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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 09:40:16
Dukman I've been sidetracked the last week. I've been delving into the depths of the mines near Torchlight. And I just don't understand all these hostile relationships that Zuhl keeps pursuing.
I'm just playing hard to get. These settlers constantly revolting and getting hostile is getting on my nerves. I am the General of the Minutemen after all and I demand the respect that goes with my title. Rank has its privilege after all. My Minutemen are expanding their territory. They have expanded from the Checkpoint NW of Cambride PD to the wrecked house that the Scavs and Raiders used to control. They were battling some Raiders when I came along and dispatched a few Raiders for them. I idn't lose a single Minuteman in the skirmish. The Settler uprising at Coastal Cottage started when I was firing on 3 Super Mutants several weeks ago and somehow I got blamed for the death of a Brahmin. I should have looked the other way and let them Super Mutants thin the 'herd' before I did anything to help. I saved some white haired old wench who started bawling "Aww, he died" about her stupid cow. There were plenty of other Brahmin on the roofs and nesting in the trees near by so IDK why that one was so important. The next thing I know I am getting 'plinked' with rounds from her Pipe Pistol and then everyone else joined right in. I kept trying to walk away but they insisted on following me. After a point I just got mad and when I was done only ADA was left. Population is back up to 34 which is more than I had before I quelled the uprising. I had to build a new shack for some new beds and they were all happy and content when I left. Covenent is only at a population of 2 but it's a start. I gotta be careful using Explosive Weapons as the splash damage tends to get the friendlies a tad upset. Right now I am just getting into the Vault 88 quests and for the most part I am not liking the Ghoul Overseer and her experiments. I might as well see where this goes before I get rid of her too. Yes, she can be killed. I accidentally wasted her while I was being attacked by other Ghould workers left over from the original project. She, the Overseer' told me I might just as well put them out of their misery so I obliged her. I had to load a 'saved' point to restart that mission.
post edited by Zuhl3156 - 2016/07/31 09:42:21
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 10:44:37
Dukman I've been sidetracked the last week. I've been delving into the depths of the mines near Torchlight. And I just don't understand all these hostile relationships that Zuhl keeps pursuing.
I'm just playing hard to get.  These settlers constantly revolting and getting hostile is getting on my nerves. I am the General of the Minutemen after all and I demand the respect that goes with my title. Rank has its privilege after all. My Minutemen are expanding their territory. They have expanded from the Checkpoint NW of Cambride PD to the wrecked house that the Scavs and Raiders used to control. They were battling some Raiders when I came along and dispatched a few Raiders for them. I idn't lose a single Minuteman in the skirmish. The Settler uprising at Coastal Cottage started when I was firing on 3 Super Mutants several weeks ago and somehow I got blamed for the death of a Brahmin. I should have looked the other way and let them Super Mutants thin the 'herd' before I did anything to help. I saved some white haired old wench who started bawling "Aww, he died" about her stupid cow. There were plenty of other Brahmin on the roofs and nesting in the trees near by so IDK why that one was so important. The next thing I know I am getting 'plinked' with rounds from her Pipe Pistol and then everyone else joined right in. I kept trying to walk away but they insisted on following me. After a point I just got mad and when I was done only ADA was left. Population is back up to 34 which is more than I had before I quelled the uprising. I had to build a new shack for some new beds and they were all happy and content when I left. Covenent is only at a population of 2 but it's a start. I gotta be careful using Explosive Weapons as the splash damage tends to get the friendlies a tad upset. Right now I am just getting into the Vault 88 quests and for the most part I am not liking the Ghoul Overseer and her experiments. I might as well see where this goes before I get rid of her too. Yes, she can be killed. I accidentally wasted her while I was being attacked by other Ghould workers left over from the original project. She, the Overseer' told me I might just as well put them out of their misery so I obliged her. I had to load a 'saved' point to restart that mission.
