Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link

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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/05 22:56:42 (permalink)
Arbitrary numbers to prevent throttle... The card will never pull more power than it needs. The old ftw is 170/187, while the ftw+ is 201/232. During intense benchmarks the card pulls 108%-118% of the power limit.  232*108%=250 watts/232*117.8%=273 watts. As I stated, the card will never really pull 348 watts thanks to the shunt resistors (hardware limitations). The card's eight pin is set to 162/180 in the factory firmware.  If the 8 pin only supports 150 watts, why would the factory deem it safe to do so? I have yet to see any perfcap other than utilization. Increasing the temp target,  increasing tdp,  setting voltage to a static value predetermined in the firmware (1.281v, also set as the max in the stock firmware) , disabling boost 2.0 effectively eliminate perfcaps. The way my custom firmware is set, the clock speeds are constant at 1506.5/8000 mhz during any benchmark and game without throttling or perfcaps.  Upon exiting the game,  speeds return to idle,  135/405 mhz. As for the vrms...my card runs at 21c idle and 47-53c at 100% gaming load (also real world, 24/7/365 temps) on air cooling since I modded the fan speeds in the firmware as well. Temps sometimes reach high 50's to low 60's, depending on the benchmark. I'm not trying to be argumentative,  but I've been doing this for a long time and have yet to fry any card due to firmware modification. I have also modified firmware for other users that have yet to have issues, unless they were caused by user error on their part. See screens below, no throttling or perfcaps (pwr, vop, vrel, or thermal) whatsoever. 

FF XIII @ 4k

Arkham Knight 1080p
Feel free to take a look at the firmware currently flashed to my FTW+:
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/02/06 00:44:23

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Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/06 04:19:17 (permalink)
Well you seem to know what you are doing :) just trying to help to get the best without frying anything.
And do not forget... 850w is the safe sum of all loads on your psu. You should check how much you can get in each rail. As i said, the standard is 75w from 6 pin and 150w from 8pin.
It's not like a 850w pool that's shared between all connectors.
And if It is that Corsair CX from the signature id be cautious because is a low tier psu.
My regards!
post edited by henrique33 - 2016/02/06 04:24:08
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/06 10:29:17 (permalink)
Oh... Alright is a ftw+. But it remains way above spec. I would not go over 75w on the 6 pin or 150w on the 8 pin
Anything above that you are out of spec, wich is dangerous. Your max power draw shal not exceed 300w on the ftw+. Wich already is way more than the 970 needs.

*Needs?  At stock clocks or a mild overclock, maybe.  But not when you're pushing them hard.  In the end, before I sold my 970s, they were each pulling 320 watts.  Anything less than that on the power target, and they'd power limit throttle.  I would say that would be subjective to volts, core and memory clocks, and even ASIC quality.
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 09:16:00 (permalink)
Has this been tested on a EVGA 970 FTW + , I'm new to all this so can someone also tell me where I should start if I want to mod my bios (or do i even need to) I have been having trouble playing games and after a little while I'll get a gray screen or sometimes just black ( I can hear the game ) and eventually the Nvidia drivers will crash and recover itself.  I have not done any overclocking to it so just trying to understand where my problem is at. 
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 10:19:13 (permalink)
yeah its fixed on the 970 ftw +. You just need to change the power limit to 232000/250000. Its originally 201000/232000. No power perfcap after that.

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 11:06:31 (permalink)
yeah its fixed on the 970 ftw +. You just need to change the power limit to 232000/250000. Its originally 201000/232000. No power perfcap after that.

Would you mind helping me get this started, havent done this type of OCing in a while.  I looked at the first post but do not see a link to the download.
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 11:34:25 (permalink)
there are 3 different bios revisions of the 970 ftw+. make sure you download the right one for your card.


Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 11:50:40 (permalink)
ok so I have the 04G-P4-3978-KR version, so i could use any one of this below, what are the difference in each one?
3978-KR_970_FTW_Plus_1507_8000_1.281v_300w_84. (136k. zip file) Thanks swddeluxx
3978-KR_970_FTW_Plus_1507_8000_1.281v_300w_84. (136k. zip file) Thanks FPSkillerPC
3978-KR_970_FTW_Plus_1507_8000_1.281v_300v_84. (136k. zip file)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 11:58:29 (permalink)
you have to extract your stock bios with gpu-z first. open it with maxwell bios II tweaker 1.36. Look in the upper right for the number that starts with 84.04.xx.00.xx. IF your stock bios matches one of those, you're good and you can flash. BUT, if you dont find a match, i have to manually edit it for you. :)

