vainpop1317thanks for the help guys, this is my first 1080ti ftw3 and i come from GTX 580, wow this gpu got smarter from what i use to have lol any more info about this would be great guys thank you.
vainpop1317Guys i didn't want to make another thread but i notice on my new 1080ti ftw3 there is a temper sticker on the top, i was thinking of changing the thermal paste to a better one.
Sajinvainpop1317Guys i didn't want to make another thread but i notice on my new 1080ti ftw3 there is a temper sticker on the top, i was thinking of changing the thermal paste to a better one.Breaking the seal on the sticker that says evga all over it won't void the warranty.
vainpop1317ok another thing, how come i see people using heaven benchmark instead of valley since valley is newer???