I had an entire settlement attack me also. Cait and I were in a small fire fight on one side of the settlement with a couple of raiders when the defensive missiles on the other side of the settlement started engaging an enemy. So we ran to that side, observed where the missiles were being placed and started the attack. Gunners were the hostiles so I used my number 2 (exploding shotgun) and returned fire. Then the settlement got involved and we took them out. Then they attacked me. At least the settlement defenses didn't engage us. I looted the Gunner bodies and immediately left. A few in game hours I went back to the settlement and all was good. I think it was the exploding combat shotgun's collateral damage ability that did it. That check point that your Minute Men are guarding is being guarded by the BOS for me. No request for help banner from them yet.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 10:48:25
Yeah, waiting for a few game days will calm them down. I had to run from Diamond City for some reason and 3 days later it was back to normal. I just had to put my foot down and let those uppity Settlers know who is boss around here. Besides, it was fun!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 11:54:31
I guess I am not far enough along in the story to be having all of this stuff happening. While I do see Minutemen roving about here and there (and for some strange reason coming under attack from my settlers), I havent had any checkpoints or anything like that set up.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 12:09:39
Most of my Checkpoints are setup near wrecked military vehicles. I am at level 150 and already blew up The Institute with the Minutemen. The BOS are never going to let me live that down. Every time we cross paths all I get is "The next time you're planning a party it would be nice to invite your brothers" while others groan about how "It makes me nervous with the Minutemen having that much firepower". They don't know it yet but their days are numbered. Mwuhahahaha!!!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 12:13:51
Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 12:25:39
Dukman Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
I've nailed a few with a bolt of electricity from my Tesla Rifle but normally the Super Mutants make short work of those Vertibirds. I rarely get one or two shots off with either a Gauss Rifle or Tesla Rifle before it goes down in flames. I think the Super Mutants are peppering them with Mini-Guns and Rockets. Two minutes after they show up they are spinning out of control and land with a nice SPLAT!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 18:56:36
Zuhl3156 Yeah, waiting for a few game days will calm them down. I had to run from Diamond City for some reason and 3 days later it was back to normal. I just had to put my foot down and let those uppity Settlers know who is boss around here. Besides, it was fun!
Now you're talking!!!! You let them know who's boss. Tell them that you're no longer a push over....well, unless of course there is romance involved. There's a couple of guards in Diamond City that think they are tough until I get in their face. They back down and walk (quickly) away.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 18:56:51
Having rid the village of Torchlight of it's troubles, I am now back in the Commonwealth. And I got invited to the show "Pimp My Armor"
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:03:16
Dukman I guess I am not far enough along in the story to be having all of this stuff happening. While I do see Minutemen roving about here and there (and for some strange reason coming under attack from my settlers), I havent had any checkpoints or anything like that set up.
I'm only at level 86. I do have some story left on both the main land and the island. No Minute Men check points for me but I do have what appears to be a BOS check point where Zuhl has his Minute Men check point.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:07:55
Zuhl3156 Most of my Checkpoints are setup near wrecked military vehicles. I am at level 150 and already blew up The Institute with the Minutemen. The BOS are never going to let me live that down. Every time we cross paths all I get is "The next time you're planning a party it would be nice to invite your brothers" while others groan about how "It makes me nervous with the Minutemen having that much firepower". They don't know it yet but their days are numbered. Mwuhahahaha!!!
Now that's funny. Let me know when you're going to war with the BOS as I think you won't truly destroy them all. But you may make the Gunners happy and decide to team with the BOS.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:10:54
Dukman Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
Their pilots are so weak and stupid. You could fart and light it on fire and that would bring those birds down.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:12:56
Dukman Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
I've nailed a few with a bolt of electricity from my Tesla Rifle but normally the Super Mutants make short work of those Vertibirds. I rarely get one or two shots off with either a Gauss Rifle or Tesla Rifle before it goes down in flames. I think the Super Mutants are peppering them with Mini-Guns and Rockets. Two minutes after they show up they are spinning out of control and land with a nice SPLAT!
