Helpful ReplyHelp on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard)

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2011/07/02 10:11:52 (permalink)
Hello I am new to this overclocking thing and I would appreciate if someone could guide me on how to successfully overclock this new customized PC I made. I would appreciate the help.
If you can tell me step by step on how to overclock this I would appreciate that.
post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/10 17:08:11
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 11:56:39 (permalink) ☄ Helpful
Hi Stepheno welcome to the forum.
Well we wish it were all that simple. It really depends on how far you want to go with the OC.
And you didn't say what your CPU cooler was so I have to assume you have the stock Intel cooler. Unfortunately you can not OC far at all with that, even the simple "Dummy OC" will prob cause way too much heat for that. Please repost with your cooler model, and what is your goal: An easy low OC or a max OC to the brink. If you need help selecting a cooler plz ask, don't go off and buy one you think is good before asking.
And if you are not wanting the simple "Dummy OC" you need to read the OC guides listed here:
X58 STICKY INDEX to include overclocking/troubleshooting guides
yes I mean ALL of the ones related to OC. It is just too complicated to step you though it on a thread like this unless you know what you are doing. And you need to start by downloading LinX:
Even if you think you already have it, you may not have this year's binaries, that link has them. It is not the LinX version#, binaries are separate.
You need a good temperature utility that captures maximum like RealTemp:
you need to use the "GT" version for 6 core CPUs,
and it is recommended you also use Prime95 as a secondary test to LinX.
You should also have E-Leet or CPU-Z installed for more info.
Then if you are still serious about OC, then you need to post all your current BIOS settings:
Bios Template for X-58 and Classified
or you can post your BIOS pics if you prefer; but if you use the template plz say "auto" if set "auto."
post edited by HalloweenWeed - 2011/07/02 12:05:56

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 12:45:58 (permalink)
I have the stock Intel cooler that came with the Intel 990x Extreme. If I am able to overclock for now using 'Dummy OC' and then switch to 'OC to the brink' in the future then i'd love to go with this routine.
I have saved both the LinX and the temperature ulility to the PC.
Should I post the template thing on this thread or the thread you provided?
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 12:56:15 (permalink)

Should I post the template thing on this thread or the thread you provided?

On this thread.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 13:03:14 (permalink) ☄ Helpful
I'm afraid your temperatures will climb too high if you just use "Dummy OC." But with your CPU, you can do a quick and simple OC with just the core speed multiplier but we need to make sure your mem settings are correct first. Is this a new system (or new memory)? Have you ran Memtest86+ V4.x for at least one pass, completely error-free? Don't do that until we make sure your BIOS mem settings are correct first.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 13:18:38 (permalink)
Ok I was about to post the template but just receieved your second messege about that it will be too hot unless I bought a cooler.
For now i'm interested in the quick and simple OC with just the core speed multiplier.
Yes this is a new system and new memory.
I have not run Memtest86+ V4.x for at least one pass yet.
I'm assuming that link you just provided is the link I will need to click on to run Memtest86+ V4.x for at least one pass, completely error-free and to make sure my BIOS mem settings are correct. I will click on that link right now to do it. 
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 13:24:20 (permalink)
Ok I went to the http://www.memtest.org/ site and there is a Memtest86+ V4.20, Memtest86+ V4.1, and Memtest+ V4
I am not sure which one I should click on to be exact.
And should I download from Pre-built & ISOS section or from Source Code section?
post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/02 13:27:17
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 13:43:02 (permalink)

Ok I went to the http://www.memtest.org/ site and there is a Memtest86+ V4.20, Memtest86+ V4.1, and Memtest+ V4
I am not sure which one I should click on to be exact.
And should I download from Pre-built & ISOS section or from Source Code section?

The latest, that is 4.20. Use the ISO, the "source code" is only for programmers. Then use a CD burning utility such as Roxio or Nero or UltraISO, or you can try the native Windows 7 burning utility if you prefer. Don't just copy the file to a CD, you must burn the CD image into the CD; then adjust your BIOS to boot from CD. But if you have incorrect BIOS settings the test will be moot. You should still post your settings first so we can make sure they're OK. For instance, you cannot use "XMP memory profile" for OCing.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 15:18:44 (permalink)
I'm going to buy a rewritable CD to do it.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 16:12:12 (permalink)

I'm going to buy a rewritable CD to do it.

Oh, I don't think that is a good idea. I think when you write the image, it will "close" the CD for writing, and you won't be able to write on it any more; but I am unsure. Does anyone else know whether or not this is true? We are talking about the Memtest CD. Maybe it will just close it until you reformat the CD, IDK. I will try it, but later, I have to prepare dinner now.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 16:18:59 (permalink)
Oh ok then i'm getting a regular blank Recordable one.
post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/02 18:04:08
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 18:31:34 (permalink)
OK I just tried it, and it worked fine. Yes, you can use a RW (rewritable) disc. And even DVD-RW works. Srry for the confusion.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 19:11:49 (permalink)
Ok i'll use this CD-R. I will burn the ISO (.zip) file and burn the image onto the CD-R.
post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/02 19:33:32
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 19:32:17 (permalink)
I just finished burning the Image onto the CD-R with a windows disc burner utility.
How would I adjust BIOS to boot from CD I did not get that part.
"But if you have incorrect BIOS settings the test will be moot. You should still post your settings first so we can make sure they're OK. For instance, you cannot use "XMP memory profile" for OCing."
So what do you mean by this paragraph sorry I could not understand.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 19:33:31 (permalink) ☄ Helpful

How would I adjust BIOS to boot from CD I did not get that part.
"But if you have incorrect BIOS settings the test will be moot. You should still post your settings first so we can make sure they're OK. For instance, you cannot use "XMP memory profile" for OCing."
So what do you mean by this paragraph sorry I could not understand. 

