle of the message. The curser was blinking below the text. Oh well, pretty much how this whole project has gone heh.
post edited by cade121 - 2010/03/08 21:08:12