The assault rifle will bring them down fast. Shoot the engines. BOOM!!!!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:17:20
Dukman Having rid the village of Torchlight of it's troubles, I am now back in the Commonwealth. And I got invited to the show "Pimp My Armor"

Where's this village Torchlight that you speak of? Congrats on the invite Ducky!!!!!!!! Your "Ladies" may not like it though.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/31 19:50:44
whiskers54 Where's this village Torchlight that you speak of? Congrats on the invite Ducky!!!!!!!! Your "Ladies" may not like it though. 
Way off in some distant hills next to the ember mines. Basically I needed a break from FO4 so I spent the week clicking away at the game Torchlight. Well, since I don't ask (or care) if the ladies like it or not, I'm not too worried. Besides, I got the pink set in the corner for them.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/02 06:44:08
Dukman Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
I've nailed a few with a bolt of electricity from my Tesla Rifle but normally the Super Mutants make short work of those Vertibirds. I rarely get one or two shots off with either a Gauss Rifle or Tesla Rifle before it goes down in flames. I think the Super Mutants are peppering them with Mini-Guns and Rockets. Two minutes after they show up they are spinning out of control and land with a nice SPLAT!
The assault rifle will bring them down fast. Shoot the engines. BOOM!!!!
I got an Exposive Assault Rifle somewhere but it just deosn't seem to cause much damage. Now the Exposive Shotgun is a different story. I have taken out 4 Raiders and 3 robots with a single blast. I like my Plasma weapons too especially my Overpowered Recon Plasma Sniper Rifle.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/02 17:18:44
whiskers54 Where's this village Torchlight that you speak of? Congrats on the invite Ducky!!!!!!!! Your "Ladies" may not like it though. 
Way off in some distant hills next to the ember mines. Basically I needed a break from FO4 so I spent the week clicking away at the game Torchlight. Well, since I don't ask (or care) if the ladies like it or not, I'm not too worried. Besides, I got the pink set in the corner for them.
You're such a Gentleman.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/02 17:25:23
Dukman Screw the BOS. They annoy me. I've lost count of the Vertibirds I've shot down because they keep showing up when Im trying to get through an area with little or no fuss.
I've nailed a few with a bolt of electricity from my Tesla Rifle but normally the Super Mutants make short work of those Vertibirds. I rarely get one or two shots off with either a Gauss Rifle or Tesla Rifle before it goes down in flames. I think the Super Mutants are peppering them with Mini-Guns and Rockets. Two minutes after they show up they are spinning out of control and land with a nice SPLAT!
The assault rifle will bring them down fast. Shoot the engines. BOOM!!!!
I got an Exposive Assault Rifle somewhere but it just deosn't seem to cause much damage. Now the Exposive Shotgun is a different story. I have taken out 4 Raiders and 3 robots with a single blast. I like my Plasma weapons too especially my Overpowered Recon Plasma Sniper Rifle.
The Explosive shotgun is the way to go. You sure know how to rain on my parade. I thought I was doing great taking out 2 at a distance and they were separate also with only one shot from the Exploding shotgun. For some reason the beam weapons aren't doing it for me like the assault weapon and the Exploding shotgun.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/03 04:52:50
whiskers54 The Explosive shotgun is the way to go. You sure know how to rain on my parade. I thought I was doing great taking out 2 at a distance and they were separate also with only one shot from the Exploding shotgun.  For some reason the beam weapons aren't doing it for me like the assault weapon and the Exploding shotgun.
There's an archway down the street from that Cambridge PD across the street from the Fraternal Post 115. The Raiders and some robots gather inside that arch. Sneak up from either entrance and you can tale them all out with a single blast. Cait will jump for joy and remind you to share everything you find and then you loot them. Come back later and they'll have more loot on them. At times I can loot the same corpses all day long.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/05 03:34:55
There's an archway down the street from that Cambridge PD across the street from the Fraternal Post 115. The Raiders and some robots gather inside that arch. Sneak up from either entrance and you can tale them all out with a single blast. Cait will jump for joy and remind you to share everything you find and then you loot them. Come back later and they'll have more loot on them. At times I can loot the same corpses all day long.
