Gtx 1080 SC bought from EVGA caught on fire!

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Re: Gtx 1080 SC bought from EVGA caught on fire! 2018/07/25 23:28:40 (permalink)
it does seem that some countries require a new device be given and not a reworked/repaired unit BUT they have to get it from the place they got for the card ie a local store.
it can not be easy doing world wide sales and support.
How to over hype a blown fuse.
The Fuse  in my non-EVGA power supply some how got so HOT in the little glass tube that the metal EXPLODED and melted and covered the inside of  that fuse. The fuse was fully intact but if I have my finger on it I could have been BURNED.

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Re: Gtx 1080 SC bought from EVGA caught on fire! 2018/07/27 01:53:57 (permalink)
The Fuse  in my non-EVGA power supply some how got so HOT in the little glass tube that the metal EXPLODED and melted and covered the inside of  that fuse. The fuse was fully intact but if I have my finger on it I could have been BURNED.

[sarcasm] I place my finger on my PSU fuse all the time. I think that it is fun to risk electric shock.[/sarcasm]
What an outlandish point you are trying to make!

ASRock Z77 • Intel Core i7 3770K • EVGA GTX 1080 • Samsung 850 Pro • Seasonic PRIME 600W Titanium

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Re: Gtx 1080 SC bought from EVGA caught on fire! 2018/07/27 07:32:19 (permalink)
The Fuse  in my non-EVGA power supply some how got so HOT in the little glass tube that the metal EXPLODED and melted and covered the inside of  that fuse. The fuse was fully intact but if I have my finger on it I could have been BURNED.

[sarcasm] I place my finger on my PSU fuse all the time. I think that it is fun to risk electric shock.[/sarcasm]
What an outlandish point you are trying to make!

But, isn't that how you check if something is too hot, putting your finger on it? /jk
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