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 12:01:22 (permalink)
you have to extract your stock bios with gpu-z first. open it with maxwell bios II tweaker 1.36. Look in the upper right for the number that starts with 84.04.xx.00.xx. IF your stock bios matches one of those, you're good and you can flash. BUT, if you dont find a match, i have to manually edit it for you. :)

Hey Death I sent you a PM on overclock.net website, couldnt PM you here cause of my new status.  
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 17:22:59 (permalink)
Hey Death,
So I found a tutorial on how to flash the bios and have downloaded your ROM from your thread. eVGA_GTX_970_FTWplus_3978-KR_1506.5_8000_1.281v_357w_84.04.3.zip (136k. zip file)  Brought to you by Laithan and DeathAngel74
My question is, do I just copy each setting step by step from the BIOS I opened (which I listed above) to my STOCK Bios (and do a SAVE AS)?
Also the version on my stock bios shows and the one that I am copying the settings from the version is, is it ok to proceed and copy those settings?
Do I need to change the BIOS switch on my card as well or leave it as is (which is towards the far left under number 3)
post edited by NyCShadow - 2016/02/26 17:25:51
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 19:06:00 (permalink)
this is the one you need
and yes flip the switch to the right and keep the original in a safe place
triple check the revision date and bios number before flashing directly. no need to copy settings. 
Date: 01/08/2015
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/02/26 20:28:52

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 19:17:11 (permalink)
Proceed with caution. you have been warned( have to give disclaimer  )
disable gpu in device manager
cd c:/nvflash
nvflash --protectoff
nvflash --index=0 -6 romname.rom
y, to confirm
let it do its thing
re-enable gpu in device manager
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/02/26 19:19:22

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 20:29:35 (permalink)
I need to adjust some settings, don't flash just yet. I'll post in a bit.

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 20:53:44 (permalink)

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 22:04:09 (permalink)
Ok let me check it out, can you add me on steam when you get a chance it'd be easier to ask you questions regarding it.  
So I take the ROM you linked me to and copy that to my stock ROM (i have a copy of the stocked rom from my video card backed up already on a flash drive).  Basically copy the settings for each tab one by one?  The one on the left is my stock and the one on the right is yours you provided for me.

post edited by NyCShadow - 2016/02/26 22:15:33

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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/02/26 22:41:32 (permalink)
no you flash it directly. its for your card. i modded it for you already

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/03/01 14:35:09 (permalink)
hello are you upload bios for this model ?? 04G-P4-3978-KR
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/03/02 02:09:14 (permalink)
Is this for the FTW 970  or the newer FTW+ version. ^_^ I've never noticed bios switches on my card, maybe I should check? :/

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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/03/02 08:14:49 (permalink)
Is this for the FTW 970  or the newer FTW+ version. ^_^ I've never noticed bios switches on my card, maybe I should check? :/

Every Maxwell card out there, would benefit from increased power limits.  Every.single.one.
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/04/05 22:44:20 (permalink)
This bios works on the 04G-P4-3975-KR any one knows? 970 SSC ACX 2.0+
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/04/05 22:46:50 (permalink)
I don't remember, but I believe it's for the FTW+ 2.0+

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/01 11:46:26 (permalink)
Can confirm not working on EVGA GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0 (not +) Model #: 04G-P4-3979-KB
and yes I did flash correctly as I tried a different modded bios and it was successful (given the other one i tried it was intended for SSC)
Also, just wondering if maybe you could make a custom one for the SSC as I am having issues with the GPU utilization or at least a guide on how to do so 
post edited by Jrxelite203 - 2016/05/01 11:48:51
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/01 11:48:53 (permalink)

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/01 12:01:38 (permalink)
Didn't expect the fast response. Thanks! Just posted it
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/01 12:03:38 (permalink)
Out in Hollister, will look tonight. Look at the first post that I linked. There are 2 mod firmwares for the 3979-kb there. Just make sure you backup your original and the mod matches your fw version.
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/05/01 12:26:45

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/24 19:54:38 (permalink)
Bit of a necro but I just bought a FTW thinking I was buying a premium card, yeah my fault for not researching properly. Anyway what a potato this card is, I've tried many different BIOS versions that I've found here and on other forums and finally got it somewhat stable at 1480mhz without throttling in games....it still throttles in Firestrike though. The card won't do 1500 even with 1.275v.
Why market a card as something "higher end" and "FTW"when it's power limited like crazy and a total dud overclocking chip? I thought they would be binned.
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Re: Modded BIOS to fix 970 FTW severe throttling issues w/ link 2016/05/24 22:10:42 (permalink)
Unless I'm wrong, the only binned eVGA cards are the K|NGP|IN's. Everyone else gets to play ASIC roulette. If its not too late return the FTW and get the FTW+. Updated components, PCB and more consistent power...no more power throttling.

Carnage specs:
Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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