I'll check that out this weekend. What's your opinion of the latest DLC?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/05 04:49:10
There's an archway down the street from that Cambridge PD across the street from the Fraternal Post 115. The Raiders and some robots gather inside that arch. Sneak up from either entrance and you can tale them all out with a single blast. Cait will jump for joy and remind you to share everything you find and then you loot them. Come back later and they'll have more loot on them. At times I can loot the same corpses all day long.
I'll check that out this weekend. What's your opinion of the latest DLC?
Bleh! Build 3 things for experiments and I think it's over. I can't build anything yet. I'm still trying to learn how all of the blocks go together. I did find a section of stairwell in a lower level and was able to put a building on it and fill it with beds but that's it so far.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:21:01
Bleh! Build 3 things for experiments and I think it's over. I can't build anything yet. I'm still trying to learn how all of the blocks go together. I did find a section of stairwell in a lower level and was able to put a building on it and fill it with beds but that's it so far.
The reviews said that this was a very huge area to build in. In your opinion, is the review correct? I haven't gone their yet.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:23:49
Hey Ducky, Any problems with that mod that expands the building areas of the settlements? I haven't installed it yet due to the release of the DLC's and patches.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:27:07
Bleh! Build 3 things for experiments and I think it's over. I can't build anything yet. I'm still trying to learn how all of the blocks go together. I did find a section of stairwell in a lower level and was able to put a building on it and fill it with beds but that's it so far.
The reviews said that this was a very huge area to build in. In your opinion, is the review correct? I haven't gone their yet.
Oh, it is a massive underground complex extending as far as University Point in one direction. I haven't checked the map when I was in the other locations. I think there are 3 workbenches but they are different than the settlement ones. You have to find the circuits to activate them and then clear a lot of rubble and cave-ins.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:37:46
Bleh! Build 3 things for experiments and I think it's over. I can't build anything yet. I'm still trying to learn how all of the blocks go together. I did find a section of stairwell in a lower level and was able to put a building on it and fill it with beds but that's it so far.
The reviews said that this was a very huge area to build in. In your opinion, is the review correct? I haven't gone their yet.
Oh, it is a massive underground complex extending as far as University Point in one direction. I haven't checked the map when I was in the other locations. I think there are 3 workbenches but they are different than the settlement ones. You have to find the circuits to activate them and then clear a lot of rubble and cave-ins.
Sounds like a lot of settlers are going to be needed to clear all that rubble out of the way. I imagine that there are new building methods and structures just for the Vault. Can you confirm this? When doing those experiments are you the "evil" guy or are you playing nice?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:43:31
I am in cahoots with the Evil Overseer Ghoul lady. She is absolutely shameless. There is a poor 'idiot' named Clem who volunteers for everything. I had him riding an excercise bicycle until an electric charge blew him halfway across the room. LOL When I saw Cait get on that same bicycle contraption to kill time I started to fear for my life.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 05:54:05
Zuhl3156 I am in cahoots with the Evil Overseer Ghoul lady. She is absolutely shameless. There is a poor 'idiot' named Clem who volunteers for everything. I had him riding an excercise bicycle until an electric charge blew him halfway across the room. LOL When I saw Cait get on that same bicycle contraption to kill time I started to fear for my life. 
Should put Nick on that bicycle and see if he would get short circuited. Cait may be charging her batteries for something (ahem) later.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 08:50:14
whiskers54 Hey Ducky, Any problems with that mod that expands the building areas of the settlements? I haven't installed it yet due to the release of the DLC's and patches.
I haven't played since the new DLC dropped. But I can speak of older mods like Far Harbor and such. If you are referring to the mod that expands the budget of the settlements, I haven't seen any ill effects. If you are referring to the mod that increases the physical build area, then DLC's will have no effect on that mod. BUT, that mod is settlement exclusive and only expands the settlements that the author edited. There is another mod that also expands settlement borders, but sadly, neither mod is being supported any longer.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/08/06 11:24:18