Go into BIOS, set boot priority to CDROM first (you must also have CDROM priority set to your drive), then your hard drives.
I mean you should still post your BIOS template (settings) so we can set them correctly before you run Memtest.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 19:36:31 (permalink)
Ok i'll post the BIOS template settings right now.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 21:00:54 (permalink)
If you see when it says (Auto) (Number) then it's because it shows two things together in the BIOS Setup Screen.
I have some questions on a few of these as I do not know where some are located.
Mother Board ( EVGA X58 Classified 3 )
Drivers ( Where do I find this? )
Bios ( Where do I find this? )
CPU ( 990X Extreme ) ( What is this number? )
CPU Cooler ( Intel Stock )
Memory ( G.Skill Tri-Channel Memory CL 9 9 9 9 24 1.5v 4096MB x 6 )
PSU ( Corsair HX1000W )
GPU ( 1 GeForce GTX460 Graphics Card )
Drivers ( Where do I find this? )
Operating System ( Windows 7 64 Home Premium )

Frequency Control
CPU Clock Ratio ( 26 X )
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz)Auto )
MCH Strap ( Auto )
CPU Uncore Frequency (Mhz) ( Auto )
CPU Clock Skew ( 0 ps )
Spread Spectrum ( Disabled )
PCIE Frequency (Mhz) ( 100 )

Memory Feature
Memory Speed ( Standard )
Memory Control Setting ( Enabled )
Memory FrequencyAuto )
Channel Interleave Setting ( 6 Way ) Current: 2T
Rank Interleave Setting ( 4 Way )
Memory Low Gap ( Auto )
tCL Setting ( 7273 )
tRCD Setting ( 9 )
tRP Setting ( 9 )
tRAS Setting ( 24 )
tRFC Setting ( Setting: Auto ) (Current: 107)
Command Rate ( Setting: Auto) (Current: 2T)
tRL ( +0 )

Voltage Control
EVGA VDroop Control ( With VDroop )
CPU VCore ( Auto ) (1.24375V)
CPU VTT Voltage ( Auto ) (+0mv)
CPU PLL VCore ( Auto ) (1.800V)
**IOH PLL VCore ( Auto ) (1.800V)
DIMM Voltage ( 1.500V )
DIMM DQ Vref ( +0mV )
QPI PLL VCore ( Auto ) (1.100V)
IOH VCore ( Auto ) (1.100V)
IOH/ICH I/O Voltage ( Auto ) (1.500V)
ICH VCore ( Auto ) (1.100V)
**BR04 ( NF200) Voltage ( Where is this located? ) (only on E-759 or 762)
**VTT PWM Frequency ( 250 KHz )
**CPU PWM Frequency ( 800 KHZ )
**CPU Impedance ( Auto )
**QPI Signal Compensation ( Auto ) not used in BIOS 59

CPU Feature
Intel SpeedStep ( Enabled )
Turbo Mode Function ( Enabled )
CxE Function ( Disabled )
Execute Disable Bit ( Enabled )
Virtualization Technology ( Disabled )
Intel HT Technology ( Enabled )
Active Processor Cores ( All )

QPI Control Settings ( Enabled )
QPI Link Fast Mode ( Enabled )
QPI Frequency Selection ( Auto )
OC Recovery ( Disabled )
Turbo Performance ( Disabled )

PnP/PCI PCI Express
Maximum Payload Size ( 4096

Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type ( S1 (POS) )
HPET Support ( Enabled )
HPET Mode ( 32-bit mode )

post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/02 21:37:11
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 21:27:53 (permalink)
You haven't told me the speed of your memory. We need this to calculate the mem multiplier. Other than that, I see no important changes that need to be made in your BIOS settings, but you would get better performance if you raised "max payload" to the max, 4096.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 21:32:14 (permalink)
Ok I raised the Maximum Payload Size to 4096 just now. Do you know where do I find the speed of my memory?
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 21:48:15 (permalink) ☄ Helpful
It's the number right after "DDR3". Or PC3 12800 is same as DDR3 1600 (the most common speed on this forum).

BIOS settings: You do need to set your "Memory freq." to 2:12 for DDR3 1600, or 2:14 for 1866 or faster mem. We will call this mem multiplier. Also enable "OC Recovery".

