Got a bit of a weird problem here, I've tried a lot of the common remedies online, none of which seem to be working.
I have my monitor set to turn off after 15 minutes, all worked wonderfully until some recent Windows updates. For testing I set it to turn off after 1 minute. It would turn off, then sometimes turn right back on after a few seconds, or it would stay off for 20 or so minutes and then turn back on.
I have Wake on Lan disabled, wake timers disabled, disabled the ability for my mouse and keyboard to wake the PC, disabled wake in the Update Orchestrator/ Reboot in Task Scheduler and disabled Automatic Maintainence from waking the computer.
Typing Powercfg -Requests, Powercfg /Devicequery wake_armed shows nothing should be waking the computer. Typing powercfg -lastwake doesn't show the reason for what woke the computer either.
It doesn't seem like anything should be turning the monitor back on, the only thing thats remotely *possible* is when I type powercfg -waketimers and it shows the "Maintainence activator" but that shouldn't be waking my computer constantly and I have that set to not wake my PC when it needs to perform maintenance. I don't think I want to turn off automatic maintenance either.
Any ideas on what could be causing the monitor to turn back on?
Thank you
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