Here's the routine, do this at stock speed first, after you have ran Memtest overnight with no errors:
  1. Start RealTemp GT.
  2. Start E-leet or CPU-Z. Go to monitoring tab.
  3. Start LinX. Make sure you can see all these at once on your desktop.
  4. Set LinX to 36,000 Problem Size (36K PS). Set for 5 passes.
  5. Wait 3-5 minutes after boot for best most repeatable results (not absolutely necessary)
  6. Click start and watch the max core temps on RealTemp. Stop LinX if they get over 90*C. Watch Vreg temp, again stop if it gets over 90*C.
  7. If it passes without stopping on error, nor BSOD, nor lockup, then you are good, note the peak temps.
  8. If your temperatures were good enough, a.k.a well below 90*C, then exit Windows using restart and set a higher multiplier (one at a time) for CPU clock ratio ("CPU multi."). Do not use E-Leet to change this (IDK if you even can).
  9. Save the BIOS changes, boot to Windows, and start over at step 1.

If you have BSOD or lockup then back the multi back down to the stable point. After you reach the point where you cannot go higher, run LinX 25 passes (overnight), and then the next night run P95 for at least 8 hrs. in "Blend" mode, no workers can stop in order to pass. Then you have certified your OC stable. GL.
post edited by HalloweenWeed - 2011/07/02 22:07:03

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:03:59 (permalink)
Ok that was a great routine you showed me. I will do that routine. My question is do I run that CD-R before or after the routine and would I ever need to use that CD-R again after I run it. And would this be considered 'Dummy OC' or 'quick and simple OC with just the core speed multiplier'
post edited by Steph1 - 2011/07/02 22:07:56
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:06:30 (permalink)
That's Memtest, must boot to CD to run that (do not use Windows Memtest). I highlighted that above for you.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:10:07 (permalink)
I'm assuming this is 'quick and simple OC with just the core speed multiplier' and not 'Dummy OC'
Thanks for the help man sorry that it took this long to finish.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:12:20 (permalink)
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, RealTemp has an alarm setting. If you set it, it will make a sound similar to Star Trek (orig.) red alert when it gets to that temp or over. But of course you need your speakers turned on and loud enough to hear it. And it won't work if the computer is hung or BSOD so don't rely on it completely.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:13:36 (permalink)

I'm assuming this is 'quick and simple OC with just the core speed multiplier' and not 'Dummy OC'
Thanks for the help man sorry that it took this long to finish.

Yeah I'm afraid the "Dummy OC" will be too much for your stock cooler. Better to do it like this.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:16:07 (permalink)
One day I will do the Dummy OC and the OC to the brink/max and right now i'm going to save all the information with that template to use for the future.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:18:18 (permalink)
If you should decide to get a better CPU cooler (copy and pasted from previous):
Air cooling: Simple (relatively), reliable as the fans are, which can be monitored, and safe for electronics.
Phase Change is very complicated, all the cold stuff has to be carefully insulated or you get condensation that can short-out electrical components. It is also very expensive and is the only way to go if you want the highest OC in competition.
Water has the obvious danger. Only ppls who are good at it should do this, and those who can afford the mistakes. And I have heard of many ppls W/H50s complain about the fan noise, and heard a few comparisons to the Megahalems that said the H50 is no cooler than the Mega. The new H70 is only slightly better. Also, WC is a PITA in maintenance, you usually need to drain and refill the entire system every 6mos!
Anything but air is also a major PITA when it comes time to upgrade components, or troubleshoot a problem.
From what I have seen, I think many ppls who run WC do so for the show. It looks like a vanity thing. Except those who just have to have ~5GHz, and isn't that a vanity thing too?
Ppls here say Noctua NH-D14, Prolimatech SuperMega or Megahalems, or Thermalright Venomous X is best air cooling. I have heard that at high OC the NH-D14 is superior. If I had known this, I would have got it instead of my Mega. However, there is only little difference. The Thermalright Venomous X is better if you have tall memory installed, with the Prolimatech Armageddon in a very close second place.

But whatever you get, make sure your case is roomy enough for it, and make sure you memory is not too tall to interfere with it.

Here is a review that gives quite a bit of info on the Prolimatech Megahalems, I think it was before the "rev. B", and it now includes clips for two fans.

The Supermega is just a Megahalems with some copper fins, and gets slightly better performance.
Then we would need to talk about TIM (Thermal Interface Material a.k.a. thermal paste) application methods so you don't do it wrong.

Main (gaming) rig: i7-3930K; Asus Rampage IV Extreme; H100 W/p-p Excaliburs, AS5; MSI 7870 2GD5/OC; Crucial M4 SSD 256GB.
See my primary ModsRigs: Adam for the rest, and I have a second (wife's) rig Asus Rampage III Extreme & 960: Eve.

Overclocking is useless to me if it is not rock stable.
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:25:46 (permalink)
Oh ok so when I get a cooler I should get one of those 4 that you mention and is that paste you mention better than Artic Silver?
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 22:28:03 (permalink)
And Phase Change is the very best type of cooler but very complicated I see
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Re:Help on how to overclock this please someone (EVGA X58 Classified 3 Motherboard) 2011/07/02 23:25:41 (permalink)
This is probably my last question and it's if it's really neccesary to run 3 things one every night for 3 nights and why I can't just run all 3 things one after the other in the same day? I was just wondering what would happen.
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